Exploring my county, July 19th.

Left home 09:40am, bus 09:52am towards Sandnes bus & train hub. To catch a new bus at 10:13am.

Today I’ve been exploring 😊, walked in residential areas I never been b4. I’ve taken busses I just seen in Sandnes or Stavanger bushub. Seen where, e.g. Forus Arena is located (where most major concerts for Stavanger and nearby municipalities take place). And I haven’t been stressed just smiling.

Sola municipality, 10.30am.

The rain or wind wasn’t a bad thing. If I weren’t on a bus I found shelter πŸ˜‰

On a bus between Sola and Randaberg.

I did all this both becauce I have been wanting this since I moved back but also becauce I found cheap books online (via a website here in Norway where you can buy used things, a common website for the whole of Norway) for my upcoming studies which start in mid-August.

Randaberg square, not much here. 12.30 to 13pm.

When I got off the bus I knew I had to eat b4 I headed home-over.


PizzaBakeren (the pizza chain that started here in Rogaland) is my favorite and today it was a pizza with a thin crust.

I catched an other bus back in to Stavanger train station (13:05pm) waited maybe 20 min at the train station (13:20ish pm) and sat on the train home to Ganddal. On the train it was raining but my walk home were not 😊.

So I’ve got to see and explore and buy non-fiction / subject literature during 4.5 hours 😊😊😊 .

❄❄❄❄2022, Ganddal, Bore etc.

It started to snow Tuesday 6th to Wednesday 7th night here in Sandnes municipality and neighboring municipalities. Which it hasn’t in years and is so Unusual that when it happends you just have to enjoy it.

Kleppekrossen walk between “my” busses.

I managed to slide right outside my work, and landed on all four which means pain for me in my sad knee and sad wrist. Which led to one cruch to work Thursday and Friday… But hey, one or two cruches for me doesn’t mean I can’t work. I am to used to use them when I work that it’s just everyone elses question I have to answer.

Thursday morning.

The snow is still here, Monday 12th, and it has even come more snow this weekend 😍😍 and today. If 🀞 we are lucky. We’ll have snow for Christmas 😍😍🀞🀞🀞 and not just the cold temperature.

I enjoy every moment of this winter. And counting down (in my head) to the 21st when I go on Christmas holiday 🀩 .

Happines comes in different ways.

Maybe you remember the post where I told you about my newest machine, the overlocker.

Well, today started with headache but, I managed to get out. And managed to go to one of my favorite stores. A fabric and equipment store (which just have change theire name too) Selfmade (something I hadn’t reflect on until I got into the store)πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Happines comes in different ways.

Mine is sewing. Buy the things I need to sew. It’s like a candy store of happines.

So I bought this. My Christmas gift from ❀Mom❀. So I can start use my overlocker 🀩.

And pattern so I finally can learn to sew after pattern. πŸ˜„πŸ˜†.

To finish up some sewing projects that has been laying around in pails and waiting. And start new projects πŸ€©πŸ˜†.

I still need one important thing– a good chair… But I am getting closer 🀩🀩🀩.

I am HaPPy.