OMG! I got an interveiew on the British School!😍🙈😍

I can’t really believe it’s true. Last time I applyed I got an deny. And I didn’t changed much on my application! Maybe it wasn’t so many that applyed. I don’t know. But I got it- interview! 😍😍

I read the email just before I fell a sleep last night (31st of August). I am so thankful to the Lord that I kept pushing myself to apply.

Woke up 1st of September still smiling. And even in the evening (10pm) calling a friend it hadn’t landed 😆😆😆. I am getting there – with the feeling of I actually got an interveiew.

Meanwhile I have other challenges to deal with or sort out or figure out. But I will not do it alone cause I trust the Lord and I know He will both guide and provide for me.

And I am moving 🙂🙃 and this time I’ll stay there for more then one year! It’s the perfect apartment!! 2 bedrooms, open kitchen – livingroom, bath bigger than I need 😆😆, parkinglot (not commen) and the best to last, a terrasse without a lot of sun 😍😍😍😍. 🌳🌳🌳🌳 just outside the windows 😍😍😍. I love it!!

It feels like the Lord have improved and keep blessing me with places I need every time I move. 🙏. This one is also lower rent then most around in the same suburb 🙏🙏. Walking distance to bus stops or a 20min walk in to the city center 😍😍 perfect for CouchSurfers or friends to visit. Coast line walking paths 5 min away 😍😍.

In 2010 I worked nearby where I soon will live, so I know some part of the suburb. Love the nature in this suburb!!

3,5 schools that are interessted to have me on their subtitute teacher list 😍😍 , one school is in walk distance from my new home 😍😍.

I don’t know how this Autumn will end but I am fully trusting the Lord. He knows my path and that’s enough for me. 😊😊.


Oh my, it’s been forever since I wrote here. 😣😕 It’s been happening so much… Where shall I start?

Gathering boxes for the move.

I’ve moved. From Oslo to Bærum, Høvik = West of Oslo. It’s closer to work from here. The 21st of March with a blessing of friends helping me. We made the whole moved in 3,5 hours!

From March 16 have I had homeoffice 🏠💻. All becauce of CONVID-19. All schools in Norway closed March 13.

Went and bought some flowers for my outside, b4 the Easter.

This week we just past 6 weeks (!) with homeoffice / homeschool.. The last two weeks I’ve been 2 hours at the school (my workplace) in combination og homeoffice, to help students that struggling the most with the digital homeschool situation. It’s been working fine. 😊

It feels good to help those who struggle the most. 💜


Here comes some pictures from this periode and my new neighbourhood.

The street to the train station.
My cat-boy Silver exploring the parkinglot.

After the move, I felt like I was swimming in piles of laundry. I still almost all the durty sheets unwashed. 😣

But how lovely it is to dry the laundry in the garden when it’s sunny!

To live where I live includes a lot of work in the garden, which I like. It’s like therapy for me. And It’s easy to spend two hours outside and not just take care of all the trees but also talk to the Lord.

But it’s also so much beautiful things like those buds.

Today is 1st of May.

Yesterday evening was rainy, continuing the whole night and I think it still was raining this morning while I was sleeping.

It’s Labor day today in Norway, stores are closed, people are out and I am gonna explore more of my neighbourhood and beach area.

I started my day with coffee & breakfast and listening to my favorite pod cast with two famous people in Sweden. #wahlgren&wistam. I love it becauce it’s funny and I guess it’s becauce it’s Swedish.

Time to log out and let you read.


Thoughts in and about life.

Different thoughts has past my brain the last two weeks about what I could write as a blog this time. Thoughts like how my moving-day went, how it is to do a re-start to get to the gym again, what my thoughts are if a guy shows me interests and how I react or not react to how fun it is to have enough space and a cat. I am not sure yet how this blog will end, but it will be one. Maybe a bit more random blog then most of them.


The moving-day went well and we were done after four hours of carrying all my stuff from the basement to the attic. 60 stair steps up and down.

A good workout that day!


I had to put my cat Silver in the bathroom until we were done, just so he would not be in the way. I do not think he was happy with that, but SO happy when I let him out.

It was kind of cool to watch Silver when he starts to wander around, a discovery tour of the apartment nosy as he is (he is a cat). But it was not as popular from his his side when I started moving furniture. But then here one and a half weeks later, after we moved in here, he is as usual. He feels at home.


An other thing that have past my brain is how grateful and thankful I am for the moving! How thankful I am to have such a good bunch of friends that could help me with my moving. I feel blessed for those friends.

I am also thankful for my land lord he is a great man! He has blessed me every-time I am late to pay my rent, only late because I have not received my monthly money from the government support-system.

I am so blessed to live here! In so many ways. Good neighbors. Generosity from neighbors etc. The house it self is not in the best stand but the neighbors are awesome! Easy to talk to and get along with.


It is definitely more space for Silver too, which is the noise of his play I wakes up to around 02.30 am… but he also sleeps on top of my legs when he sleeps a hole night.


He loves to sit in the window when it is open by approximately 10 cm. He does not try to get out but love to smell everything he’s not used to.

He is so curious to watch what happens in the courtyard. For example, he likes to sit and watch when Greta (landlady) runs out her car from the garage, walk out of the car, shutting the garage door and go back to the car to then reverse out of the courtyard. This takes maybe 5 minutes, but Silver find it so funny to watch.


As I wrote above have I thought about how I react and what I do if some guy trying to show that he is interested in me. I have been hurt before as many others, and I think that I would love to just drown in his eyes whenever the guy trying to get in contact with me. But I also know that if it is other friends around I don not dare to do drown. I know that’s the only thing I would love to do, to sit there and just sink into his eyes.

The look of love.

So how do I react then?

Well I trying to meet his look for few seconds and then I go back to the others like nothing Happened. But inside of me I am happy and insecure of «is he really interested in me?»

I know me. I need something specific from the guy to understand he is interested in me. Like a card with few words, text-MSG with a smile of love, coffee-date or similarity were he put words on what he thinks or likes with me. And the best is also if that also fit’s him as a person to do.


Why am I so sky when it comes to like someone? Why can’t just be myself when I am such an outgoing person the rest of the time? Why is it so difficult to see how love looks like in different people? And why is most Christian guys so careful and slow?

I mean it is great they are careful to make sure but how am I supposed to understand what a guy means when I need some specific words or «hands up» to understand. I am not that kind of girl that analyzes every tiny word or detail or eye-contact that a guy do or say. No. I am to realistic there. I see the situation and try understand the situation and if I don’t understand I leave it to God.

The things that helps me is bible verse like those (below)…





March updates and Easter.

But now it is almost Easter I will have a perfect time for a blog with updates because I will try to have a Non Media Easter as much as possible.
I just have been in my packing mode... and still am.

This is how I feel.


So, what have I’ve done since last blog… well that is a good question! I have been sewing a lot for customers, for myself and I’ve been packing more then less every day and I have been going to the gym twice a week.

Re-sewed tiny baggypants to really baggypants.

what I’ve sewed in February.


Re-sewed 2ndhand cloths.

to the left, “when you only need one pocket” & a mini toilette bag.

In January I started this «non media fasting» because I got challenge to do that. February was not a month where I was «away» from media as in a week or not even seven days in a row. But I was not checking Facebook or Instagram every day which is in the right direction I want. I don’t have the need to post new things and I don’t have a need to check what’s happening on Facebook every day, which is the most often places I visit. And to realize that I don’t have a «need» is so relaxing! But I will try my best to not be on media this Easter, which I wrote in the beginning of this blog-post.


relaxing cup of tea.

Ten years back I was a very social person. I just had to be social with friends, later-on I was «hooked» on Facebook which isn’t good either. Now I just enjoy to be home take it easy, sew when I feel for it or read a good book. I don’t «hang» with friends more often then twice a month and those times are most likely a movie night during the dark part of the year or a rainy summer-day. I meet friends from Church every week except when it’s Easter or and other Holiday because I have a House Church I’ll join. (House Church is a smaller group of people that meets from Church once a week in someone’s home, we share the last week with each other, praying for each other and sometimes we also sing.)

smile  little things

March came and is nearly gone… and I can’t really say what I have done more then I’ve got in to a good rhythm with going to the gym… I was a part of a Christian Conference for Woman that is called Jesus Woman (Jesus Kvinner Nordisk 2016) in Oslo, Norway 


and then few days later my back «crashed» because I was overdoing what my back could handle a pertinently… But I am doing fine now and trying to walk a bit more now when the snow and ice is gone.

It is for real Springtime outside. I love it even if I have some problems with the pollen.. And the rest of this month, I’ll actually pack the rest of the boxes and all that’s left to pack because I’m moving next weekend. I’m not moving far, but I upgrade from the basement apartment (on 25sqm) where I live now to the loft apartment and 15sqm bigger. 🙂 where I will be able to have a room just for my creativity! 🙂 and I will also go to Sweden and get a cat from my bonus baby-sister. And I haven’t had a cat in 19 years (!) but it will be nice to come home to something I’ll get feedback from when I say something.

My tower of boxes…

Cat-carrier and Silver I receive during Easter.