2nd Advent, Hundvåg/Stavanger.

My hope yesterday was to be able to go to Church to the eleven service, did not happend. I woke up with a sore back 😔. Next to a locked back. So I’ll stay in the couch for some hours. It is the only thing that helps. 🤪🙂.

The good thing is, I can blog, relax and watch some World cup Skii 😉 and do some other more important things.

I have during the last ten years, learn to enjoy the day’s even the less good day’s when it comes to how much I can or can’t do with my body. And I am thankful for what I can do.

The lord have given me that peace.

So, don’t stress with things just becauce someone else think you should. Enjoy life becauce the Lord has a plan for this day in your life!