2 hours with ❄, hours of 🌧 and strong wind/autumn storm in October-November.

East side of Norway have had snow ussues, which us the same every time the first snow in October or November. Monday was full of chaos in the news. And most of Norways population who doesn’t live in Oslo and the (areas) on the East side thinks “how is it possible to not switch from summer to winter tires?” Well I think they think they can managed anyway 😥.

Here in Rogaland we got the storm with wind guts up to 25m/s abd the trees 🌳🌳 gets ready for winter and I had a big pile of leafs outside my door this morning..

We had two hours of snow🌧 on Tuesday this week. Two hours! Then we got rain 🌧 and the storm. I have to say I enjoy the storms while being home and indoors, lighten a candle light, watch a movie or just listen to the wind. 😊

If you click on the picture you’ll se the snow flakes 😉.

A mix of pictures from the last weeks.

From the preaching with Elevation Church online, February 19th.

Spring signs and the sky. February23.

Reparing wool socks.

The light has been coming more each day this last weeks and the mornings has been so beautiful in the sunrise.

I’ve been able to walk a bit more after work, not every day but I do enjoy it every time I do short or longer walk.

For me it isn’t how far I walk, it’s about to do it, to have the extra energy in my body.