35th Birthday again πŸ˜‰

Pictures from my Birthday the 3rd and the continuing celebrating the 4th of May, waiting on and being with friends.


Baking the cake the 2nd of May to my collegues.

Picking wood anemone with some students on my Day to the Basar we had at the School.

On my way back home, I past those beautiful “new born buds”.

A Birthday gift, gift card, cinema ticket 😍

4th of May.

In Oslo, the National Theatret place, eating a ice cream waiting on my friends.

…the National Theatret place…

At my friends place.

Birthday dinner.

Gift and β˜• and πŸŽ‚.

Happy Birthday to me πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰


I like to plan and have overview.

I’ll be in my city Oslo this Christmas too but this Christmas will I both do things and afford to do things. 😍 Last year I had to stay in Oslo because I didn’t afford to go away for X-mas. I made it and survived. 

I have a plan.

I will go on a day trip to Sweden and by typical Christmas food I like and grow up with, before the Christmas weekend. It will be nice to “get away” just for a day too. I am already looking forward that and planing. But first I have to finish for the Christmas Holiday in the Hotel. I have Holiday from the 18th of December until the 2nd of January. I don’t think I have had such long Holiday since school-time, ten years ago or longer! 😍

The smartphone was a early X-mas gift to myself but I will also finally by a kitchen machine I have been wanting for at least the last 3 years and not been able to by. Looking forward to be able to bake more again! (Not the most expensive but it’s a start). I ordered it yesterday (the 5th of December). 😍😍

I will join some Christmas party, go to the cinema by myself or maybe with friends, watch movies on the television, bake, live, enjoy life, relax, sewing and I have to apply for jobs… but I believe time will fly fast ☺ and I have my cats so I am not alone 😍

It’s a bit sad in one way that I can’t celebrate Christmas with my own family (brothers and kids because of my cat’s 😯) but I’ve done it before… I will and have to stay focused and positive.

To you who read my post or blog, I wish you a Great time in December and in all the preparation for Christmas!
