August 23rd – 24th.

A short update.

Yesterday (22nd) a friend and previous colleague asked me on messanger (facebook) if I would be interessed in a talk with the leaders of her school, cause they looking for staff. I answered, Yes. Just give them my numer.

Today 23rd around 08:30am I recieved a txt msg, with the question “if I would be up for a talk?” I replayed, Yes, and when I could today. Today didn’t fit him (one of the leaders of the Christian School) but tmrw the 24th.

Sandnes habour, 5:30pm, 23rd.

So, tmrw 24th I’ll have a talk with the leader and the principal, 2:30pm. Maybe this is the door the Lord have for me?!

O don’t want to panick, I want to be able to trust the Lord all the way to a job. Faith is what carries me forward. Faith gives me motivation to keep applying.

Yet, I know I need to do something about my situation without the education which is the lowest level for such jobs. I need to find a solution to be able to find the money to register as a private individual and take the exam… the registration dates which are just around the corner – in September. And I need to make a decision if I should or not should to study special pedagogy which starts nxt week… cause I will not do both. The special education will not give me a professional certificate as I thought when I signed up for the course 😔 which is what I need. Many things now… please pray 🙏 the Lord helps me to clearity, if you read this post and are a believer.