Birthday gift to a friend.

I am not the person that go out and buy a gift therefore I had figure out what to sew on Tuesday (June 11th)  so I knew it would be done on Thursday (13th).

I found some jeans fabric in two different sizes and sew them together with red thread.

Made the pattern myself,  just thinking what do you need when you’re cooking.

Found an old shirt to make ties for the apron. The apron is size XL.

It was hard to know if the tie around the neck would fit so I saved some length to be adjusted if needed.

All the pattern have I made by sewing forward and back to make the letters. The pocket is also a rest-pieces of jeans fabric.

The giftcard also upcycling. I used one side of a coffee bag, glued it on thicker paper and used it as a giftcard πŸ˜‰

In total the Birthday man was happy for the gift. I am looking forward to see him use it even if he said it was too pretty to use.

The Birthday party was yesterday,  Friday June 14th.

Continueing…I got a new job.

Faith that holds us.

(Got home approxy 11.30, sat in the couch and they called me back 11.59am(!))

And the school had allready called my references and wanted me. I said yes, mostly cause I had no other work and cause I felt the Lord had open this door for me. This job is on a new level of age for me and activities both before and after school. A system they have here in Norway. I know about it but never worked with it, so it’s totally new for me. I feel like the Lord is challenging me to do something totally new! In the same time as I am curious about the tasks as I am exited about how I can teach younger students to be creative. I am quite tired on teenagers right now so a younger level in school might fit my brain for a year. This job is from 1st grade to 6th grade (age 6 to 12) literally nothing I have worked with before, maybe this is just what I need, maybe this is the age I should work with. I don’t have a clue so I guess we’ll just see how it will go. ^^haha^^.

But than, it comes to an other thing. I (we – me and my cat-boy) need to move again…. nothing I really looking forward to, but is neccesary cause the distance is to far to do everyday without a car! So in my head I want to find a place that is approxy fourtyfive minutes from Stavanger and fourtyfive minutes to work by local transport, which we have a good system on. The question is, should I live in the same county or just on the boarder to my work county?

And this is once again, how the Lord works in my life when he open up for a job cause He knows what I can do and how I can be challenge. It’s a praying answer. It’s a sign of having faith and trusting His ways not mine. And I know that He will open up the right door for the next home too. He knows whats best for me both in distance and what my finacially situation will look like.

Interview day, June 29th-22, Bore.

I had a bad night, didn’t sleep well at all πŸ˜”. Have maybe slept 4,5h πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ. But didn’t have a problem to get up at 06am. 😊 Had enough time to get ready, eat breakfast and catch the bus into town at 07.14 am. It was🌑+14Β°C when I woke up and it can be +24Β°C.

It’s Wednesday, June 29th 08:13am. I’m on the train towards the interview. The sun is up. It will be an other warm day… The train takes 30 min going south from Stavanger to Klepp county. And the school I have applyed to is 7 min away from the train station.

Bore school yard.

The interveiw was at 08.40am ish, for approxy 30min. As any other interveiw I’ve been to, I asked the Lord for the right words before I got there and so I said what I got. Walked around the school yard before I went back to the local bus, back to the train and texted my referenses that this school would call them the same day.

I got on the train further back home with a small break at the bushub in Stavanger for some breakfast and energy πŸ˜‰.

Got home around 11.30am and 11.59am the school called and offered me to work with them πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ😊. It went crazy fast!!

The nxt day I headed towards TrΓΈndelag county…

On the bus to one of the Malls rang my phone…

I have had 5 day’s of Summer vaccation today. I have enjoyed allmost every day so far. Yesterday wasn’t fun! Headache all day 😦 But I managed to get out and buy paracetamol :-). Today started a bit better. I got my strong coffee and breakfast, charged my Smartphone and headed out around 1.30pm. Shopping was “on the list”. Not just shopping for fun, oh no only what I really need for this Summer and the trip I’m going on in few day’s.

And by the way, as of today in Norway, there are aircraft technicians who are on strike, so if you are going to fly, you “should” have booked a plane that is not on the ground.

I booked a flight in the beginning of May, took a chance and booked with a aircraft that is quite new on the marked, but well, so far is zero of the aircraft technicians in strike. Maybe the Lord was with me on this or I have just been lucky?!? My flight leaves on Thursday. But before that!!

On the bus to one of the big Malls here in Stavanger, was I listen to a pod as normal, rang the phone. And I couldn’t take it, why? Well the whole bus was crammed with kids (at least 40 of them with aduldts) talking. I went of the bus, checked the voicemail and I called back to the number. One of the Schools I have had Applied to in the last two weeks called me! And I got an interview!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Wednesday morning, June 28th, 08.36 will I arrive and start the interview. It takes me a bit more then one hour to get there… but it will be worth it! So if I get that job I will be needed to move again, but I think if the Lord open up this for me I’ll move to some place in-between of the school and Stavanger. But first the interview.

The peace I’ve recieved the last few days, June 9th.

I’ve got peace to stay in Stavanger municipality an other year, if that means I’ll stay where I live right now (on the island) or that I’ll move into the city I don’t know yet. What I still don’t know is where I’ll work. The job I have right now ends the 31st of July. Yet I do have peace over the fact I’ll get the job the Lord wants for me.

Does this mean that I’ll keep working with yought? Don’t know. Will I keep working in the School? Hope so, but don’t know.

Which path wil become mine?

Maybe I’ll become a substitute teacher somewhere or maybe I’ll get a job with yought like “after school hours”. Just the fact I’ve got peace helps a lot!! Last year I was so stressed about this thing “where will I get a job” and now I am in the same situation and I will just rest in it and see where the Lord is leading me. I am still applying to jobs of interest but no stress. And I have figured out I shouldn’t work more than 80%. Which also helps.

I am still applying, and won’t stop until I get something. But I feel more openminded about what I can and maybe want to try than I have been feeling for the last months. πŸ˜‰ And I still have peace over the job I turned down, that it was the right thing to do.

I have been praying over this “Lord where will I work nest?” Because it is a bit frustrating some days to not know. But now, I just know it’s okay to just trust the one who have it all in His plans. So whatever everyone asks me I’ll answer I don’t know but it will be fine.

And my sparetime, well offcourse it would have been nice and easier to have the driving licence but hay, I take that when I have time and money. I will try to explore as much as possible this Summer by train, bus and ferries! I will not aloud myself to just be home and do nothing just because I don’t have a car!!

Life goes on and I’ll enjoy mosts days. πŸ˜‰

Online dating (is annoying)…

Right now I am just frustrated and annoyed…You know how life can “kick your as” sometimes… My is like that today. Got very annoyed already yesterday cause of a man I’ve started to talk to on a dating app and than on messanger on Friday evening. He very keen on a date and than 24 hours later no respond at all. Why and how come? Well I don’t know. Have no clue. Therefor am I very annoyed and frustrated. An I thought if I wrote about it (and maybe someone have been where I am could give me any kind of feedback) I would feel a bit better. Because thats how I work.

And I have to say it already helps. πŸ™‚ Just typing it helps. But offcourse if you give me any feedback I would love that too!! πŸ™‚

Why is it so that most people on a dating app are so not polite? Just because one write something the other person you write to, doesn’t like what you wrote, than it’s fine to totally ignore that and in worst case block that person? Since when is that polite? And if you met in real life??? I just don’t understand!!

Just because you are online, does that mean you can be rude to everyone?? It’s not just on a dating app, it’s others blog or other type of social media. Since when??

I doubt you would do that if you met the person. I wouldn’t. Am I trying to be “to polite” online? Am I rased in an other world, I am not rased by to beliving Christian folks so I can’t say my childhood is or was very different than most.

How do you think about this? Do you have any experience? And what would you do?

Anyway, I got an other date, today. And I am looking forward that. We have planned to just walk along the seaside and get to know each other. I might tell you how it went after. It’s not just about to date someone to see if you fit each other for me, some of them is worth a date just to get to know the other person. Maybe I get a new friend I can hang with who knows?

I will not say “offcourse I am looking for a man for the rest of my life” because I can’t say “for the rest of my life” cause I don’t know how long I live or if I’ll meet the “right person” now or later. I think most people should use other words even if I totally understand why people use the term. I have since I moved to Norway wanted to meet a man, yet haven’t that happend. I have been living here for fifteen years in September. Maybe I haven’t been ready as a person. Whatever reason I haven’t met the “right man” yet I guess is only the lord who knows. And I have come to peace with that fact, that whenever I do meet this man, I will be ready both as who I am and as a Christian. Wheneever it happends life will be good, I will be in a good place and mostly I am not stressed about it as I actually have been… And annoying family members has been more stressed. The different between me and my family is that they have been wanting a “good man who can give me kids” without asking me if thats what I wanted. They have just been assuming that’s what I wanted because “I am a christian” or because “I am a woman”. Which sucks!! I have since I don’t know, been wanted to meet a man with kids from before and not get my own once for years and years.

I am just whishing for a man with kids from an other relationship, sorry if you don’t like that. But the Lord have given me peace so I live with that.

Some of my bonus family totally undestands me others don’t and that’s okay. I live my life.