How do you think when the Spring comes?

Since my last blog has the Spring🌱 really come forward. ☺ Take today..It’s not just sunshine ☉ it’s a bit warm 🌡 too ☺ and during the night we went from ⛄-time to 🏖-time. 

It’s even more then pluss four degrees during the nights now. That is a Spring Sign 😃 Flowers coming slowly up and our rubarbs (!) 

I’ve got into a good rhytm of workout and got new shifts at PS Hotel 😉 som it works better with my body. Free Day’s = workout time for me.

(On the picture I’m back home and get my suger up with dates and suger peas)

 The Media Free week was for me all about to do other things then watch TV or be out on Facebook. And I did do other things. ☺☺ l picked up a book to read on the bus, did some creative cards with old nailpolish and on the fourth day into my Media Free Week was the first day’s I watched a tv program. 

 Thursday and Friday was my free day’s off the Hotel and I planen to go to the gym on Friday but my back got locked 🤐🤐 Sadly the whole weekend 🤐 which off course was work related 🤐🤐.. Not even high heels 👠 helped me this time (which it normally do). My weekend shift ended on Monday (because I don’t work Friday) but before, I had to go to the chiropractor = the only solution …

All the snow is finally gone unfortunally the Pollen is here… I have to say som far hasn’t bother me much more then itchie eyes but you never know from year to year how bad it will be. 

Two day’s ago had I my first PThour at the gym. It was challenging but fun! I like challenges when I know I can learn something out of it. And to be able to keep with the PT-traing I need a job soon! 
