Chaos, Moving, Best new apartment in a long time! Boxes on top of each other is my life right now.

Last week was it all about the move even if I went to work twice, my mind was at home and how to finish packing. I really tryed to not stress to much, but you who have moved, you know it almost always get stressed in the end and you pack things that shouldn’t be packed. Thursday (the 28th) 5:15pm came two helpers from my old House Church last year, with a locked hanger :-). As we filled twice mostly with furnitures and big boxes I got two more helpers caring it out in my new apartment :-). So Yes we had an Efficion evening!! So on Friday between 09:30-11:30 I got help from an other from my old House Church, we managed to empty the old apratment πŸ™‚ in Sandnes. We got all the flowers, food and I packed all “left things in the couch” which also inclued the router that belonged to the apartment πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

So I have been trying to find all Kitchen boxes this weekend and I think I am almost there πŸ™‚ . My bedroom is okay but the guestroom has until today Monday the 2nd of October been just a bug chaos of boxes and some furnitures πŸ˜†πŸ˜† . But today I did some good work there πŸ™‚. I found the floor πŸ™‚ cleaned it and sorted empty boxes from sewing and creative ones. I kind of moved the chaos.

I will take it as the energy comes back.

I will not stress. Things has to take time. Like my sewing area. I made up my mind last night that I rather have the letters “Creativity” on the wall then “have fun” which I had last year. Creativity because I will probably do more things then just sew.

Yet I am so thankful for both friends helping me and that I don’t need to stress about that everything need to find it’s place right away. I am trying to put all empty boxes in the outdoor storage. And I am really thankful to a girlfriend who did a thorough cleaning of the old apartment <3. I will pay her for that, cause she is worth that. She used 6 hours! My body can’t do that kind of cleaning anymore so I am so so thankful!

This new apartment in Stavanger is such a blessing!! It’s cheaper then most in this suburb, I’ve got a parkinglot and a small terrasse inluding the price and size – which isn’t common!! I have walking distance to the nearest train station (I tested it on Saturday 30st of September) and down to the city :-). I have maximum 10 min to the school I’ve got some jobs at. 8 min to the nearest grocery store πŸ™‚ I have near access to Columbus city bikes – as part of the offer from the county’s bus company Columbus. I live 3 min walk from Ramsvig – suburb next to the coastline πŸ™‚ and the hiking trail StrΓΈmvig – Breivig (see picture)

I live up the “hill” behinde the sign.

On the opposite side of my apartment is a fotball area and some kind of leisure club for children between the age of 9 and 12 years and youth between 13 and 16 years, I think. Friday evening – night was the trafic of youth high outside there – that’s why I figured it out. But I don’t mind, just good to know about it πŸ™‚ . I am looking forward to go for walks in my new neighbourhood and explore, enjoy the nature and the wheater Stavanger have.

The best part here is the view through out my windows! The leafs πŸπŸ‚πŸƒ in the big trees 🌳🌳🌳🌳 it is so calming 😍 . Hard to find something more calming I think in a suburb. And with the short walk down to the hiking path along the seaside!! 😍😍

The Move 2023..

I started to pack already this Summer, things I didn’t use. I mean why have things out when you know you will move in a sooner future? But now, in the middle of September, the move just getting closer every Day πŸ€ͺ. So I have to pack! Each Day.

Yet, life is chaotic yet I see what I need to back or more like what I can pack now and what I have to wait with.

My bedroom has become a storage for some furtinures from the sewingroom, cause that is cleaned out πŸ™‚. And “the storeage room” is full of boxes in all sizes πŸ€ͺπŸ˜†πŸ˜† and it’s only space nearest the door πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

My dear-sewing chair doesn’t fit anywhere else then on my kitchen floor πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

Step by step I am getting closer to do the last thing in both bathroom and livingroom, yet I use so much of the things I can pack it down… annoying!!

It’s Sunday september 6th.

I have been up and awake since 08.11am today, Sunday. And already done the janitor task I was suppose to do yesterday evening, but yesterday I had headache and just couldn’t.

I just had my breakfast in the couch and gonna chill a bit, listen to podcasts and a preaching. Enjoy it’s Sunday.

I woke up from a cozy dream, being on a date. 😊 A very nice date. And I had a calm peace when I open up my eyes. Like I needed this dream or maybe this first date with this guy will end like the dream, I don’t know. And that is okay. So I ” will stay ” in this dream, in the way of knowing that: no matter how the real date goes I have recived a calm peace from the Lord about this, however this goes or ends. 😊

Calm peace just like this water is calm.

The Lord knows what He is doing and I just has to follow Him and I don’t need to be worried. Because I am his child and He will continue to guide my steps. ❀

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. We don’t always knows how or what the next puzzle piece look like and it can take a while until we find the one that fits. Life and love is the same.

Do not stress about things you can not fix, it’s no point. The Lord knows what’s He is doing. He would not let us go through things, emotions in life you/we can’t handle. πŸ˜‰

My Daliy Life is a part of my Lord. And He giudes me and my steps. I ask for help for different things in life and He do answers. 😊 It may not always be the way I wish or thought. But He answers. ✝️

All my worries is in his hands.🀲 And knowing the worries stays there is a is a liberating thought. Knowing He take care of all of my worries is His way of showing me Love.

Heart- Cloud.



I just want to encourage you with few words.I have started to read the Acts. I was challenged by a preaching about two weeks ago.I started to read on the tram both towards work and while heading home from work.I can not say that I understood the first chapters I were reading but as more as I read and as more as I asked the Lord to help me understand. As more the words got an other meaning.If I only read, it’s just any other text. But if I ask the Lord to let me understand, let the Holy Spirit help me understand then it’s not just word’s.So I hope this will help some of my readers.Have faith and let the Lord help you with your reading. Let the Holy Spirit help you.


Doing a good cause for your city.

Crochet or knit hats and scarves. The church’s input in Norway – Kirkens bymisjon – is in the process of the annual “doing a good cause for your city”. It means that if you can knit or crochet you can help those who are poor to have a better Autumn and Winter.

I have since last Sunday crocheting Winter hat’s in different sizes from rest yarn that is just laying at home.


This is the one I started on last Sunday during the Church service;


(Adult size)

It is relaxing and it goes so fast to crochet them. πŸ˜‰ Those two I made during the week after work – internship – in-front of the television.


(Kids size)


(Adult size)

This one I just started on… (big adult size);


Soon it’s time to buy some yarn othervice I will not be able to crochet at all…. But this is one of the creative things I will be doing this Autumn.

Join in to to do some good cause’s for your city! πŸ˜‰