Christmas Eve and Day, 2021

I have to say I had a blessed day yesterday. Celebrating Christmas Eve with a family from Church. Felt like I was a part of them. 🙂 A big Christmas tree with lots of gifts both under and around. So cozy. I haven not had that feeling for at least 1 decage.

Isn’t that how it is when you are singel and, as for me haven’t had oppurtunity to visit my family for years, don’t have anyone closeby to celebrate with… Well I had a blast yesterday!

Back at home after 10.30pm, my cat-boy was happy to have me back. ^^haha^^. He does not like when I am out in the evenig. But I think it’s good practice for him. So he learn and I can get friends, maybe in the future meet a guy, have fun after work etc. And back home I wanted to update myself, friands and family by posting pictures (because that’s what I do normally), but than my smartphone was slow…and I thought I should just update the phone. Stupid me! Now it’s locked. 😦 I need a special code to get into it or get into my email account, which I also forgot the password to.:-( 😦 😦 So here I am. writing about my own tradegy caused by myself. On the other hand, it might bee good to not have a smartphone. I mean, I use it so often that it can be good to be without it for some day’s maybe most important to be without it during Christmas.

On Monday, I can call the company I have a subscription with and get the code I need. So until Monday I’ll be smartphone-free. (Gaaaaa).

I do have enough practical and creative things to do so it will not be a bigger issue. It’s just annoying… And I have tryed to find papers in some of the boxes that are still unpacked… I gave up.

Today’s first thing after coffee was a short walk with my cat-boy Silver. Out in the cold, where he met an other cat and a neighbour dog. What a start for him. First time for everything! After 4pm today, I’ll spend time with and other family from my house church, and I think that’s perfect. So I wont think so much about what have happend. I will hopefully be able to appreciate the time with new friends.

HAppY HoliDAy’s to You All!!