Focus. Challenge. Keep reading.

I have to say it isn’t as easy to stay on the reading track as I had hope it to be.

But I am not giving up I continue to challenge myself to read as soon as I am on a bus, tram or metro for more than just two stops.

Keep reading.

Challenge yourself.

Seek the good words.

Have faith.


Only you can change your habbit.

Only you know how to get on the right reading track!

I challenge myself and you to stay focus.

The water is from the Lord.

We need to drink and eat, we hear it often being preached. And it’s truth.

How are we living without food and water? Noone does. So how to survive without the food from the Word?

That is my question for myself when I haven’t read as I wanted.



I just want to encourage you with few words.I have started to read the Acts. I was challenged by a preaching about two weeks ago.I started to read on the tram both towards work and while heading home from work.I can not say that I understood the first chapters I were reading but as more as I read and as more as I asked the Lord to help me understand. As more the words got an other meaning.If I only read, it’s just any other text. But if I ask the Lord to let me understand, let the Holy Spirit help me understand then it’s not just word’s.So I hope this will help some of my readers.Have faith and let the Lord help you with your reading. Let the Holy Spirit help you.


Wait and see.

I’ve just starter to read this plan “wait and see” in my Bible-app. It’s how I read the bible. It helps me understanding the meaning off the verses I would read right from the book, chapter.

Today’s devotional was about “Misconception”.

#1: If I am waiting, I must not have heard God correctly.

This is why it is so important to invite God into our wait from the very beginning, instead of after we have tried everything we know to make things happen. As we spend time with Him and in His Word, we gain confidence in His plans. A quick visit to the past fills us with the peace we need to make it through the pause. Waiting well teaches us to trust His delays rather than doubt His ways.
This is a mile-pile in a Christians life.

To wait right.

#2: If I am waiting, I must desire something not in God’s will for my life.

To ask your family and several close friends to pray with you. You have to committ to taking each step you feel God asking of you—whether that was toward meeting your future spouse or remaining single.

I have friends that pray with me. Maybe we need to change the routines on this I don’t know.

#3: If I am waiting, I must not be praying enough.
You know in your heart God would supply their needs, but you have to keep telling your head. To faithfully followed the teaching of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “Never stop praying” (NLT). Your wait don’t end because you prayed, but you resolve strengthened, helping you to face each day.

I need to tell my head to stay where I am. If it is about waiting or other things.

#4: If I am waiting, I must not have enough faith.
The writers Word, “Here’s the thing—I should have prayed and read my Bible, but not to work my way back into God’s good graces. He is a gracious and merciful God. My praying and Scripture reading do not make Him more gracious. Somewhere along the way, I’d convinced myself otherwise. God makes us wait at times so we can glean valuable lessons. But He never does so out of spite. This is something David taught me as I continued to wait for God to heal my husband.

How often do you ask your self those questions? I ask them.
How or what are you waiting on from God, Dad? Are you the kind of person that needs to write it down and come back to it later and see if Dad has answered you? Or do you remember every question and answer?
I have a “prayers and answers” book where I write down in the moment I have a prayer. I go back when I know Dad has answered it. Then I know it. I can read often ti remind me of the effort of waiting. 😊

To wait is a blessing and s challenge.

I hope this will inspire you too to read others view of the scipt.

Active waiting & learning as an Christian.

My plan was to go to Church today, be there to 11 o’clock (am). On my way out of bed I realizes my back hurts and I can nearly walk. Not a good sign! So instead I decided I to read more in the bible app I have. To study the word. To continue on my good habit.

I have started 2 new bible plans, 1,Wisdom and 2, Exploring your gifts.

I try to read one “chapter” each day before I start my day and heading to work or before I sleep depending on how tired I am when I woke up. Did I oversleep in the morning, then I read in the evening.

I have had a long learning curve off how to get a good habit of reading the Bible. It has taking me until this year and this Easter… but I am doing so much better now. ☺

I am learning more each day of all the different things about what the Bible is teaching us.

I must say that those bible plans has helped me yo get in to a good habit and rythem. Without them I would be in my “not reading bible place”.

In the Wisdom plan today, one question was “where do you spend time? In the social media or with God?” And here I am in one part of social media sharing my thoughts in life about how to spend time with God. Kind of ironic in one way.

In Exploring your gifts plan, one question was “How can you cultivate your gift if you’re not currently in a place where you can act your passion?”

I know one of my gifts from God but is that all? Do I have more gifts or is it just a passion? This is something I would like to explore. Can I combinde those? I just have to ask God for guidance and widsom to understand how this works. I also need to get involved in a Church and ask friends to pray for this with me.

I don’t know how God is speaking to you but I know he is. You just need to listen. I just know that if I don’t talk to God my Father every day my relationship gets weaker with him and it will be even harder to listen to what he has to tell me.

I am doing this to understand more and get a better relationship with him who is my Father in my life. He who can guide me in all directions and areas.


How to understand, seek & receive.

Here I am, sitting on a floorpillow on the floor. I have just sorted the wash piles for later today. Reading the bible on my smartphone while I have this veiw …

Blue sky and the sun is shineing. It’s a clear day.

I am trying to understand what I just read. The meaning of the words, the depth of sentence. How to do this in life, how to seek and receive from God. How to do it practicly?

This is new and good for me. I am curious how God will start speak to me and how those words can change my thinking. I am willing to do some changes in my life for him. This is the first day on a new journey with God.

It’s like I’m getting on a new train and I don’t have a clue on where it will take me… but it’s okay. 😊
