Resume of my “reading”.

January 10th, Devotional was about Directions for life. Knowing what’s the importance of getting good directions. To follow God’s directions for life, and you will enjoy his blessing. The words that got stuck in my brain from this devotional was: wisdom, love and talk the truth.

January 11th, Devotional was about Your Double Blessing. William Shakespeare captured something of the wonder of mercy in Portia’s speech in *The Merchant of Venice*. The quality of mercy is not strain’d. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is *twice blest*. It blessedd him that gives and him that takes. You and I are blessed when we recieve mercy and you are blessed when you are merciful to others. The words that got stuck with me was: Are there times in your life, when you are really struggling and nothing seems to be right?

January 13th, Devotional was about Trust God to Put Things Right. Crosswords are somethings easy and sometimes we get stuck on one clue we can’t give up. Yet we move on to the next clue. And every time we find an answer it helpt us in resolving some of the other clues. In the end we are sometimes able to solve most of the puzzle. In one way, reading some difficult parts of the Bible is like trying to solve a crossword puzzle. Rather than getting bogged down in a tricky section, you can use the passages you do understand to help you resolve some of the more difficult ones. The best part is that *God will put things right*.

My thoughts from today (13ths) is this fits me and how I have tryed to read the Bible not understanding what I have been reading. And I’ve got in to a morning habit, a good one. While I walk to the (public) bus, sitting on the bus towards work I listen to the Devotional. So far so good. I can’t say I remember everything or a lot but some words get stucked. And if “today’s devotional” is over before I reached work I listen to worship to be filled up with God and knowing I am his child where he has put me – my job.

Today january 13th, I felt for listen to my favorite encouring preacher Chad Veach of Zoe Church on Spotify (I think you can find him and his Church on youtube too). He was preaching about *Highs and lows* in life with one of the questions “Do you want a vision, a prophetic vision for 2022?”. How to resch out to the Lord and ask for my prophetic vision for 2022.


January the 5th-22

On my way to the bus this morning I thought I should try something else than just one of the podcasts I normally listen to on the way to work. So I found one of those app’s on my Bible app. This one, Bible in One Year 2022 with Nicky Gumbel – Classic.

To read the Bible in one year have never worked for me, but I think that if I listen to one Devotional with bible verse each Day. I have a bigger chance to actually manage this.

So here I am, have listen to Day One.

This isn’t one of those “New Year Revolutions” oh no! I will try it and I’ll hope I don’t drop out. I didn’t fall a sleep while I was listening. That’s a good start! Some of it was Josef’s family-tree (Which I never before manage to understand but did better with this time!)
