12th of December, -22.

Words from the Lord.

Today I have been thinking of the word grace. How we use it and how we use it. Mostly “we can recieve grace from the Lord “, but how can we use it in our daily life as christians? Well, I think that by being thankful for what the Lord is doing in us every day we recieve grace and by grace we can reach our co-workers in a higher level then they understand. So, what is my piont? Well, I say pray for your co-workers every day and the Lord can do miracles.

Lord help me write.

You know when you want to say something to someone you care for and don’t find the right words?!

Well I had that moment today.

So I said, Lord help me write the words for this someone. And the words came. Not everything at once as normal for me when I ask the Lord. 🙂

In about one and a half hours later,I had written down all the words God gave me. Words I wouldn’t used. Words that very much was right on the spot. Words that describes a picture, which is the way the Lord uses me to give ferinds a greeting from the Lord when I pray for them.

Those words from the Lord to this someone went the same way. Like a greeting from the Lord to me trusting that the Lord knows the best for both me and this someone. The Lord just know how to show me, how ask a simple question and He is answering. Not the way I thought but in the way I needed to just let the words come from Him. ❤

So whenever you don’t have the words ask the Lord and He will give you them.
