Silver boy (cat) suddenly not being well 😢.

We have had a rough weekend 😢😢 that continue until Tuesday…

Friday July 21st; I’ve been on the phone to different veterinary clinics during the last 12 hours to get advice. And if he get werse I have to take him to a veterinary clinic. During the night or Saturday morning.

The night towads Saturday 22nd of July; I have checked him every 2nd hour this night, so now I feel like someone drove over me with a big machine 🤪😔😴😴😴.

I will try to sleep a bit.

I am laying so I can watch him from my bed. He slept in his favorite spot in the bathroom, on the top of the water tank is like a shelf and there he has his “tower bed”.

Saturday 22nd, at 1.30pm I went to the farmacia to buy pipette syringes so I could force him some water, which the veterinary told I should try. I were also looking for litter byt didn’t find any 😔.

You know the feeling (if you have a cat at home) when you really need litter and you haven’t slept as you should, you go on autopilot…

So I phoned a local grocery store and asked them if they had litter, they had plenty they said. 🤩🤩. So even if I just wanted to sleep I headed out at 4pm. Catch a bus at approxy 4.22pm. Went to this specific grocery store I’d phoned and bought 2 bags (one bag 5 liter = 1,32 gallons or 169.07 fl oz US or 175.975 fl oz UK) of 5 liter in each.

And Saturday showed us some blue sky and sunshine the first in more then a week!

So it felt so wrong to wear wool and a wind jacket. But should I do? Feeling almost sick becauce I lack sleep 🤪🤪.

The good signs from Silver started to show this afternoon 😊😊. The first sign, he met me when I got home 🤩 The second good sign, he wanted some snacks 💙💙. But that was it for some hours.

But I had to continue force him water…

We went to bed aroun 01am and he came to sleep in my bed, which he hasn’t since May this year becauce of Aslan. Aslan woke me up around 04.30am was hungry & playful. And Silver sat up and looking on me but I didn’t get it. But after I put my head on the pillow again I realized it! Silver was hungry 😊😊😍😍. So I gave gim soaked dry food so he could both drink and eat. Becauce I thought about that – during Saturday evening, it might be his teeths, that he has pain in them?!?.

Sunday 23rd was better. He showed good signs all day. He ate better, drank better and started to sleep more normal times and used the litterbox. ❤ Silver <3.

Monday 24th has been a bumpy ride for both me and Silver 😦 . He has been eaten okay, taken malt with vitamines but not drinking so well 😦 He has been awake aproxy every 4th hour as normal <3. He is still fighting <3.

But I have to say, and I have talked to him about it cause he has been with me for 7 long good years, that if he is to sick and will suffer before he gets better I rather “put him down”. I don’t want him to suffer. I can’t see him in pain. It hurts me too. I will miss him so much if I have to, but it is for him I’ll do it. Health first! It will be so empthy without him ❤ . Even if I’ll have Aslan a bit longer then I have to give Aslan away too or put him down too…I have been reacting on Aslans fur in the way I have issues to breath. Here it is again. Health first.

I phoned a vet to get an appointment for Silver (today) Monday 24th, non had an appointment before earliest Tuesday 25th 2pm. I am praying every awake moment that Silver will fight as much as he can. He has been my “boy” for 7 years… I love him so much.

Tuesday 25th, we had an appointment 2pm, got there by friends 1.55pm. The vet checked Silver and he showed pain in the stomache. So they gave Silver some sedative medicine that made him tired and nauseous, so he threw up 3 times (poor thing).

The sedative medicine has started to kick in.

They took an MR. Luckly it didn’t show any bad. Then they checked the temperatur (normal temperatur at cat’s is between 38-39°C) Silver had 39,6°C 😢😢

Here we are outside the clinic.

I were worried all the time for him, becauce he is my “boy”. I have had him since he was 1,5 y.o. I would be destroyed if I lost him now. Thank you Lord for let me have a bit longer. I have prayed so many prayers for my Silver those last five day’s 🙏 he has been fighting.

He will be on antibiotics for 7 day’s from today 💙🐈💙.

Here he is laying resting after he ate some dry cat food 4:39pm.

We were home around 3.30pm ish and say, Aslan was happy! Silver will be “a bit groggy” after the sedative medicine most all day today 😢😢 but he is alive, living, breathing 💙🐈💙.