Like the fog can be thick, is my faith strong.

… if it’s time or just life I don’t know, but something has hit me. (Not so hard thankfully.)

It’s like the fog on the picture above, it’s something beautiful and scarry in the same time.

I have, since I moved back to Oslo area ten years ago (2011) this month, been missing the West coast of Norway.

I moved to Stavanger in september 2010, after the Lord open up a job in a kindergarten. I felt how the Lord was talking to me and how He led me. But I did not stay as long as planned…

I lived there for 6,5months. The plan was a year, I thought. The years here on the East side have had the purpose and the Lord has worked within me and with me. And I would not be who I am if I had not moved back!

And the Lord gave me the reason why I needed to moved back to Oslo area, so I did not just move just becauce I did not like the job in Stavanger. Oh no, it was deeper than that.

But now, ten years later things are different again. And once again I have peace from the Lord about moving. Where? Well I do not now. 🤪.

So I apply for the jobs I have enough knowledge for and trusting the Lord in this too. 🙏 ✝️.


Step by step with the Lord.

The interview went well on Friday the 9th. It was a positive interview. I felt the lord was with me all the time. ✝️ The Lord gave me peace for the job and the school. I can’t say I got it because they need to call my references. But it was like the Lord spoke to me in the evening “I will give you what you need”. And I have to trust my Lord on those words.

I waited on a answer for about four day’s. Got an textmsg with information of ” We can’t give you an answer until next week about who will get the job.”

This was a answer I needed. Because this ment I had to trust the Lord on my desition. I made up my pro – con list. Prayed. And made up my mind.

I said yes to the first job offer on 50%. And today the 25th I have been working in the Youth School for a week and I’m getting there. 🙂

I think this is the place for me this School year.

I still trusting the Lord when it comes to my financial cause I can’t see how I will be able to live and pay my bills. 😟

And I don’t know what or how I will be able to support the student but the Lord knows. 😊 And that’s where my faith is.


I have to let God have the focus of my Life. I need to trust in faith. To hear Him talk. To show me what He want me to do and where.

/Mia-Simone.Svenberg. 2019.