Online dating (annoying or not), part 11.

August -23. Just as I was ending my profile on the dating app I started to talk to this, well quite interesting man I thought then…

I have deleted my profile and will have a break no matter! Tired of slow Norwegian men and other fake men!! I need time to pack, move, pack up and time to settle in in my new home. If I go back to a dating app at all, well time will show. I don’t need to stress finding a man. And is everything else in my life I trust the Lord to guide me into when it’s time for a new round with online dating. I have other things in life I need to spend time and energy on.

We talked on snap and it sounded prommesing that he wanted to visit me, up to the date of his arrival – today the 8th – but he didn’t respond to any of my snap’s after 3pm. I went in to Stavanger to sign my new house contract and told him on snap that I could wait nearby the train station. Which I did for almost 2 hours!! Before I gave up 8.20pm and took the train home. He hasn’t respond to any of my snap’s for the past hour or two and now I’ll ignore him as he has ignored me! *if he realky want to visit well answer!! Ifell my mouth is dirty in words and can only use those to express my geelinhs right now; 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

It’s not the first time 😥😥😥 I hope I’ve learn my lesson!!

I am now home making late dinner and gonna draw and watch telly to calm down and txt close friends 😊.

I hope that you who following my post of this theme, have got help through my thoughts and faith. But also listening to the Lord to give you advice. I hope you will find your true one out there one day! Just remember to not stress about it, giving the Lord your heart so He can guide you and you not becoming desperate!! That’s the worst kind of singel people Christian or not!