To be a permanent on-call substitute and liking it more and more.

It has taken me some more years then most people in my age, to figure out what I want to do “when I grow up” which is an expression on what you want to work as or with, for most people it happends when you are between 20-30 y.o. For me, who was 100% burned out in the age of 26, on sickleave for 2 years after and tryed to find my path in what to work with or what kind of education both in Sweden and here in Norway. During 8 years here in Norway taking courses through NAV and for the last 4 years have I actually been working in the school as a learning support teacher hasn’t always been easy. It has been a learning journey, yet I haven’t been able to work more then 80% for the last 10-15 years because of the burnout. Yet I am greatful for every job I have had, and learned from! It isn’t until now I know what I want to do. And for me it has been it’s own journey to figure this out, underestanding what the Lord have in mind. I still have some things to sort out before I can apply to the Univercity, but at least I know in which direction I am going, which I haven’t known before.

I will not let you know yet, the direction, cause some friends are following my blog and I have only told some close friends. I do wonder if my <3Mom<3 knew in which direction my life would turn, while she was still with us without her sickness or if she is happy now when she is in heaven whatching me on distance?

Anyway, every day between the 23rd to the 27th, did I work as a substitute teacher. The first week I had almost a full week! 🙂 Friday the 27th – Had I for the first time lessons by myself, no co-teacher. I was a substitute teacher for a 6th grade class in both English and Norwegian subject. It was fun, and an okay class. You know, back in the day’s when you were in school you probably tryed your limits when you had a substitute teacher and not you normal ones. Offcourse this class did that too. And here is the thing, I think I got this from my Mom, I do not tollerent much noice in a class room. I am from the generation (growing up during the 80’s and 90’s) that wants the pulpils to listen, be in the classroom also with there heads and brains and following on what I talk about so they wont ask me hundered times after when they shall do the task. Which I made clear and the boy’s who tryed to strech on the limits didn’t really work for them. that was a good feeling for me who hasn’t or isn’t a propper teacher. 🙂

I will also be a permenent on-call substitute from now on, which the management likes a lot cause they always need substitutet teachers.

Anyway, I liked to be a substitute teacher on Friday. It reminded me on when I did it back in Sweden long before I moved to Norway. I was young and the pulpils where teenagers then. I liked it then and now. A lot has happend with me during the years, yet the one thing that feels like it is the same is how much I like beeing in a classroom.

I just have to tell you about Thursday 26th. I was a co-teacher in 7th grade in art and crafts with the project “take photo’s” the first two classes we went to a place nearby where I live and after luch we went with the third class to a suburb called Lervig where Stavanger has long traditions within young creative culture such as Tou scene, various artistic expressions within performing arts, visual arts, film, music and other cultural industries. At Tou Scene did they (and I) take pictures of buildings and street art. That day I walked a lot!

Yes, and on Wednesday 25th I was in 1st grade (!). I haven’t been in the lower grades at all before Wednesday. I was so tired in my head when I got home….