The peace I’ve recieved the last few days, June 9th.

I’ve got peace to stay in Stavanger municipality an other year, if that means I’ll stay where I live right now (on the island) or that I’ll move into the city I don’t know yet. What I still don’t know is where I’ll work. The job I have right now ends the 31st of July. Yet I do have peace over the fact I’ll get the job the Lord wants for me.

Does this mean that I’ll keep working with yought? Don’t know. Will I keep working in the School? Hope so, but don’t know.

Which path wil become mine?

Maybe I’ll become a substitute teacher somewhere or maybe I’ll get a job with yought like “after school hours”. Just the fact I’ve got peace helps a lot!! Last year I was so stressed about this thing “where will I get a job” and now I am in the same situation and I will just rest in it and see where the Lord is leading me. I am still applying to jobs of interest but no stress. And I have figured out I shouldn’t work more than 80%. Which also helps.

I am still applying, and won’t stop until I get something. But I feel more openminded about what I can and maybe want to try than I have been feeling for the last months. 😉 And I still have peace over the job I turned down, that it was the right thing to do.

I have been praying over this “Lord where will I work nest?” Because it is a bit frustrating some days to not know. But now, I just know it’s okay to just trust the one who have it all in His plans. So whatever everyone asks me I’ll answer I don’t know but it will be fine.

And my sparetime, well offcourse it would have been nice and easier to have the driving licence but hay, I take that when I have time and money. I will try to explore as much as possible this Summer by train, bus and ferries! I will not aloud myself to just be home and do nothing just because I don’t have a car!!

Life goes on and I’ll enjoy mosts days. 😉

Life, being a Christian, challenges, being a woman…

My challenge as a Christian right now is to remember to listen to the audio bible studdy during the weekends, when time flies away on a totally other way and I forget to listen. While I was listening to today’s devotional, I did some checking online, and realized I did not hear the devotional, so I listen one more time. And got it. Maybe it also was so that I didn’t hear it the first time because my brain wasn’t enough awake.

Anyhow, I am proud of myself to remember and to listen to it and knowing what it was about. Most things I listen to and just listening without listening propper I don’t remember afterwards what it actually was about. It’s a bit like working in the school, you see the students “listening” without getting the context.

I can’t say I have got in to a good routine yet, cause I’ve only done this now since January 5th. 4 day’s isn’t a habit. But it gives me hope! Normally I manage things like this for maximum a week. Which offcourse this is my goal to past more than a week!! My goal is to do this for the coming 4-6 weeks!

My challenge as a woman right now is…to get past my latest pain. Which started yesterday January 7th. from/after a new birth controll apointment. To have constant pain that I didn’t know I could get, is really here now. The whole point was to get less pain, better control of things you girls/women understands. Yet, here I am with a constant pain. It’s not as bad as it was at the doctor which was 10 of 10 on a scale, no now it’s maybe 1,5-2. Livable.

Which also makes it painful to move around, walk and carrie things like food from the grocery shop… Which I need to accomplish today (you know foodstores aren’t open on Sunday’s here).

To be able to sleep during the nigth, not wake up in pain..Yesterday or actually this morning I went a bed around 03.30am, woke up late even if I didn’t sleep more then six and a half hour.

My challenge in life is manage with “all the things” I haved plan for this Spring and Summer. To actually manage it, have the time for it and not just survive.

Enjoy life and not stress at all. Have late breakfast in the weekends, sew, knit, maybe even the futher offers me a boyfriend, that would be nice. And not turn my sleep all around again which is harder. Stay allert.

Helping out with Birthday gift cards to an other familymember, being good with administrion helps to fix stuff like this. To get credit from familymembers cause I do what they ask me to do it’s also quite nice.

To coop with work and sparetime, go for my walks I need, stay healthy and don’t get corona (!), have a good Christian life. Church.

Stay in contact with friends in Oslo area while I’m here. Enjoy the time here and now and not think so much of what will come yet just knowing what is coming. Just have some controll. Try to be more spontanies about things. Get me “out there” discover places in this county.

An other Challenge is to get back to the gym which I miss and need. My hope was to do it this weekend, but that will not happend as long as I have this annoing pain. 😦

Now it’s time for dinner or maybe it actually is late lunch?!? I had late breakfast should I then skip lunch just because of what time it is? Whatever, i need to cook something and I want to go for a small walk. I’ll guess I’ll see what and when I do things today…
