Prayer answer August 2022

Sunday’s weather, ☀️🌡+27°C to +29°C, I had a house show… 🥵🥵🥵🥵. A really good show of an apointment much bigger than I could imagen! Light and fresh. 3 bedrooms, kitchen with open layout to the livingroom, huge bathroom with laundry machine. My first blessing it’s under my budget 🙏🙏🙏.

If you read my post from July 31st, the Lord gave me a greeting “I will bless you”. When my question was where should I move to get a shorter distance to work. And today’s show was the answer!

I had to write a pro & con list and the pro side was twices as big as the con side 😆😆. I felt peace when I walked in to the basement apartment. I knew this was it. Under my budget 😊 actually the same rent as I have here at Hundvåg. 1 month of deposit, bigger which mens I’ll have a spear room for being creative and being able to have guests 😊😊. I’ll be able to use the smallest room as a indoor storage and maybe a bed. The kitchen has a good counter space and instead of a normal (too low for my legs) kitchen table I’ll use the counter/island 😊😊 an other dream will come true. The only con that sucks is that I will not have my own garden spot but the apartment is chilly/cold as I need.

Bigger blessing than this haven’t I had in years!

The Lord knew my wishes from years ago. And he knows my future.

Walking path along a stream, which I can walk on my spare time 😊.

The 2nd blessing is my house church! And those who has both a car and a trailer and some others that can help me move 😊🙏🙏❤.

I texted the lady who rent it out, late yesterday – Sunday – and said I would like to rent, and b4 I got off the bus this morning – Tuesday – I got her answer. I can move the 27th of August and wash out where I live now the day after 🤩.

Monday’s bible vers from the daily prophetic word’s : Watch for answered prayer and unexpected blessings to start flowing over the next few weeks.

Which actually just started 😊.


My prayer for today.

Oh God, I feel so lost, in this world, this season. I am trying to trust you and what you gave me this eraly Spring. Trying to not freak out, trying to seek you.

I don’t know what happend, when it happend or why. I just know it happend.

You gave me a dream, you gave me two pictures about my future. You challenged me to resign and trust you. Here I am doubting and feeling lost…

And when I pray, it’s like I’ve lost my prayers, lost my prayer language. How can I get it back?

I miss IMI Church in Stavanger. I miss Rogaland county. I just want to go home to the only place in Norway where I ever have felt like home.

I ask you to open up the right door for the right school. Asking you for love, wisdom and more patience.

Before I walked into the school, I stopped had a short prayer for today. It helped. 😊.

I made an decision to not think about any of all applications. To just enjoy the day with whatever came.

I got my prayer language back (fast prayer answer) 🙏. I got an positive email, not from an job I have applyed to, still positive. 😊.

I have made up my mind to 1, give away & through away 2/3 of what I own. I am moving. I migth not have a job from august 1st, but it’s getting okay in my head. 2, keep only 1/3 and start fresh in my new home whereever subarea that will be. 😊

And today has been okayand calm. 😊.

Thank you Lord.

My blog-journey.

When I started to blog I did it clear my head, not really to get people to start following my blog for sure! But here I am, few years later with around twenty followers!

It’s been a Journey, my Journey to figure things out. A positive exploring journey. Where I have had to trust Dad’s Word to me, to listen to what He says and understand that this is what He want me to do not just for me but also for you who read.

It’s about to share the good and fun

and bad or sad

things in life.

God has given me the gift of greetings to other people. He gives me uplifting words, pictures or Bibleverses. He has also given me prophetic words back to me through friends this year – 2018.

*The first greeting I got this year was; the 28th of April.

I did not really understand, so I Said “Dad if you give me the same message 3 times I know it is from you, but you also have to show me clearly what this is about.”

*The second greeting came in June and *the third in November.

All with the same message:

“I will make your Creativity bigger”.

Was I or Am I up for a new challenge?

In November and December I started to see clearly and understand what Dad wanted for me and this blog. When more and more of you who are now following my blog. I understood this is my challenge, my gift from Dad my Lord. This is what He wants for me.

This is the greeting “I will make your Creativity bigger“.

To share.

My Dad, our heavenly Father, has spoken to me, to share my Christian life, my Daily life to inspire others. To follow Him and let Him guide me.

I do not know my future but I know He will guide me and give me the right words.

I am not good to read the bible… But Dad has pointed this out to me;

“You are willing to hear my voice and do what I ask you to do, which for me is better then to read and not understand the words.”

Not that I don’t want to not read the bible. No no no. I want it but I fall a sleep ☹️ no matter what time it is. It is all about to get good habits. Which for me is to read through the Bible-app and read uplifting week-plans.

So now I’m looking 4ward to next year and the year after that! With Dad and this blog. 😊

I wish you all a Happy New Year🎇, Happy life🎉🎉, a good relationship with Dad our heavenly Father where ever you are around the 🌏🌎🌍.

I will Try to post more often then until December-18, which was special. I hope my blog will be full of inspiration and that you will let your network know about me, if you like it. 😉


August – Prayer answer.

patince,faith, trust


August Prayer-answer.

Time flies fast, when you have fun or have something to do.

It was first of August just now, well at lest in my head, life, world. But it is the twenty-first! That’s more then half the month. Where did those days and weeks go?

I started as a trainee in a hotel here in Oslo the first of August and I love it! It is a big prayer-answer! Friends have been with me in prayer for this for so may years! It has been a journey with God, where he has tout me how to trust him on 100% and not less. How God has provide my life, financially, with food, with getting to a doctor when I was to sick to catch a bus and a friend drove me. It is so much God has shown me and how great it is when I trust God.

It has been my journey I needed to learn to trust God more.

To understand that this is my foundation for my faith in life. Most people would maybe get mad or crazy to not have a job over five years. It has been a journey with tears, joy, struggles, “whys”, many prayers of “open the right door” and “close those doors that shall not even show some lights”. But I have to say, I have always something to do, one of the things is my customers and secondly is every project I start where I live. And I have been taking some courses during those years, but manly I have trusted God to get into some-kind of work-experience where God wants me, can use me. And here it is. The answer.

As I said above, I have started as a trainee in a Hotel here in Oslo. I love it! It’s fun even those days when we do not have so much to do. Even if my wish was that it would be more that happen during those days I guess that in one way it is good to be here as a trainee in Oslo’s smallest Hotel in the way that it does not take long time to get in to the Hotel-routines, but and yes I have to say but. But I wish it was more going on manly because I need it. I am the kind of person that need the “busy time” to refill my battery (energy) I get energy of meeting and helping people, and here at this Hotel does it feel like everything goes in s-l-o-w-m-o-t-i-o-n or a better description is that when the guests are arriving do they not come everyone in the same time (which is normal) or not even close to each other. A normal day few guest comes maybe around 3pm when we start the in-check and then its a long gap (more then an hour) until next group of guest comes, it can even pasting more then two hours before next guest…

In the same time these days going so fast and I only do four hours per day.

I will start with eight hours next week, which is a bit scary for me. Manly because I have not been working for the last five years, have had back-issues since the summer of 2000 and the worst pain the most recently in the last two years.

But I am to curious to start on those eight hours per day. I am curious and anxiety in the same time about how it will go. And I am to stubborn to not try.

The 17th was my free day – off work. A day I priority to go to the gym, for my health. A routine I got out of during summer, a routine I now struggle to get back into. I miss it so much! But I guess it is normal with new routines in life whatever it is a new job or studies, to get the time to reach to do those things that makes you happy or build up your life in a long term. I guess it is normal when your weeks looks different.

Anyway… I am looking forward to get into a work-routine my body manage.

I received a message from a friend through messenger on Thursday this week, where I had told here about my struggle to get a new routine in my life. And she answered that “it’s normal before all new things get into routines about everything in life” It was just so nice to “hear it” from someone I know and someone who has been in the situation quiet recently.

An ironic detail happen on Thursday.. I managed to get off work thirty minutes before I was suppose to get off. I guess I just was just tired in my head or that I had an other day in my mind. I realized that on my way to the bus so I called the Hotel and talked to the guy in charge. Which in my mind made it normal to think I will start thirty minutes earlier on Friday. Something weird happen there, I can still not say what happen.

During those days at the Hotel have I learn out-check, in-check, double-checking the booking system the hotel is using, where all the rooms are, how many it is, how many conference rooms we have, overbooking, where the fire signs are and some more. How close everyone in the hotel is working together no matter if you are in the housekeeping or in the restaurant. Which also means that “your routine” is not always the original routine, it can be to help someone else in an other ares. Quite many new things, I have got to know around twenty-five new colleges and started to walk much much. All good things in life.

This is how to Relax!

Today is it Sunday, laundry-day and relaxing, charge my energy-day. I have realized that when I am at the Hotel I do not have enough energy when I get home to do more then necessary like eat, maybe check my email, maybe order things that I need (that other people rather buy in the store) to keep up in life. But it is okay for me. Life is to short to think about what other people think I should or could do so I do not do that.

For the future, I really hope and wish I will be able to start to go next to the night-shift worker in a sooner future then I had in mind when I started three weeks ago, and that the night-shift will fit me as much as I think it will. Because that has been my dream so many years now…
