New Year’s eve 2022 & 1st of January 2023

What happend in 2022? Well a lot! But I won’t write about it here, if you are curious, well read my blog.

New Years eve 2022 will be most like most other new year eve’s at home with my cat that are afraid of rakets and fireworks.

2 hours b4 midnight (10pm, 22).

I wish for a good, interesting, fun year of 2023 and that I managed to do my “to-do-list” for my body and that the Lord continue to guide my steps wherever that leads me. I am agaist those New Year’s resolutions lists. I have never managed to hold on to the kind of list and I have never understood why they are so popular. I am looking 4ward a New Year and what will come with it. Up’s and down’s. Time when I don’t understand or doubt, time when life is good and fun and everything in between. Becauce I trust the Lord.

Let’s celebrate 2023 all the way and not forget what we got from the Lord in life to actually be here!

Let’s enjoy life no matter how it turn.

Let’s stay positive through rough times πŸ’.

Let’s enjoy the small things in life different then other things in life.

Be happy, Trust the Lord, Walk with Him not away, Enjoy Life, Have fun, be sad when you need or cry, Sing worship to Him who given you a New life, be Creative, drink Coffee if that helps you to stay focused πŸ˜‰, Love life and those you have around you, be Thankful, get angry if it helps you to move on but don’t stay angry, Enjoy the small things in life, do things you never tryed b4, keep calm, Laugh and have fun with friends, Live, dream big, show others you care, be inspired by others & inspire, Bake if it makes you happy, be with those you get energy from, Be Blessed!


Advent 2021

It’s been some time since last, sorry. It’s have happend a lot! I don’t even know where to begin…

Sadly I don’t even know when I posted here last time… anyway. I have put up my Christmas curtains to get the feeling of Christmas. And after months of not been able to sew I finally borrowed a good quality cushion from work to sew this last Friday. 😊.

I will hopefully start the prenium version here on wp after New Year so I can publish pictures again. 😊. And share my life better.

In the mean time you just have to coope with this.

I started a housechurch in October and the Lord is using my gift to those people.

And after a long Autumn with back issues did I finally managed to go to the 6pm service yesterday (November 28th). 😊😊.

Next step is to figure out if this Church is my new home and if what the Lord has prepared me for the last 6-8years, will be in this Church.

I am excited to see what the Lord has for me here! I am looking forward to see and have experence with the Lord here!

I love this city. Love to be back! And I know I am in the right place when it comes to work. πŸ˜ŠπŸ™.

Stay updated.

The Lord will use you when you ask for it!

Take care, love people you have around you, no matter nationality!

Spread Love it’s December and we all need to feel loved! ❀