Friendship, gifts, rain and inspiration.

“went to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks

I went to my Aussie friend yesterday Wednesday to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks and to give them the “Birth-annonsment” I’ve made in cross-stitching during the last month (and I haven’t done cross-stitching in ten years!). They were thankful for the gift and it was cool to see them! 🙂


I also got a gift from her

The two of us, me and my Aussie friend went to our South African friend to “say good bye, see you later have a great year”-evening with some other International friends. Thankful I went! Not just that I had the chance to meet her again before she fly’s home to her mom in South Africa in two day, I also got a gift from her. A purse. A red purse! Some fancy brand also.


Red makes me happy.

So Happy for the purse!

A week ago when I met her she asked me if I would like some more movies at home. Well I can’t say no to watch a dvd-movie or more. I like to watch something else I haven’t already seen three times! So when I arrived to her (yesterday) she say, hey before I forget “here is the movies”.

it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven

Some hours later I was heading home, got a ride with two friends heading the same direction it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven during the time we where all inside, so it was a bit of a chock that the sky “was open” and it poured out on us. On the way home-ish in the car it was really bad raining! They left me in a spot close to my regular bus. Oh so wet I went in few minutes! I would say I was wet through all my cloths. Anyway, I made it home. I don’t know how you are when you been out in the rain you didn’t know of to come. But I am like this, If I get soaked wet I really want to watch a movie. Doesn’t really matter what time of the day it is. I think I was home around 11pm, and in the mood to watch a movie! That I did. And of all the movies I could choose from I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Fun movie! And you can learn something from it too.

“even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!”

I guess it gave me inspiration to see if I had something I could give away, because that was what I did (even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!). It is so often that I see something in my wardrobe and think “when did I use this the last time?”.  I have to say this is the first time in a very loooooong time I’ve done something just because I just seen a movie!

And I did find cloths I haven’t used in a long while and today it will go and put into the 2ndstore – Fretex container. What a good feeling when it’s more space!


What a good feeling to give away.
