Looking for a bikini – found 2 top’s to sew & celebrating my driving licence with a friend.

I was looking for a new bikini but didn’t find any good colour or size but I did found 2 top’s on sale 🤩. In perfect colour! And what did I think? Well, I can use those 2 top’s to sew my bikini 🤩🤩.

After this bargain on sale, I met a friend and celebrated with a dessert (read about it in the post’s Driving Licence part 1 – 7) down in the city. 

And after that I bought a whole watermelon 🤩🤩, got home sewed a bit and while doing that a friend from my house church came by with a flower as a congratulations greeting

The pot did I paint the 26th.

Easter 2024, a mix of almost everything and my thoughts.

I pulled myself together and forced myself to have enough energy to re-plant my seeds today even if my sad back really didn’t want it.  I managed to split all my growen seeds into 20 smaller pot’s 🤩

I’ll grow them indoors until the weather here are more stable with warmer weather.  I don’t have a clue if it will be in April, May or June.

I also had my first cup of coffee out on my terrace yesterday (March 30th) even if it wasn’t sun where I sat it was☀️ sunshine 😊 and (!) 🌡+11 °C 😊 some wind but hey it’s always wind here 😆😆.

My self drawing pattern trying to figure out how big/small baby size 62 are🤪
Same pattern on an other fabric.
The arm part, tiny!

I have tryed to find the right size of how big /tiny the pattern of size 62 would look like to on a baby dress. Interesting, frustration, annoying and fun all in the same time 🤪.

I have done things like I normally did before this season and before I lost Silver.  Even talked to Silver every day like I did when he was alive and it helps to get through the day’s. I have, I think, kind of find new routines. It’s kind of hard to know because it will not be the same after the Easter break. But hopefully it will help me to the next break – holiday season. 

After the Easter break I am back to work and then I have to figure out what I’ll do after work that will be new routines. Maybe I’ll sew more now when I don’t need to be social with my cat… Maybe the day’s will look like they did with Silver.

Whatever happens I am thankful for the love from the Lord and friends.

I am hoping I’ll have  more energy to do things that gives me positive energy like exercise, walks, Church things or sewing or meet new people. Mostly I won’t feel guilty for not being home with Silver and that makes me glad becauseIhavehad a lot of vad guiltforhim being home alone 😔.

I know I will be able to travel again later when my financial will be better without feeling guilty.

The shirt, the challenges, the fun part  and the end of this project.

I’ve shown you pieces of what I have done on & with this shirt. Here comes it all.

The start, made the sleeves longer and wanted to add other cotton fabric in the between where the needles are on the put.

After some changes to make it look propper I had to find fabric that would work together not just with the cotton but both way’s.  And here I’ve used the buttom part of a exercise top which the fabric is elastic and the bottom part is an old summer top with polyester fabric.

I needled it up  with the inside out to make sure the folds on the cotton fabric turned out right.  I haven’t used a pattern, just how I thought it would be easiest to do it.

Then I turned it inside in and the right side out. Took up all the needles one by one to get the fabric on the right side. The tricky part was fir sure the folds!

Sew the bottom piece on first and then the middle part.

Sorry for the background.

The very last part to do and sew is to make a band in the same fabric as the shirt and try to match the stripes 🤪 on the band with the shirt part.  See next picture.

2023 – is it possible to have such bad luck in a year?!

Injury plus sickleave in January and February.

Psycholigical sad health for months and wierd feelings towards work and the staff there ( Bore school 22-23).

Some happiness in the middle of everything. April23. And I got few new friends through the job at Bore.

A good summer 🙂 . Some walks nearby Ganddal/Sandnes. Some day’s inside but Happy.

June was okay and Aslan wanted to stay but Silver wanted to be alone….and I got allergic to Aslan 😦 .

July23 – Summer and exploring Rogaland by bus. 🙂

August was a mix of lots of deny on job’s but I stayed positive and like the flower here bright full of colors and reaching to the sun, I stayed on my feets and

filled my life with more colors.

…but sad September….

October become good 🙂with the move back to Stavanger, more jobs and more good routines. Good athmospher at work, like I really don’t want to be sick’n’home good! And walking distance!!

Walking in Faith-month! Concussion-month…. = November.

December. Snowy Winter weeks and then rain (which is the normal), a cold but also a lot of good work 🙂

I think I have had more then enough bad luck in one year! So I’ll do my very best to stay on my both feets all the way in 2024!!

Buy I have also been blessed in different ways during the Year which I am thankful for.

I spent Christmas Eve alone with my cat, but have enjoyed it! I bought two gifts to myself this year thanks to the blessing in beginning of December 🤩. One of the xmas gifts was a newer smartphone and the other was a memory foam seat pillow for my sore and often sad back. And how happy I am for it! It helps my back a lot!! I even think I might buy an extra.

With the new pillow I have today, both tryed to sew for more then 30min (and it worked) I was sewing for two hours! 😍😍. And I have almost finished my sewing projects from 2020.

I only need to sew buttons and one seam.

I am looking forward to 2024. I really do. I have plans and I’ll do my very best to keep them come true. I am curious on what the Lord has for me in 2024! I am in a good place and I am planning to stay here as long as the Lord can use me.

Have a blessed 2024 all of you who following my blog. And keep sharing the posts you like or the posts that somehow have helped you forward.

A mix of the latest pattern I’ve done, July23.

I have more energy after approxy 6pm mostly and therefor I’ll start with my projects later in a Day. For the last day’s I’ve started on “finding the right pattern”. You who sew probobly understand what I mean. For the rest of you, when you buy an old pattern you get a sheet of all the different parts in one sheet and then the challenge is to find all the parts. You’ll see in the end of this blog what I mean.

The first pattern here is; Linen pants in sand color.

Linen patns, my leg lenght (91cm or 35 ⁵³/₆₄ inch).

I measuredd my waist, cut a 10cm wide waist, fold it and sewed it and then I thought how cool it would be to sew a more fancy fabric on the inside. Both for fun and for comfty.

Fancy fabric on the inside of the waist.

I thought the same thing for the pockets.

The same fancy fabric on the inside of the pockets.

So I will sew pants in linen in my lenght 🤩. My legs are tall, cause I am 6″2’1 or 189cm. (My torso is quite tall to for my hight, which will be interesting when I start to sew more fitable dresses ^^haha^^.) My innerseam on pants are 91cm or 35 ⁵³/₆₄ inch = tall woman ;-). I got a par of linen pants years ago but they ar ea bit wide in the waist… and this summer I got linen fabric from a girlfriend and yes there we are. 🙂

The 2nd pattern & the 2nd dress here is: “fancy dress” the white curtain.

To find the right pattern isn’t easy…
But I did it 😍 Do you see the lines I filled in? That’s the pattern.

Learning by misstakes, part 2.

So I went to my candycstore – selfmade – and bought what I needed and asked about the pattern. How to understand it and how it actually is gonna look, how to cut it right and then what kind of fabric I need under.

A lady helped me with all my questions 😊😊

And when I got home I started to cut new pieces and for one piece I had sew two together a seam you only notice when you know it’s there 😊

And I’ve overlocked all the pieces tonight.

Tomorrow comes the big challenge to sew all pieces together 🤪 a challenge I am both looking forward to and are totally scarred for.

But here are tonight’s picture after the folding the fabric right, cutting of new pieces, overlocking.

Folding the fabric right.
The edges fit each other 😊
Finished overlocking.


Learning by misstake… sewing.

It went well at the start 🙂 and it looks okay with the first 2 pieces.

But then…

🤪🤪🤪 🤣🤣🤣🤣

What happend?

Well I have to find the pattern to what went wrong! But not tonight! And I also need coffee and something to eat.

I’ll try again tmrw.

When I started to paint a suitcase and tore my Jeans at work in March.

It has happening to much in a quite short time and I don’t know where to begin to tell you… The week after my last blog post, I worked extra at the after-school program (sfo) and I worked 100% 5 days. Totally exhausted each day. So exhausted I just didn’t have enough energy to blog or do any other creative things I normally do… And when the weekend came I had to priotate to relax and “charge my battery” – body. I did some fun and creative thing that weekend. I started to paint an old suitcase I have had “forever”. The ordenary colouring was brown-green ish and I think I got it after my grandma’ (dads mother) during the 90’s. Now it’s black and fits the other old suitcases I have :-).

This last week I was back in my normal rythm and have had much more energy and met a new person (Yay for new accointances) and I have had more energy after work to plan for things I want to do this Spring and Summer and even what I want to do next fall.

13th of March my jeans tore at work…so when I got home I sat on the couch and popped the pants to sew – repair what had become a big hole. I just need to sew the back pocket on and then I can go to bed. This is something I haven’t had enough energy to or been able to sit this long since mid January. 🙂 Happiness! (see pictures under, to the left is where they tore in the front and to the right how it looks like after some new fabric.)

Maybe it’s the light Day’s that I never thought about before, that helps me on the energy level?

I finished up the Suitcase two weeks after I started. And it’s now in a good mix of the other two I have re-painted from this last fall.

Birthday week..doctor appointment and sewing-23.

This week have I had my birthday at work on Wednesday, which my only wish were to hear the approxy 80 stundents in the 2nd grade to sing the Norwegian happy birthday song, which they did!! 🙂 It made my day 🙂 I normally don’t celebrate my birthday on the day if it’s not on a Friday or in the weekend. Mainly cause I don’t have many friends to celebrate with or a hubby/ or boyfriend.

I had a doctor appoinment May 5th, I got an sickleave for 50% and 22 day’s, if my leader at the after-school program don’t let me be off 50% my doctor will change it to 100% sickleave those 22 day’s. I really need to be off the after-school-program for a while. My doctor told me I got depression. That’s why I don’t have motivation, or smile or have any extra energy over. And I have felt like this off and on since October 22…. I haven’t had a job until now, where I have felt like this. But to be able to be on sickleave is good. I could probobly also be on 100% sickleave but then it would probobly feel like I had some kind of Holiday in my body. So 50% helps me in the way I get up to something and get out of the house and help some young students. I’ll meet with those colleges I like and don’t get negative feedback from. I still don’t like the age of students but now it’s only approxy 30 school day’s left with all the Holly day’s in May and June we have here in Norway.

I celebrated myself this Friday with sushi buffè in Stavanger after my doctor appoinment. The best Sushi I’ve eaten in many years :-). So totally worth the money!! But I am now keen to try out other sushi places in Stavanger and Sandnes – which is my town. I also forced myself to go out after the work day was over, went out with a new friend here in Sandnes. We went to one of the few places that still was open, Egon is a restaurante. I got an alcohol free drink called Passion Explotion and my friend got a baked potatoe with meat. We chatted and had a good time, sat for approxy 2,5 hours 🙂 . But wow I were so tired in my brain when I got home 😦 Got in bed before the normal time during a job-week!

Saturday I spent at home, realxing and sewing 🙂 . Just what I needed. And I think I also landed in the fact I am on sickleave too, in my head. Realizing how tired my brain gets after doing almost nothing… And how good I feel when I am working on a sewing project 🙂 . Which I did yesterday 🙂 . I were able to do quite a lot on my yellow summer dress I’ll show you how far I got. It was +16 C degrees and sunny outside I were indoors ^^haha^^.

I have during the last few months starting to getting to know few new people, some of them I can now call my new friends. They are both Christians and non-christians just like I like it.

I have had a hope of be able to start go to a church this year, so far I haven’t, mostly cause of headaches or other type of pain in my body during the weekends… but now it’s my brain… My body wants more then my brain can handle… It sucks! But I do ‘tend’ to online church most Sundays. Today I have worship on, on my laptop. Worship is something I also try to listen to on my way to work to re-fill my soul and heart. …You know the feeling when you know you slept enough but when you start doing something your eyes just want to close… ‘Tired brain syndrom’ . That’s how it’s right now, while I am writing… I just want to sleep a bit more… Maybe I go for a nap later. Maybe I’ll just try to continue on my sewing project we’ll see.

Do you know how hard it is to get “the picture” out and look just the same in real life? It’s hard. I am prefering to my yellow summer dress. I have a picture in my head of how I want it to look, but I can’t say I’ll manage to get it like that. Maybe when I am done. Which in that case would be marvelous and fantastic!! But I am getting there 🙂 If I only do small steps I know it will end up like my inner picture 🙂

What to do on a Sunday…

…when the back is sad. Well I have been fried meatballs and chops in the oven while I have spooled bobbin thread for all future sewing projects.

And now when the food is done I’m going to pop up the elastic band in a skirt that has worn too little 😆😆 or I’ve gained weight since I bought it 😆😆. And then I will reuse it in a wool coat after ❤Mom❤.

I do want to go to Church but my back is not in a good shape 😔😔 so I’ll stay home and being creative.

While I’m doing this I’ll be listening to preaching whether it’s on youtube or podcast it remains to be seen 😉. Anyway is it a big chance the Lord gives me something I need.

I have learned the last ten years, that I need to listen to my body first no matter what my head wants and I have peace for that I stay home some Sundays. Even if I both like and enjoy go to Church and trying to find new friends I just have to take it as it comes. 😉. And the Lord will still be with me wherever I am, home or at Church.

I am thankful for this weekend, I’ve managed much more than I thought I would. 😊.

Enjoy your Sunday wherever you are and let the Lord be a part of what you are doing. ✝️💒🙌🙏.

Happines comes in different ways.

Maybe you remember the post where I told you about my newest machine, the overlocker.

Well, today started with headache but, I managed to get out. And managed to go to one of my favorite stores. A fabric and equipment store (which just have change theire name too) Selfmade (something I hadn’t reflect on until I got into the store)😆😆

Happines comes in different ways.

Mine is sewing. Buy the things I need to sew. It’s like a candy store of happines.

So I bought this. My Christmas gift from ❤Mom❤. So I can start use my overlocker 🤩.

And pattern so I finally can learn to sew after pattern. 😄😆.

To finish up some sewing projects that has been laying around in pails and waiting. And start new projects 🤩😆.

I still need one important thing– a good chair… But I am getting closer 🤩🤩🤩.

I am HaPPy.


My life gets better with details specially when it comes to something I make. Just like God is all about details in our lifes.

I ordered a new year diary, a calender for this year. I ordered a blue and recieve a pink. I dislike pink.

I had a saying many years; “Nothing that is pink will get into my house. Mostly because I hate/dislike that colour. I have never liked it. It doesn’t fit me.” But as the years went by I have realized that, sometimes I will get it into my house rather I like it or not. Then it’s up to me to change the details if I can.

Yesterday I placed my sewingmachine on a table, found a fabric I like and started to sew.

This is a bad picture (above) I know. I took it for a reason. To show you how the details are importent. You can if you look closely see the details. How we are the mirrow of our faith or how blurry we might be infront of Dad. !But Dad can show us our details in our lifes if we want that.

The old cover is pink and made off a soft material quite easy to sew fabric on. 😊

Above here, you see the contrast between my fabric and the soft plastic-silicon material.

And under … You see my first round of sewing…

…a straight line and realizing that wouldn’t hold so I had to use zick-zack. Above is the inside belove is the outside.

This pattern is so me I don’t just like the pattern in this fabric I like the color combination and the fact that it is nature-friendly and eco-friendly.

The material is linen. 😍😍

I like to think that Dad made us in a “good material” so He can help us to use the material/fabric that fits whatever weather we have around us. To help us find the details He wants to give us.

Is it a sewingmachine to everyone? Probably not.

But we have and can find knowledge and inspiration for our lifes when we are with Him. We just need to ask for help and guideness toward where He wants us or ask Him for those details He has for us.

Dad has given me lots of creativity and I love it. Even on a “bad body day” can I be creative. I can write about it like I do now, I can find inspiration and keep it in my scrapbook. On a “good body day” I sew. 😍

If you want inspiration ask Dad for it. Ask Him for your details.

It can be things you already know but maybe got forgotten or things you are waiting on. Have patience and trust Him WHO are guiding your life.


Creative infront of the television 

Reparing knitted socks infront of whats on Eurosport ☺

This is me when I relax infront of the TV with a good game of Ice-Hockey or some down hill – Alpin sport 😊

I manage to fix many socks if it’s a lot of good sports ob the television like Saturdays most are. 

Something my dear Mom learn me a long time ago. ❤

And here is the result of one sock 😉

So it’s not just sewing that is relaxing! But that too…

Here is my “table” which actully is my floor. It is easier to work on the floor even if my cat boy Silver likes to come and sit on the fabric… 

Here I am needling up wher to sew. Following the stripes so the jeansfabric don’t make “bobles” under.

It’s gonna be a bag for a blow-up-bed so you easy can carrie it with you. 

Work in process…