Sussi-P 🐈2010.12.13-2019.02.16

In October 2016 did I start to look for a new cat, a cat that could live with me and Silver. I found Sussi-P.

She came to us the 3rd of October 2016.

She showed me her personality quite fast. A bit stubburn, always on her terms.

Curious in many ways.

She showed me she loved to go for a walk. I will miss those. I was planing a walk with her today. 💔💗🐈

She loved to play with water.

She slept on my legs when I was sleeping. 💗💗💗

She slept in my lap in the afternoon. 💗💗💗

I have not had such a cozy cat as Sussi-P. 💗💗💗

And today, she was just gonna jump from the table. Didn’t land on her paws. 😢😢😢😢 Stayed down 💔💔😢😢💔💔 did not move 😭😭 did not breath good 😭😭 I could not help her. 😭😭

She is gone.

Laying there like she is sleeping. 💕

I will miss her kindness, cozyness, her way of being Sussi, my girl.

She stop breathing 12:38.

Rest In Peace., Sussi-P.

I will remember you well. 💓💕💖💗


Life and Lost.

The last days has been different at “work”.

On Sunday I got an allergy reaction in my throat after I ate some food-snacks and I realized it must been nut in it.


Bad bad bad.



I had a similar reaction in my throat fifteen years ago on chic-peas. In that time a deathly reaction.

This was nearly the same feeling but I didn’t go to the ER as I probably should have done…

I went from “work” one hour before I was suppose too. Send an email to my boss about what happen on my way home. I just went home cause I thought I had medicine at home, didn’t find it but luckily the swelling went down by my normally allergy medicine.

Monday morning when I woke up the itching was still there so I phoned my doctor, got an appointment. Got there and got good medicine that was helping fast. 🙂 Went to “work” did my hours and everything was finally fine again.

Tuesday came and now I woke up with a bad red, swollen foot.. I thought it would go down during the day but it didn’t, so after the busy time on Tuesday between 7.30pm and 9pm my foot was so red and swollen I just had to call the hospital I had my knee surgery at (in February-13). They told me that I should go to the ER asap so I asked my co-worker if it was okay and he said “health first work always survive” and the night staff would be there quite soon anyway.

So I went to the ER. It didn’t take as long time as I thought it would (which it normally does). But when I met the doctor at ER the foot wasn’t so red any-more. The blood test was negative which was good cause then I could leave and try to get home. I knew that “my bus” didn’t go any more cause of the time of the night but I catch the tram to the central station and then the metro to the closest stop of walking distance. I had a good walk back home and a good chat with God.

Even if those days has been different I am thankful for the health system here in Norway and that I can get help when I need it without high bills.

Today Wednesday was my relaxing day and recharge my battery. And I have.

But when I checked Facebook I got a chock. A quite close friend have just past away. He and his wife was one of the first couple I got to know when I moved to Norway nine years ago. They kind of become extra parents to me. I have been looking up to them as Christians and as marriage couple. And now he is gone. He became 50+… I can’t really understand it. A cording to what his wife wrote on Facebook he was injured at his work in his head and brain.

R.I.P Danny Danson.

Prayers goes to the families. Lots of LOVE to everyone close to this family!


I just had to go for a walk, clear my brain and talk to God. I am still a bit in chock.


To be there for a friend.




To be there for a friend.

Yesterday was a sad day for one of my girl friends.

She lost a family member… She called me right after she got he sad news and I just said, come over to me. You should not be alone. She came and we just were. We talked a bit, watch the television and she slept over. I just couldn’t let her be alone the first night. And I feel so sorry for her lost. I am sad in my heart for her and her family’s lost. And however she feels when she is back in Oslo, I will be there for her. She will need the support and friendship just more to get through the heavy part and be going, do the daily things feel the meaning and be loved.

The lost.



How important it is to stay close with friends when you live in an other country then your family has been more and more important for me. And especially when a family member dies and you can’t be there when it happens. That just so much more important.

To be there for each other.


Make sure that your friend feel safety. Let whatever feelings to be okay. Take them in even if you don’t feel you have enough food, space or however you feel.

The friend needs you.

And i realized that I am so thankful for closest the friends I have here in Oslo that has become my family. That whenever my mom will not be a part of this world anymore, I know I have friends that will be there for me as I were there just now.

Family is not just the biologic ones. Family is those you have around you. The friends that support you whenever you need it. Family can be your Church, your closest friends, bonus siblings etc. Take care of them!

