July 8th 23

I woke up around 9.30am saw the Sunlight coming in through my window and just wanted to make coffee and sit outside, just like mom always did. So I did 😍.

Realizing how convenient it was to have the app for my blog on my phone, and how little I actually haven’t written since I took away from my phone… So I had to down load it again.

During my cup of coffee I took care of my flowers outside on the stairs – “my garden” – as I don’t even have a patch of garden…

Cleaning b4 fixing how the flowers should stand 😊.
My seeds that I sowed in April has starting to grow 🀩 and soon I will have sunflowers.

Yesterday I bought 4 different curtains lenths at a 2ndhand store, washed an off-white one together with a linen fabric. Today I drew a pattern for a dress I’ve wanted to try sewing for few years but didn’t have the courage. Now I’ll use the curtain length to sew different types of dresses.

Dress pattern.

Next step, after resting my back a bit in the couch, will be to add the pattern to the fabric 😊.

The peace I’ve recieved the last few days, June 9th.

I’ve got peace to stay in Stavanger municipality an other year, if that means I’ll stay where I live right now (on the island) or that I’ll move into the city I don’t know yet. What I still don’t know is where I’ll work. The job I have right now ends the 31st of July. Yet I do have peace over the fact I’ll get the job the Lord wants for me.

Does this mean that I’ll keep working with yought? Don’t know. Will I keep working in the School? Hope so, but don’t know.

Which path wil become mine?

Maybe I’ll become a substitute teacher somewhere or maybe I’ll get a job with yought like “after school hours”. Just the fact I’ve got peace helps a lot!! Last year I was so stressed about this thing “where will I get a job” and now I am in the same situation and I will just rest in it and see where the Lord is leading me. I am still applying to jobs of interest but no stress. And I have figured out I shouldn’t work more than 80%. Which also helps.

I am still applying, and won’t stop until I get something. But I feel more openminded about what I can and maybe want to try than I have been feeling for the last months. πŸ˜‰ And I still have peace over the job I turned down, that it was the right thing to do.

I have been praying over this “Lord where will I work nest?” Because it is a bit frustrating some days to not know. But now, I just know it’s okay to just trust the one who have it all in His plans. So whatever everyone asks me I’ll answer I don’t know but it will be fine.

And my sparetime, well offcourse it would have been nice and easier to have the driving licence but hay, I take that when I have time and money. I will try to explore as much as possible this Summer by train, bus and ferries! I will not aloud myself to just be home and do nothing just because I don’t have a car!!

Life goes on and I’ll enjoy mosts days. πŸ˜‰

Approxy 60 hours from now.

My home…is chaotic. Full of boxes that are packed. A good thing. And in the middle of all boxes I can see my cat us confused of what’s going on.

He does not like changes, he accept it quite fast thought. But the moving change… well it’s hard to say cause he sleeps most the time. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.

Today is it the 5th of August. In approxy 60 hours we are in our new home. Which means I have started to pack what we need for the day’s we are there before the boxes and furnitures comes… and my bed!

What do I need for 3,5 day’s? Food, clothing, toilet things, radio, charger…the list goes on and I just need to cross it out. And than, I need to clean out this aparment!

I thought about to let a cleaning company do it until I got the prices. And realising I don’t afford it. πŸ˜”.

But it’s okay. I’ll do it in my rythm. With okay music on the radio I am find. As long as I take my breaks cause my back. 😊. Drinking water & cooling my head with ice cold water. I am okay.

To relax I continue on my lastest project; my livingroom table. I wish I could show you all but I’ve used up my quote on picture on the free wordpress which only mean I soon have to start to pay a fee. Which is the nxt step for me to expand readers and to continue what the Lord has showen me to do.

So, in 48 hours I am in my new home. A city I have been longing to, to once again live in. Ten years I needed to wait on the Lord to say “it’s time “. I feel like some of the men in the bible who also had to wait on the right time before God could use them.

More in the nxt blog about that. 😊.

So, what have I done since last blog? Well except packing, this week was all about to once again be blessed by the Lord. Recive a miracle. Someone that could drive me and my cat. And than clean out my apartment here on the East side of Norway.

Today it’s Thursday the 5th of August, and I am getting closer to finish with the fridge. 😊. It’s soon 10pm and I am just gonna clean the ” fridge floor ” and grab the towels that are outdoor on the drying rack. And my goal for today is to be in bed 00/12am.