Locked back and sciatica pain – unable to go to work.

Isn’t it tipical that when I finally find a job, a job as a substitute teacher and substitute learning assistant my back crash?! I spent time in both my bed and couch yesterday (Thursday 21st of September) and by time to go to bed it was nearly okay 🙂 but it was one thing I really needed to do. I needed to wash my hair, and that was painful!! And I kind of knew this would not benefit my back at all. But to wake up today day with even more pain… oh I get so tired of my back 😔😔🤐😡🤬 Have no words.

If it only was that I can’t go to work. But it isn’t is it? No! I need to pack, clean out things like cabinets, my fridge, bathroom cabinets etc… 🤬🤬🤬 (sorry for the emijos, but they describe how I feel.)

I am so annoyed on this life!! But I will not get depressed or think to much about it I will be thankful to life. I have what I need right now. A friend went to the grocery store for me yesterday so I have food 😊. I have a home 😊. I have a roof over my head. I have friends that care 😊❤. And a God that loves me. ✝️

To be grateful despite tiring when life doesn’t become what you hope for…