It’s already December (!)

It’s been happening a lot since last post… time flies to fast!

It’s December first of all!

And only 1,5 week until Christmas break (!) How did this happend?

No Christmas calender yet and probobly not at all. Well I survive, will you?

It’s has been ❄every 2nd week and ☁️🌧 every other 2nd week. Kind of how it was last year this time. ☹

But the mornings and evnings has been beautiful.

I did buy a fake Christmas 🎄 tree this year. A 150cm tall tree 3rd the size from previges year.

🙂 I have been so much into my work and when I finally have had free I’ve just been relaxing and enjoying I’m free.

And with free time have I been able to catch-up with life, friends and enjoying the Winter veiw of Oslo.

And color my hair back to my absolutly colour – red.

I don’t know what the next post will be about. You just have to wait and see.


Autumn, my season 

I love the Autumn and have since I was a kid. It is something about all the colours, the rain and the air. 

It gives me more energy then any other season. For me it’s a positive time.

 I love the Autumn rain because it most the time comes fast, hard and leave most the time fast but I also like it when it’s rains for day’s. It’s something beautiful with rain. 

But it’s also all about all those beautiful colours! The nature has in my eyes a special power when it comes to colours. Just how different all kind of leafs changes colours from Day to Day is a WOW feeling! 

How a flower which is both blooming and over-blooming and still is so beautiful. 

Or when a leaf goes from green to red!

How beautiful a yellow feld can be…

And how a waterstreem flows through a subarea and the sound of it give you harmony just pasting it above it..

How beautiful it is to walk with trees on both sides that shifting in colours ☺ or pasting this with the contrast.. 😉

It gives me lots of inspiration, Joy and energy even if I have a bad day or a cold. 😉

Who can not like or love this?

Friendship, gifts, rain and inspiration.

“went to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks

I went to my Aussie friend yesterday Wednesday to visit her and her husband before they leave for holiday to Australia for three weeks and to give them the “Birth-annonsment” I’ve made in cross-stitching during the last month (and I haven’t done cross-stitching in ten years!). They were thankful for the gift and it was cool to see them! 🙂


I also got a gift from her

The two of us, me and my Aussie friend went to our South African friend to “say good bye, see you later have a great year”-evening with some other International friends. Thankful I went! Not just that I had the chance to meet her again before she fly’s home to her mom in South Africa in two day, I also got a gift from her. A purse. A red purse! Some fancy brand also.


Red makes me happy.

So Happy for the purse!

A week ago when I met her she asked me if I would like some more movies at home. Well I can’t say no to watch a dvd-movie or more. I like to watch something else I haven’t already seen three times! So when I arrived to her (yesterday) she say, hey before I forget “here is the movies”.

it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven

Some hours later I was heading home, got a ride with two friends heading the same direction it had started to rain, like someone open the heaven during the time we where all inside, so it was a bit of a chock that the sky “was open” and it poured out on us. On the way home-ish in the car it was really bad raining! They left me in a spot close to my regular bus. Oh so wet I went in few minutes! I would say I was wet through all my cloths. Anyway, I made it home. I don’t know how you are when you been out in the rain you didn’t know of to come. But I am like this, If I get soaked wet I really want to watch a movie. Doesn’t really matter what time of the day it is. I think I was home around 11pm, and in the mood to watch a movie! That I did. And of all the movies I could choose from I saw Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Fun movie! And you can learn something from it too.

“even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!”

I guess it gave me inspiration to see if I had something I could give away, because that was what I did (even if it was closer to 2am and bed time then to start sort out!). It is so often that I see something in my wardrobe and think “when did I use this the last time?”.  I have to say this is the first time in a very loooooong time I’ve done something just because I just seen a movie!

And I did find cloths I haven’t used in a long while and today it will go and put into the 2ndstore – Fretex container. What a good feeling when it’s more space!


What a good feeling to give away.
