Cellphone, 2 books and family time 4 X-mas.

Before I catched the train I started my traveling with a good cup of americano from Esspresso House in Lysaker.  I’m in my way to Sør-Trøndelag for Christmas. First time ever and I’ve lived in Norway for a bit more then ten years.. funny how it can be. 

I took the train from Oslo to Hamar and shifted there to the next. I knew it would be a lot of people but it was like a surprise it was so many from Oslo that traveling the same way as me.

(I had to do something about my hair and this is the result)  But here I am. On the train. Only my cellphone and books with me. I will not be on Facebook at all for five days and I am looking forward that. To spend time with family or go for a walk in the snow. Tired as normal when I get on a train.. Normally I fell a sleep just after the ticked is checked but not this time. Maybe because I’m blogging.. but I could easy fall a sleep! Anyway.. after five and a half hours of traveling by train I’ll see my older brother which I have not seen for two years (!) Live in his home and enjoy whatever he is doing and also be with my second brother and his family when they are coming tomorrow the 22nd of December. 

We are all (exept my brother who lives there) traveling away from home to celebrate Christmas. It was two tears ago since last time (!) or maybe even three years (even wers!) Anyhow, I will enjoy spending time with my family. 

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! And I hope you will have a good time off work, time of Joy with your family or close friends. And enjoy Christmas with all it comes with!

I will probably blog about Christmas in Haltdalen, Trøndelag so you also can see and made get your curiousity of traveling in Norway and Trøndelag. 


October..November.. have past…

Some time has past since last blog post.. It’s been a bit like a roller coaster of things that’s I’ve done, tryed and didn’t work. Some might say I should have try it longer but I know my body and brain.

I got an opportunity in the beginning of November, I start a new work experience outside Oslo, in Drammen. I started. But I got a “bug” in my body that same night and was sick for totally seven days.. Got out of it realising that job didn’t fit me. Maybe the hard experience but I am Thankful for the opportunity I got and learned something about myself. 

So here I am going back to my old work experience place and I’m pleased with it.
I have also updated myself with a new smartphone (with the opportunity to write on my phone here in wordpress). The old one started to do things I didn’t like, like turning the volume on by its self… So now I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge with a lot of gigabytes! 

I will now be able to post blogs more often -Yay! ;;-)

I made a  Birthday gift during November and send it to Sweden, to my nephew I’ll post the picture next time just because I don’t know yet if he got it. Cotton fabric letters in making and gonna be sewed on a pillowcase. This was the start.

December is here and everyone is so “in to” gifts and decoration . I have 2 cat’s at home …and that’s a challenging to decorate! But I have started ☺ 

High enough away for them, in the top of the window . 

The Christmas church haven’t they tryed to do anything with. ☺

But the Christmas tree is very interesting! Because it’s plastic and my cat girl P-Sussi loves to chew on everything that is plastic…. she also Love to sit in a bags… 

Happy 2nd Advent! 
