August 29th an other deny/refusal of work…

…made me feeling low yesterday and today. But you know what? I talked out loud my frustration to the Lord and …

Some food.
Some painting.
And then application (s) 😉.
I just needed to be a bit low to be able to rise up again. With new energy and motivation ❤🙏✝️.

The Lord knows us to well to know what we need ❤😊.

New apartment – New projects.

New apartment – New projects.

Since I moved in in my new apartment have I collected the kind of furniture’s I want to use, re-paint and just fix. I have decided to keep my interior in four colors. Brown, Purple, Turquoise and Black mostly because I have white walls and want to have warm colors.


So when I moved in I placed an old couch which is brown in the living-room-corner I made, and started to paint my dining-table chairs… I wanted a contrast to the white table and the white walls. I tried on one chair and liked it, so now I on the finish-line of purple chairs.



From my old apartment I had three pallet’s outside which I now using as a couch-table and they are also painted purple to match the chairs. One of the pallet was black last year (outside) the second pallet I had pinned a red plastic carpet, for protection of the rain, this I ripped off.



Both pallets are now purple, the next step is to buy roller wheels to get up the table a bit, and to vacuum the easier underneath. And I have turquoise cushions, a good harmony.




Next step in this projects is to sew cushion covers in turquoise, black and purple so everything is matching. It’s okay for me to have various shades of a color. Get some green plants and paint the picture-frames I have. This project will not end today or next week, no this is something that will take some time as for most people, when you get settle in take some time. I guess I’ll might change some of the lights just so it fits the rest.

I saw a TV program few days ago where the interior guy said, a good thing to remember when you want to decorate your home is «1 form and different colors or 1 color and different forms» of the objects that will help the eye to see the total as one thing. And he is right. It is harder to see what is in the room when it to many colors and forms of the objects, you kind of get dizzy in your head, but if you get in to a room with matching forms or colors your head see «one thing» and your brain tells you «I like this» or «it’s harmony». It is so many homes where when you step inside just want to step out again as soon as possible just because of it is no sync.






One area at the time. Living-room and dining area now, hobby-room and bed area later. I guess it’s who I am…I like to fix and get it comfort and in one style to love it more and it is probably also because this is in my interest color and interior, furniture and make it «cozy at home» and a welcoming feeling for others.

So I’ll try to coop with this idea. But my home will have «bohemian style».
