A mix of the latest pattern I’ve done, July23.

I have more energy after approxy 6pm mostly and therefor I’ll start with my projects later in a Day. For the last day’s I’ve started on “finding the right pattern”. You who sew probobly understand what I mean. For the rest of you, when you buy an old pattern you get a sheet of all the different parts in one sheet and then the challenge is to find all the parts. You’ll see in the end of this blog what I mean.

The first pattern here is; Linen pants in sand color.

Linen patns, my leg lenght (91cm or 35 ⁵³/₆₄ inch).

I measuredd my waist, cut a 10cm wide waist, fold it and sewed it and then I thought how cool it would be to sew a more fancy fabric on the inside. Both for fun and for comfty.

Fancy fabric on the inside of the waist.

I thought the same thing for the pockets.

The same fancy fabric on the inside of the pockets.

So I will sew pants in linen in my lenght 🤩. My legs are tall, cause I am 6″2’1 or 189cm. (My torso is quite tall to for my hight, which will be interesting when I start to sew more fitable dresses ^^haha^^.) My innerseam on pants are 91cm or 35 ⁵³/₆₄ inch = tall woman ;-). I got a par of linen pants years ago but they ar ea bit wide in the waist… and this summer I got linen fabric from a girlfriend and yes there we are. 🙂

The 2nd pattern & the 2nd dress here is: “fancy dress” the white curtain.

To find the right pattern isn’t easy…
But I did it 😍 Do you see the lines I filled in? That’s the pattern.

Happines comes in different ways.

Maybe you remember the post where I told you about my newest machine, the overlocker.

Well, today started with headache but, I managed to get out. And managed to go to one of my favorite stores. A fabric and equipment store (which just have change theire name too) Selfmade (something I hadn’t reflect on until I got into the store)😆😆

Happines comes in different ways.

Mine is sewing. Buy the things I need to sew. It’s like a candy store of happines.

So I bought this. My Christmas gift from ❤Mom❤. So I can start use my overlocker 🤩.

And pattern so I finally can learn to sew after pattern. 😄😆.

To finish up some sewing projects that has been laying around in pails and waiting. And start new projects 🤩😆.

I still need one important thing– a good chair… But I am getting closer 🤩🤩🤩.

I am HaPPy.

How aware are we of what we saying?

Sustainable Life: Relationships

The tongue has power over death and life.

We need to think of how and what we saying in the meeting with friends, new people, Church and family. We need to think what is coming out is it positive or negative?

Presence of positive moments.

Make sure you make positive moments with whomever you meet.

We must take care to replenish with positive words in the day, do not use negative words. Be conscious of what I said.

Why fails to stumble? What is it that makes me repeat things, words, situations without thinking about what was done?

Do they (I) mean everything they (I) say or do they (I) just say something to have something to say?

How aware are we of WHAT we say when we speak?


If we want a change we must GO to the source!

What the heart is full of what the mouth is talking about.

I hope this is as inspiring for you as it is for me. We always need to be reminded of this! To be able to live close to the Lord we need to open up our mind.


Creative July 2019

July has nearly past.

A quite efficient month when it comes to sewing and redesign.


In the beginning of this month I sewed this toilet map that I use for my medication I need to have close for all kind of reasons, I did it by night just because I can, was awake and it’s Summer. 😉 The fabric was once a rain jacket, and now re-designed. It works perfect for it’s use!



This is my tunic (below) that before was a dress, long enough for me but I didn’t like the end of it so I cut it off and hand sewed the edges but after that I bought silk-needles for sewing machine I managed to sew it better and it looks even better now. I’m happy I managed to get over my *hate off silk.


Here, below, is two sewing-projects that I nearly just started. To the left, African cotton fabric that was a tunic and that I want to become Summer pants. To the right, also a tunic before with pattern I have sewn on to become shorts. Fabric linen. we’ll see how that goes in the end.


This is an other silk top project that I started last Summer and I just had to pack it away in last August-18 not really finish. And this July I finished it, by taking up old stitches, sew again, made it fit and shorten it. Now I’m happy with it and can pick up other projects that need to be fixed before I start to work in the middle of August-19. 🙂 (picture below)


In August it will hopefully be some more projects that has been on pause for a while, I can’t wait to start. I’m so thankful for chilly days like today and I’m hoping for some more. Warm day’s means less work for me, so like today when we have +18C I would have been sewing but not today… Maybe tomorrow.



Summer 2016, lost sewing projects.

This blog-post will be repeated more then once but with new pictures and new text during this summer as an update of “what I found and finished up”.

I wanted to sew a skirt or a jacket but I have to keep my budget strict this month, but during my search of an interesting pattern and not to complicated I found a bag of what I thought was just fabric. But oh so wrong I was, it was a start of a par of pants I stared on I think last Summer. Linen fabric, just so nice a warm Summer! Also something I have been thinking of “do I have any linen fabric at home?” And there it was. Such a nice feeling! I think I stopped those projects most because of lacking space and now I do have just that. Space. I have a hobby-room! 🙂

So I found my iron and started the new “face” of those pants. Iron them, sewing them together as far as I manage before my back “said” pain.

So this blog will be about all kind of “lost projects” I will find in all the hidden bags or boxes of fabric, which is quite much. I’ll also try to build a cloths-hanger during June because lack of space to hang my cloths, to my walk-in-closet by re-used parts from a bookshelf from the -50’s in metallic.

Lost-and-found project 8th of June;

Linen pants a part of each other…

It start to look like pants.

build a cloths-hanger parts 8th of June;


bookshelf’s parts, drill, measure-band.




/Mia-Simone Svenberg