Exploring Oslo’s beaches

Stilla squars / Stillatorvet.


Right now I enjoying both the temperature and a new area in Oslo where I haven’t been before.

Yesterday evening I went to Sollerud beach just by the fjord and 10min with the local bus from me.

Tomorrow I’m gonna explore an other place with a friend.

When it’s not to warm for me I love the summer!


Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!
