I need and want to work, but are home with fever.

This week started good I thought… but in the afternoon Monday (11th) I got fever… I had to go to the farmacy after work – medication, which sadly led to more fever.

Here I am home today Tuesday (12th) and will be tmrw too. I’ve watched Chicago P.D. and I am tired of that now. I am also tired but can’t fall a sleep 🀐🀬. Hungry but no extra energy πŸ˜πŸ˜”. Think I’ll be home at least tmrw and Thursday.

I got cold on my feets this last Friday and that was sadly it 🀬 . I can only pray πŸ™ this fever dont stay’s in my body for 14 day’s as it has been b4. I need and want to work.

12th of December 23.

And got a blessing the day b4, and went down town and bought Winter shoes on Saturday. They are good 😊 but that didn’t help much… Annoying situation!

Home with spinning head, from Monday November 6th to Friday 10th πŸ˜”.

November 23.

Home with spinning head…

Went to work on Monday, was substitute teacher alone in a 5th grade class. Got a bit heavy for me πŸ˜”. My brain cooked after 3 school hours πŸ˜”πŸ€―. And at my break 11:50-12:20, I couln’t think straight. Lucky me I had an other teacher with me in the last two school hours of gym πŸ˜…. But I was by accident hit by 2 handball balls to my front head. I didn’t think much of it when I got home cause my head was still cooking from earlier and I felt on some burnout symptoms. Around 6.30pm, I went to get something to drink from the fridge, and in that moment from the couch maybe 7 steps, my head just started to spinn like I had drinking alcohol πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯Ί. I had to sit down fast.

I have been home since. The spinning isn’t as intence as on Monday evening, thank you Lord for that πŸ™βœοΈ, but it’s still spinning πŸ˜”. And offcourse did I have other symptoms like hotflush (perimenopause) and 🀒 which in my head was becauce of the cooking brain.

πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™ watching me while I am home ❀

So today, Thursday November 9th, I called my GP and got an appointment tmrw Friday. And just incase I ordered a cab (taxi) to be able to go and get back home.

But you know what, after that I managed to make and drink a small cup of strong espresso-coffee (I write it lik this cause I didn’t cook it as a normal espresso on a stove, I did it with coffee filter) my head is spinning less and I have managed to type this!😊 Which is the longest in 24 hours I’ve been on my smartphone without been needed to stop after few minutes 😊. I am still laying in my couch typing but yet 😊.

I am thanking the Lord for every hour that I get better and I believe of healing. But it will be good to see my GP and know what’s going on with my head. I hope I can be back working on Monday 13th.

Outdoor day in the sun with the 2nd graders and teachers, ended not good.

april 19th. Was yesterday. Outdoor day in the sun with the 2nd graders and teachers, We startes to walk from the school yard around 09:40am with a temperature on +10 degrees celsius. A 45-60min walk in the sun…, cause some walks fast and some walks slow… And I walked with the D-class (they are A-B-C-D with approxy 20 students in each class). Everyone exept me was pleased for the warm day a head of us. I did what I could to prepar for a sunny day before I left home, but I also knew the consecvenses that would apear.

Heatstroke at work… :-/ it was a fact around 11am with a temperature on +14 degrees in the shadow! getting warmer each hour. **The forest-park-walley we went to doesn’t have much of wind so it gett hot/hotter then outside the walley. The first symptoms are that I’m boiling, then dizzy, then feel feverish and feel a little cold. Because I walked with one of the students with a diagnose, when everyone were heading back home or back to the after-school-program after 4 hours, we (me and the one student) were lucky to go by car half of the way back to the School, in the car it was an other 2nd grade student with the same symptoms as me, which is sad. I always feel sad for kids because I have been there myself. It’s always harder for kids who wants to play around but gets sick of the sun.

Then a little goes by and I mostly just feel discomfort in my body for a few hours. I left work around 2pm, (temperature up on +16 degrees celsius in the shadow) and I normally work until 4:30pm on Wednesday’s. Bought an Ice-cream while waiting on the 2nd bus. Tryed to cool down a bit. On the bus home the nausea came back. Got home around 3pm. *Does not sweat like a normal person when it gets hot from the sun.

Then the real frost comes a few hours later, around 3:50pm to 5:10pm under 2 wool blankets in the couch… freeeeeeziiiiing despite the fact that my body is boiling and I would probably really have sweated if it wasn’t I don’t do that… (according to the weather app, it was +17 degrees Celsius in the shadow at 6pm.)

Managed to take a warm shower around 9pm, but instead of feel warm after as I normally do I kept freezing with a hot-boiling body. Went to bed at 11pm.

Woke up hot and nauseous 07:14am today, April 20th. Home’n’sick from work 😦 .

Took something for the nausea 8 o’clock but is still nauseas…08:40am while I started to write this… to nauseas too eat or drink my coffee 😦 The weather app says it’s already +10 degrees Celsius 9am today…. I were home and didn’t do much. But managed to go to work on Friday.