The re-design of the bead-dress (2023-2024), part one.

I got this dress after some of my old colleagues, last years work place (Bore school) when they had a ‘Change your wardrobe Day with clothes you don’t want but maybe your colleague like’

Which I got for free in June 23.

I took it out of my sewing project box yesterday (1st of January 24) to get some ideas of what kind of fabric could work on it.

After trying the dress on I figured I needed to change the fabric around the arms.
Second fabric… could work even more but…

And they both could work for sure! But it was not what I wanted. I wanted something more fun & crazy like me 😆😆.

And today (second of January) I went to my favorite fabric store to buy new needles 📍 and there it was! The cool fabric 🤩🤩🤩 and enough (2,8 meters) and on sale 🤩🤩🤩.

This will be so fun! I will do it so asymetric as possible. Orange and black is perfect! Playful, crazy and fun!

I bought this fabric in January and still in June haven’t I found the pattern I want 😔🤪 for this dress. I will use the undergown (the inside dress) because it fit’s me.

How the Lord can meet us and Heal us wherever we are when we come with Expectations.

November 12th to 18th.

I have been laying in my couch since Tuesday 7th (which you can read in the post before this one), been dizzy every day. Got an appointment with my GP on Friday (November 10th) a not so good day cause everything was spinning around. Both at the GP and after when I got home. Yesterday (Saturday) I managed to walk upright around in my home, first time since Monday 6th when I was working, but I had to support myself to walls or furnitures, dizzy every time I turned or turned my head normal = to fast.

Sunday 12th I have just been llistening to preaching from my home church on their podcast (between 11am to 12pm), about miricales when we come with expectations on what God can do when we pray.(while hearing those words I said in my head «I come with expectations on healing here and now»). How I felt God doing things in my head while I just listen to the preaching (I still have concussion when I type this) about healing. When I started to listen to that preaching I was dizzy in my head and I couldn’t whatch a screen and now approxy 30 minutes later am I typinging on my laptop. Doesn’t feel dizzy at all 🙂 . Amen.

How God’s power can touch us wherever we are when we hear about miricales and what God can do. When we believe on what God can do when we come with expectations towards him.

Hear I am in my couch, 12:30 pm Sunday, and the dizziness isn’t so intense as it was one and half hour ago! How God can heal when I come with expectations! I am looking forward to get up, not to fast, just be careful, and believe God has heald my head. That I will be able to walk normal and not feel dizzy or that everything is spinning. I am looking forward to be able to go outdoors for some fresh air, to be able to wear my glasses I haven’t wear since Monday (trying them on right now, I think it will take a bit time for my eyes to adjust. I will not force my eyes with glasses here and now. I will take in small steps during the day).

Monday 13th. The dizzieness is gone. Thank You Lord! From dizzieness to wobbly walking indoors, stumbling on my own feets… but have been able to walk each Day since last Sunday 🙂 . I managed to watch a movie on Monday with glasses on – a really good feeling – some good things has started to happend. But on Tuesday I was tired all day 😦 . Constantly tired. I even reacted on the light outside through the window. Until Tuesday I have had the blinds down cause it has been to light outside, but on Tuesday I wanted to try and get use to the light and get more daylight in.

Wednesday 15th.Today I managed to walk, wobbly, out to my mailbox and pick up the mail. A good feeling. I even went out with garbage. I was thinking to go and grab my cruches just in case I would try to go for a slow walk. But I neither got the cruches or went for a slow walk. I managed to order food from the online store (the only one who has that service where I live) with delivering on Friday. YAY.

Thursday 16th. Constantly tired again… Didn’t manged much. Sat in the couch all day. Watch some movie and series but not much. I did managed eat and drink coffee and juice othervice I was just in the couch. Got in bed around 10pm. Slept bad. We had snow coming down today, it didn’t really stay, but just the fact we had snow is happiness for me. How I “suddenly” could turn my head normally without feeling wobbly in my head – Yay! And how I have been healing in small steps! How the Lord provides for me in small steps! How thankful I am for every new Day with all “new” things I managed to do 🙂 .

Friday 17th a much better day! More productive Day! I woke around 9am, had coffee and breakfast, got food delivered 10.15am. Ran the washing machine. Was creative on the floor – YAY. Went out (Yes you read right), for a slow walk in my neighbourhood. Walked approxy 20m had a break for few minutes and try to enjoy the sunlight but it was a bit to bright for me. Went on walking slowly 20 more meters, a small break counting to ten, kept walking. Repeating my 20m with a break counting to ten. Walked approxy 100m in total, up the small hill (street) from me. Standing there trying to get used to the brightness. Waited maybe 2 minutes before i walked the same hill (street) down back home repeating walking 20m with a break. I was out for approxy 15-20 minutes. Totally worth it!!

Later that Day I got more and more energy to be creative 🙂 . I was creative in my couch until i «fell onto bed» around 11pm. I was finally tired by myself – happiness!!

Saturday 18th has started good! I just had my coffee and will have breakfast just now. And I will go for a slow walk after. Imy goal is to be able to walk to the nearest grocery store, which normally take me 7 minutes one way. Which now probably take me 21 minutes and that is okay. The grocery store in just few minutes from where I normally work as a substitutet teacher and where I will go on Monday. So I have to managed this.

My goal today is to get out and walk at least twice.

And he has blessed me with new friendship and food.

He helps us when we ask for help. He is with us when we ask him to be close.

Every evening before falling a sleep have I prayed
«Thank you Lord today. 
Thank Lord for the healing gift, 
thank you for letting me recieve it and 
thank you lord for healing me.» 
And «I come with expectations for healing me, 
thanking you for what you do with and within me, 
thank you for protecting my brain, heart and soul.

I believe that the Lord is with me when I pray this, that he is happy I am asking for healing and not just take it for granted. I believe God want us to come with expectations when we pray so he can do more in our lifes and that we can see he is with us when we ask with expectations.

And the goal for tomorrow Sunday is at least one walk and catch the local bus to Church. If I managed that I am really Happy.

Learning by misstakes, part 2.

So I went to my candycstore – selfmade – and bought what I needed and asked about the pattern. How to understand it and how it actually is gonna look, how to cut it right and then what kind of fabric I need under.

A lady helped me with all my questions 😊😊

And when I got home I started to cut new pieces and for one piece I had sew two together a seam you only notice when you know it’s there 😊

And I’ve overlocked all the pieces tonight.

Tomorrow comes the big challenge to sew all pieces together 🤪 a challenge I am both looking forward to and are totally scarred for.

But here are tonight’s picture after the folding the fabric right, cutting of new pieces, overlocking.

Folding the fabric right.
The edges fit each other 😊
Finished overlocking.


Project December 22.

I finally found the old doors I have dreamed about for years, this December.

Hoe the old doors look like when I bought them.
Sanded, first layer of colour on one side.
Golden door with one layer of black.
Table legs, 2nd hand, perfect.
2 of the legs screwed into the door, temporary solution with reused plastic bags from coffee as a temporary cover until I bought the plexiglas I need to protect the paint.

I can now finally sew. 😍😍🧵📍✂️

❄❄❄😍😍😍, December 16th.

Maybe you say “yes what about it” or “wow”. Whatever you think. It’s rare with snow here so I am like a child today. Happiness. Snow 😍😍😍. I can only enjoy it even if the bus was 20 min late just becauce of the snow 😆😆.

Winterland 22.

Overlocker, can’t wait to start my new season on sewing.

I have just ordered my first overlocker. Something I have been wanted since 2007-2008 and which will help me more with the sewing. =) =) =) =) Happiness!!! So mmany new options in the future. Thanks to my mom in heaven ❤ and the Christmas gift via dad, this was possible. ❤

Singer 14SH654 Overlocker

Can’t wait to get it delivered, but before that I will be needed to go and buy some thread and some other sewing equipment that I miss out having at home for my next sewing projects. =)

This is a really good start on a new year for me!!

In the meanstime I’ll start working again tomorrow January 3rd and I’ll be back into my normally routines, yay. I’ll also see if I can find a good office chair for my back so I actually can start sew when my overlocker arrives.

Just the thought of be able to finish up some long on going sewingprojects, yes! Oh, I am so glad, happy and joyful for this.


Creative and efficion Easter.

For you who don’t following me on Instagram only here.

As you know I am creative. This Easter I had a goal, to finish some of my sewing projects. Which I now have. 😊😊😊.

The red blouse with dots after a friend.

The black skirt after my mom.

The navy summer dress with pattern.

The second summer dress after my mom. The dress I remember her in, when I was a teenager.

Two or three sewing projects to spend time on, but those can take time. Or I need time on them before I know how I want them to end 😉.


What make you smile?

What or whom make you smile so much you just can’t stop?

BiRthDaY? Love? Work? Baking? The guy/girl? Cake? Spring? Skiing? Beach? Childhood? Summer? Friendship? Books? Drive? Drums? Songs? Worships? Flowers? Pets? Family? The sky? Being creative?

I am curious on what makes you Smile! Please tell me.

For me it can be a nice message in social media ora phonecall from a friend I haven’t talked to for a while. It can be to be creative or the buds in the trees. It can be at work, my cat, a seson. I smiles quite often just becauce I have things that makes me HaPPy.

I am so Thankful for my life. What the Lord is giving me no matter if it’s a challenge or just a regular day.

I really want to know what makes you Smile!!!

Happy Easter to all of You!!!

Colours in life.2.

My inspiration to colours in life comes mostly from some interior magazines.

This is my second book of inspiration, or scrap-book as most people would say, where I do my version of “the pins” you find online. I have to keep my inspiration or ideas when I find something I like. Most people who buy a interior magazines maybe keep it a month, I keep it for years. I go back and find something “new” I have not seen or maybe I did not like it when this magazine was new in my home..

Here is few pictures from my 2nd scrap-book… it’s a good mix of Christmas to how to organize flowers with candle ligths 😉…

Some ideas from my first scrap-book..

This is like a candy store for me.

This gives me lots of positive energy and it’s relaxing for me, it’s like to “go in to a hobby room” even if I just do this in my couch or sewing-corner. 😆😆😆


Colours in Life.

Sorry (to everyone who following my blog) I have not written in a while! I’ve been travel and time has fled to fast since last blog! It’s been a bit crazy with a new work-experience place…

Any way,

I don’t know how you see me, more then maybe a very creative person, but I love colours. Strong colours. And I need colours in my life. My home for example has colours and it’s not the ordinary home like everyone else. Yes, it’s my chaos with colours. 🙂 It makes me HaPpy. I have had a dream of a red kitchen since I was a teenager, I don’t think this kitchen I have in mind will be totally red in the future as I dreamt of but that’s okay. As long as I have one spot in red I will be happy.

You know how much I love the Autumn, which is a season of lots of colours therefor the featured picture of a leaf. Which leads med to the pictures I’m gonna post here, some may be pictures I’ve shared before.

Friendship, gifts, rain and inspiration.

“went to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks

I went to my Aussie friend yesterday Wednesday to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks and to give them the “Birth-annonsment” I’ve made in cross-stitching during the last month (and I haven’t done cross-stitching in ten years!). They were thankful for the gift and it was cool to see them! 🙂


I also got a gift from her

The two of us, me and my Aussie friend went to our South African friend to “say good bye, see you later have a great year”-evening with some other International friends. Thankful I went! Not just that I had the chance to meet her again before she fly’s home to her mom in South Africa in two day, I also got a gift from her. A purse. A red purse! Some fancy brand also.


Red makes me happy.

So Happy for the purse!

A week ago when I met her she asked me if I would like some more movies at home. Well I can’t say no to watch a dvd-movie or more. I like to watch something else I haven’t already seen three times! So when I arrived to her (yesterday) she say, hey before I forget “here is the movies”.

it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven

Some hours later I was heading home, got a ride with two friends heading the same direction it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven during the time we where all inside, so it was a bit of a chock that the sky “was open” and it poured out on us. On the way home-ish in the car it was really bad raining! They left me in a spot close to my regular bus. Oh so wet I went in few minutes! I would say I was wet through all my cloths. Anyway, I made it home. I don’t know how you are when you been out in the rain you didn’t know of to come. But I am like this, If I get soaked wet I really want to watch a movie. Doesn’t really matter what time of the day it is. I think I was home around 11pm, and in the mood to watch a movie! That I did. And of all the movies I could choose from I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Fun movie! And you can learn something from it too.

“even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!”

I guess it gave me inspiration to see if I had something I could give away, because that was what I did (even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!). It is so often that I see something in my wardrobe and think “when did I use this the last time?”.  I have to say this is the first time in a very loooooong time I’ve done something just because I just seen a movie!

And I did find cloths I haven’t used in a long while and today it will go and put into the 2ndstore – Fretex container. What a good feeling when it’s more space!


What a good feeling to give away.


Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!


New apartment – New projects.

New apartment – New projects.

Since I moved in in my new apartment have I collected the kind of furniture’s I want to use, re-paint and just fix. I have decided to keep my interior in four colors. Brown, Purple, Turquoise and Black mostly because I have white walls and want to have warm colors.


So when I moved in I placed an old couch which is brown in the living-room-corner I made, and started to paint my dining-table chairs… I wanted a contrast to the white table and the white walls. I tried on one chair and liked it, so now I on the finish-line of purple chairs.



From my old apartment I had three pallet’s outside which I now using as a couch-table and they are also painted purple to match the chairs. One of the pallet was black last year (outside) the second pallet I had pinned a red plastic carpet, for protection of the rain, this I ripped off.



Both pallets are now purple, the next step is to buy roller wheels to get up the table a bit, and to vacuum the easier underneath. And I have turquoise cushions, a good harmony.




Next step in this projects is to sew cushion covers in turquoise, black and purple so everything is matching. It’s okay for me to have various shades of a color. Get some green plants and paint the picture-frames I have. This project will not end today or next week, no this is something that will take some time as for most people, when you get settle in take some time. I guess I’ll might change some of the lights just so it fits the rest.

I saw a TV program few days ago where the interior guy said, a good thing to remember when you want to decorate your home is «1 form and different colors or 1 color and different forms» of the objects that will help the eye to see the total as one thing. And he is right. It is harder to see what is in the room when it to many colors and forms of the objects, you kind of get dizzy in your head, but if you get in to a room with matching forms or colors your head see «one thing» and your brain tells you «I like this» or «it’s harmony». It is so many homes where when you step inside just want to step out again as soon as possible just because of it is no sync.






One area at the time. Living-room and dining area now, hobby-room and bed area later. I guess it’s who I am…I like to fix and get it comfort and in one style to love it more and it is probably also because this is in my interest color and interior, furniture and make it «cozy at home» and a welcoming feeling for others.

So I’ll try to coop with this idea. But my home will have «bohemian style».


I bakhovudet viste eg om avtalen eg hadde seinare samtidlig som eg stekte proteinpannekaker inne og spraytelakkerte eg ute.

Sjablonar kjøpt på Panduro.


Orginal fargen var vær-bleket av sol og regn. Her er den spayet med turkis for å passe betre inn ute.

Sprayet inne i flasken.

Believe – på salg på panduro. Eit ord eg likar og som passer inn i livet mitt.

Flaske sprayet på utsiden.

Kjedelig blomsterkorg i ny farge.

Orginal potte.

Sprayet potte.


Når eg er inne i ein hobbybutikk som Panduro, så tenkjer eg ofte at «når eg kommer heim skal eg bare prøve litt og sjå koss det sjå ut». Det ender ofte opp med at eg gjer meir enn eg tenkje fordi eg er i gang.

I går var det akkurat sånn. Eg var innar Panduro kjøpte spraylakk og sjablonar. Kom heim å skulle «bare» sjå koss det ville sjå ut viss eg spraye ei potte. I bakhovudet viste eg om avtalen eg hadde seinare samtidlig som eg stekte proteinpannekaker inne og spraytelakkerte eg ute.

Å sjå når eg sat meg ned ein stund…fått ete litt og måtte straks etterpå, tenkjer eg på alt dette.

Tide rekker liksom ikkje te når eg «bare» skal gjere ting.

Korfor kan eg aldri lære meg? Korfor må eg alltid gjere alt når eg kommer heim? Korfor kan eg ikkje bare vente te neste dag å sjå koss det blir?

Eg blir så ivrig når eg har kjøpt noko som eg vil teste ut. Det spiller ikkje noko roll om det er tekstilar eller spraylakk. Bare det og tenkje ut kva eg skal gjere, ta meg tid, prøve litt og vente. Det liksom eksisterer ikkje i mitt hovud. Og eg veit at eg alltid har vuri sånn.

Som lita jente var eg enda meir utålmodig. Då ville eg at alt skule skje med ein gong. Vente var eit ord eg ikkje likte.

Men no er eg jo voksen. Burde ikkje det hjelp på ?

Tydeligvis ikkje.

Det virker som som at sånn eg var som lia jente fortsatt er der når det kommer til å teste nye ting…
