August 6th, walk – listen to preaching- cleaning my brain.

I just need to clear my brain with you. The preaching is about how God is repeating himself to get us to respond. Really interesting from Elevation Church with Steven Furtick.

Pictures a long my walk…

A lovely walk path around a small country side lake in Norway.

How the water helps me become calmer.
How much I smile seeing those cute 🐑🐑🐑.

How I love this view, half way around this lake. Time to blog. Share “my nature” with you.

Thank you Lord for peace for whatever comes in the way in my life. Thank you Lord for your love and protection for my life. Thank you Lord for letting me see and understand warning signs. Thank you Lord for life no matter what it looks like. Thank you Lord for you repeating yourself for me to respond. Thank you Lord for whatever job you can see me doing and where you can use me and my knowledge.

I trust you Lord cause I know you will provide what I need and no more.

Thank you Lord for protection. Thank you Lord for you surroding me with your love. Thank you Lord for resturaction. Thank you Lord for that you repeat yourself. Again and again. ✝️.

A mix of pictures from the last weeks.

From the preaching with Elevation Church online, February 19th.

Spring signs and the sky. February23.

Reparing wool socks.

The light has been coming more each day this last weeks and the mornings has been so beautiful in the sunrise.

I’ve been able to walk a bit more after work, not every day but I do enjoy it every time I do short or longer walk.

For me it isn’t how far I walk, it’s about to do it, to have the extra energy in my body.

New Year’s eve 2022 & 1st of January 2023

What happend in 2022? Well a lot! But I won’t write about it here, if you are curious, well read my blog.

New Years eve 2022 will be most like most other new year eve’s at home with my cat that are afraid of rakets and fireworks.

2 hours b4 midnight (10pm, 22).

I wish for a good, interesting, fun year of 2023 and that I managed to do my “to-do-list” for my body and that the Lord continue to guide my steps wherever that leads me. I am agaist those New Year’s resolutions lists. I have never managed to hold on to the kind of list and I have never understood why they are so popular. I am looking 4ward a New Year and what will come with it. Up’s and down’s. Time when I don’t understand or doubt, time when life is good and fun and everything in between. Becauce I trust the Lord.

Let’s celebrate 2023 all the way and not forget what we got from the Lord in life to actually be here!

Let’s enjoy life no matter how it turn.

Let’s stay positive through rough times 💝.

Let’s enjoy the small things in life different then other things in life.

Be happy, Trust the Lord, Walk with Him not away, Enjoy Life, Have fun, be sad when you need or cry, Sing worship to Him who given you a New life, be Creative, drink Coffee if that helps you to stay focused 😉, Love life and those you have around you, be Thankful, get angry if it helps you to move on but don’t stay angry, Enjoy the small things in life, do things you never tryed b4, keep calm, Laugh and have fun with friends, Live, dream big, show others you care, be inspired by others & inspire, Bake if it makes you happy, be with those you get energy from, Be Blessed!

🎆🎊🎊HaPPy NeW YeaR🎊🎊🎆

Small taste of my daily life.

Here comes a small taste from this week so far. Today I ‘m home from work with a bad heavy headache caised by the coming weather change 😔😔😔. And the only thing I can do is to knitt 🧶 not to much for my head.

1st picture; today 24th. 2nd; last night Silver was cl7mbing the wardrobe. 3rd & 4th;we walked yesterday after I was dobe working in a good temperature of +10°C. 5th & 6th; Spring signs. 7th; yesterday’s temperature from the morning. 8th; Mo4ning light.

Sunday, March 20.
Saturday, March 19th evening walk back from the store.

Spring time, April – May 22


I start with this collage of pictures from yesterday May 1st 22. From my walk 8.15 pm, for 45 minutes 😊. A walk I needed more than normal, becauce I had a big need of air. Fresh air.

Lots of things has happend since last post 🤪, so I will do my best to remember as much as possible.

House Church evening.

After a long not planned break with my House Church, did we finally have a House Church evening 😊. Those pictures are from the Island #bjørnøy , the sunset and the daffodils 😊. (*not planned break becauce most of covid-19.)

The last piece of my Cheesecake, pre-birthday cake.
Stavanger in ☀️.

April 27th was a sunny day with some wind and not to warm.

Beautiful flower.

The day’s between April 13th and April 23rd,did we have a temperature between +13°C & +20°C. Something that doesn’t fit me… I did try my best to enjoy the 🌡 & ☀️.

April 7th, 22, ❄🌨🌧☁️☀️…😂

My week before Easter Break is here and this is some of the things I’ve done so far. I am sew embroidery on my favorite sweater on top of stains I’ve tryed to get rid of for many tears without luck. So some upcycling and updating was needed here. Becauce I love this sweater.

I bought me my first ice cream for this year becauce of ☀️ after a morning of ❄🤪.

I sprained🤬🤬🤬 my ankel at work and walk on it with so much pain 😔😔😔. Had a good night with no pain 🙂 but after I woke up and had to walk on it the pain came back 🤬🤬🤬 so I’ve used crutches today and will do it tmrw too. Resting in the couch now. Walking as little as possible today.

….If it is slow internet or a bug here at wp today I don’t know, but slow is it….

My Easter break starts this Saturday, April 9th. And my plan is still to catch some busses and train and explore more of Rogaland county. See places I wanted to explore last time but never took the time to do.

I’m broke until Tuesday, which means I have to wait to buy something for Easter decoration & flowers outdoors next week. Which probably is smart with my sprained ankel.

It’s all about which path you choose…

…for me I never know where the Lord wants me

I have also started my job-hunt onece again…

I am looking & applying for a new job, wish to work “in the next level” from high school. The Scandinavian School system; it’s called High school when we translet it, it’s the age of 16-19 y.o. students.

What you call it I don’t know I guess it depence on where in the world you live it has different names names.

Autumn is here again

Some pictures from the last weeks.

Bridge in Bærums verk.
The river that runs through Bærums verk.
The Autumn is coming.
Mid day Sun.
Just some love from the nature.
The walking path between the gym hall and Eienåsen school.
Bryn Church, Rykkinn, Bærum.

Those pictures are from my two work places. If I walk past something I like I take a picture.

Next to the School.
View of Rykkinn.
Sandvika river.
Bærums verk.
The stream in Bærums verk.
Bærums verk around. Walk with student.
Heart Cloud.

And that was it for this time. Hope you enjoy it.


It’s already December (!)

It’s been happening a lot since last post… time flies to fast!

It’s December first of all!

And only 1,5 week until Christmas break (!) How did this happend?

No Christmas calender yet and probobly not at all. Well I survive, will you?

It’s has been ❄every 2nd week and ☁️🌧 every other 2nd week. Kind of how it was last year this time. ☹

But the mornings and evnings has been beautiful.

I did buy a fake Christmas 🎄 tree this year. A 150cm tall tree 3rd the size from previges year.

🙂 I have been so much into my work and when I finally have had free I’ve just been relaxing and enjoying I’m free.

And with free time have I been able to catch-up with life, friends and enjoying the Winter veiw of Oslo.

And color my hair back to my absolutly colour – red.

I don’t know what the next post will be about. You just have to wait and see.


My journey those 8,5 years in Norway.

It’s taken me all those years I have been living in Norway to understand why God wanted me to live here in Oslo and not on the countryside or in a smaller city. It has been a journey of its own to understand and to grow into. I can’t say I love Oslo, today but I can say I have started to understand what God wants for me in Oslo.

I grow up on the countryside in Sweden, and I have never been comfortable with the thought of «be living in a city». But here I am. I have started to like the thought and I think its more to come on that area.

I have been given pictures about my life here in Oslo during the last five years I have been living here since I moved back from Stavanger on the west coast. Pictures about whats gonna come in the job-area, how to live, were to live and even “the big thing” about marriage. Not who I am gonna marriage but more about to be married which for me is a bit scarring in the same time as I am exited to that. To get married and have a family. That’s my future and it’s not now which in one way is a relief…on the other hand I am looking forward that day with Joy!

I am still a learner of what God wants to give me in my daily life, by friends, through Church and HouseChurch and by my family. And I am willing to learn. As most people you do want to grow as the person you are the same with me. I love learn new things in life and about life. I love to be challenge so I can grow and I also like to get feedback on what I am not doing so well, so I can work on that to to better or be better.

If you have a job, mostly you get feedback on what you are doing right or wrong but as a job-searcher you don’t have that kind of feedback. It makes a bit harder to know how to be better.

God have showing me why I live in Oslo right now and why I shall stay. This is a for me an interesting path to walk on, to learn more about and get wisdom about. He has showing me by giving me “Passion on my heart” for teenagers, more love to teenagers, to focus on the next generation in different areas. I still don’t know where and how I am gonna use my knowledge. I just know this is from God and it will be a part of my future here in Oslo somehow.

I have been asking God about jobs outside Oslo area and clearly received pictures (because that’s how God is given me feedback) of different areas of Oslo where God wants to use me. He has every time drawn me back to Oslo when I have prayed about it to get wisdom, he has drawn me back to Oslo as “my city” where I shall work and live.

I think one of the clearest answer was when I got an offer to switch apartment in the same house I live in, after months of asking God for a new apartment that was a current size and not to expensive. Only God knew what I needed and he open it up for me exactly when I needed it as most.

So now I move in April this spring! I do it in faith.

To understand this has taken me few months… and it’s worth it! So even if I still don’t have a job I know where God wants me. And I just have to keep trust him for my future.

I am exited for what this years has to come with. I am still as exited as I was in December about this year! Exited about what God will do in my life. Exited to see how he will guide me, bless me and make my path during my walk.
