Jogging pants – upcycling sweaters. 🧵✂️📍📏

I got inspired from work where the pulpils in 7th grade going to start a upcycling project this week (week 5 of 2024). My udea started three weeks ago and I have used as much time as I have been able to use. Evenings and weekends, when I have been well, sewing together pa5ches to bigger patches. I have got so far now, that I can finally start to cut the pattern 😍🧵✂️.

Here is the pictures from the start;

January 11th.
January 12th.
January 14th & 16th.
January 29th.
Getting closer. January 29th.

During this Easter I managed to get sewing machine oil on the just finish pants 🤪  …

My type of Art

I have now been able to use them at work (finally) this last week.  And they are my very much favourite pants!  The benefits of sewing my own wardrobe is to sew clothes that fits me. With leg length of 91cm (35,82 inch) I struggle to find pants that are long enough and nit to lose in my waist.

Delayed Halloween post -22.

I want a funny Halloween this year, therefor have I been painting my decoration. Bought cheap decoration last Saturday (22nd of October).

Rice lamps, painting, 🖌, luminescent🕷, self-adhesive eyes and a flowerpot.

I’ve been painting each day after work becauce it’s relaxing for my brain and it’s fun.

Painted the rice lamps.

I brought those ideas to work and the 3rd graders have done theire version of halloween decoration 😊😊😊.

3rd graders Halloween decoration.

You can use led lights with battery or Candle lights for the metal box or glass, and make a latern or you can put candy in them all after what you want 😉.

I have also painted leaves 🍃🍂 I found on my way home after work.


And here are what I made;

Painted lantern’s and decoration.

Hope you got inspired!

It’s here, my Summer Vaccation 🥳🥳2022.

Last Year this time I were stressed about where to find a job and where to move. Today I have lots of motivation to write applications one by one until I got a job. A job the Lord will open up for me. I still trust his power and way’s I can’t see. I just know I will get a job, the right job for me. Even if that means I’ll move again. I’ll do that tp be able to be where the Lord can use me. He has given me peace to stay in this county, which I will. 😊

And today I started my 🥳🍉🌻 Summer Vaccation at 2.20pm 🦋🐞🥳

One of my first thing not to do tomorrow is, not wake up at 06.10am 😊😊😊. But I will try to not turn my day’s upsidedown at once. A week from today I’ll be in Trøndelag and visit my brother & sisterinlaw and be apart of theire wedding celebration, meet close and distance family. Which I haven’t seen in one and a half year 🥳🥳🥳.

Cat sitter, Easter Break , and more 22🤩

I have been & am still until tmrw “sitting” a cat from Thursday this Easter. It’s mainly letting the cat in or out of his home, make sure he has enough food and water.

Simba is his name.

Yesterday, Easter Saturday, I came to let him in and this was the first time he showed me how playful he was. We cuddle and played. 💙🐈💙.

I spend 20 minutes with him instead of 10, like the day before. 💙.

It has for sure been an interesting Easter in many ways! Not just becauce of Simba. No, I have been walking more and you would say walking is good for a sad back, not mine 🤐. My back got worse from the walking 😔🤨, yet I have explored more of the island I live on 🙂. And got massive time with the Lord on my walks.

It’s been an Easter Break where I have started a new sewing project but not have had the back I needed to finish it 😔 Yet I have had good day’s listening to preaching and the bible app 🙂. We have had mostly good Weather 🙂.

And I have to say that, even if the Easter isn’t over yet I have been enjoying this Easter! It has been a blessing so far. Just do whetever I managed to do and not stress 🙂🙂. I have been able to do my back exercise almost every day 🙂🤩🙂. And today has all been about relaxing & some regular cleaning of my home.

2nd Advent, Hundvåg/Stavanger.

My hope yesterday was to be able to go to Church to the eleven service, did not happend. I woke up with a sore back 😔. Next to a locked back. So I’ll stay in the couch for some hours. It is the only thing that helps. 🤪🙂.

The good thing is, I can blog, relax and watch some World cup Skii 😉 and do some other more important things.

I have during the last ten years, learn to enjoy the day’s even the less good day’s when it comes to how much I can or can’t do with my body. And I am thankful for what I can do.

The lord have given me that peace.

So, don’t stress with things just becauce someone else think you should. Enjoy life becauce the Lord has a plan for this day in your life!

Doing a good cause for your city.

Crochet or knit hats and scarves. The church’s input in Norway – Kirkens bymisjon – is in the process of the annual “doing a good cause for your city”. It means that if you can knit or crochet you can help those who are poor to have a better Autumn and Winter.

I have since last Sunday crocheting Winter hat’s in different sizes from rest yarn that is just laying at home.


This is the one I started on last Sunday during the Church service;


(Adult size)

It is relaxing and it goes so fast to crochet them. 😉 Those two I made during the week after work – internship – in-front of the television.


(Kids size)


(Adult size)

This one I just started on… (big adult size);


Soon it’s time to buy some yarn othervice I will not be able to crochet at all…. But this is one of the creative things I will be doing this Autumn.

Join in to to do some good cause’s for your city! 😉

Rehabilitering at home – healing good.

So it has been two weeks since I fainted or got “overheated”. I have not been using the computer more than less at all. I can not say I have not been on Facebook or Instagram because I have (on the smartphone) but I have not been online for more than maximum 8-10 minutes. 😊 Today is the first day “back in the computer world” which basic means I am looking for jobs or doing research off a school I would like to have work-experience at.

Last Wednesday I got rid of the stitches and everything is healing good. 😊

I am still sore in my face but I am less red on my cheek and even that is healing. Here (below) I had to cool-down my head 😂 over-heated indoor 😣 just using an ice-block works perfect. 😊

Indoor I do not need the patch but …

… outdoor and in the night I still need it 😟 to cover it against dust and sun.

I have slowly been able to sew again

and trying to finish up easy projects. Like the silk top (below) which I bougth the fabric in mid July and this weekend just finished. 😊😊 Here I have been sewing by hand, mostly because the sewing-machine did not like the fabric 😐 but it was very relaxing and like rehab to do . 😊

This and last week I am back in the course, not a problem at all. Last week was not long day’s which helped a lot! The weather went back to normal. Which is between +20° to +28°C. Fits me much better.

I am walking past so many beautiful flowers on my way to the course, which I just wanted to end this blog with.

I have to say, life is to short to complain on, so I am thinking positive and what I have been through I take with me as an other type of experience.


Colours in life.2.

My inspiration to colours in life comes mostly from some interior magazines.

This is my second book of inspiration, or scrap-book as most people would say, where I do my version of “the pins” you find online. I have to keep my inspiration or ideas when I find something I like. Most people who buy a interior magazines maybe keep it a month, I keep it for years. I go back and find something “new” I have not seen or maybe I did not like it when this magazine was new in my home..

Here is few pictures from my 2nd scrap-book… it’s a good mix of Christmas to how to organize flowers with candle ligths 😉…

Some ideas from my first scrap-book..

This is like a candy store for me.

This gives me lots of positive energy and it’s relaxing for me, it’s like to “go in to a hobby room” even if I just do this in my couch or sewing-corner. 😆😆😆


Creative infront of the television 

Reparing knitted socks infront of whats on Eurosport ☺

This is me when I relax infront of the TV with a good game of Ice-Hockey or some down hill – Alpin sport 😊

I manage to fix many socks if it’s a lot of good sports ob the television like Saturdays most are. 

Something my dear Mom learn me a long time ago. ❤

And here is the result of one sock 😉

So it’s not just sewing that is relaxing! But that too…

Here is my “table” which actully is my floor. It is easier to work on the floor even if my cat boy Silver likes to come and sit on the fabric… 

Here I am needling up wher to sew. Following the stripes so the jeansfabric don’t make “bobles” under.

It’s gonna be a bag for a blow-up-bed so you easy can carrie it with you. 

Work in process…

Summer holiday is the time for books.

sommer og boker

For me has summer holiday as long as I can remember been to enjoy reading a good book when it is a rainy day.

Me and my mom was small teasing about whom of us who would lie of the kitchen couch and read when we where in the cabin. My mom has been a teacher whole my life, so for her it was a mix of read a book to relax and get away from work except for those books she really needed to read for work. So every summer brought she at least 20 books of reading and there I were with maybe 5 books to read for the whole summer holiday..

It sometimes felt like I was competing with her, because I have learned from home that as more you read as bigger vocabulary you get. So I wanted to read as much as I could. As older I got as more books I brought with me to our summer cabin. But it was also here, where I started to write.

hembygdsgårn örträsk (heritage center -hembygdsgården Örträsk)

Summer holiday for me is contacted with our summer cabin in the northern part of Sweden in Västerbotten. A good size of a house. Not so big kitchen but with a iron stove, a small bedroom inside the kitchen. A good size of living-room with both a couch-corner and a big dinner table and a play area and the loft where we slept. But still big enough for us. Those days when we just didn’t want to anything and it didn’t rain, we went out on our veranda or where lying in the grass in the sun and read a book.

From day to day, life was easy going but we had always something to do and we still have when we comes there.. But the point is, I don’t understand this “haste” about traveling to see as much possible during the summer. I have never understood that part. Maybe I am “to much of an northerner” and just that thing that I went to the cabin and where there all summer. I don’t say I don’t like to travel. But for me summer is the time of the year when I relax, don’t want to so much. Catch up with friends over a coffee or a dinner or BBQ that’s okay and fun.

But read and write is relaxing. And summer should be just like that.

Like the picture below. I wish you will be inspired of the picture and do something you like to do when you have summer holiday!


bench in the grden