Reflection, thankfulness, the emptiness & wistful March 25th

I don’t feel happy or sad.Β  I feel wistful like someone has cut something off.Β  I feel empty.Β  But I am grateful for the 8 years I got with Silver and all the good memories.Β  It helps to talk to him as if he hears me ❀️.

I am thankful the Lord is with me in this situation, I wouldn’t be able to go through this alone! ✝️

It’s now all about to make new routines and find out how my life without Silver will look like… but I am not alone on this path πŸ™‚βœοΈπŸ’ž

I am grateful for the peace I have in me. I have hope for the future to become better  ❀️. I just need time and look on what kind of priorities I am going to make.

Reposting some pictures from the years I got with Silver πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™.   See you in heaven my boy πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ’™

OMG! I got an interveiew on the British School!πŸ˜πŸ™ˆπŸ˜

I can’t really believe it’s true. Last time I applyed I got an deny. And I didn’t changed much on my application! Maybe it wasn’t so many that applyed. I don’t know. But I got it- interview! 😍😍

I read the email just before I fell a sleep last night (31st of August). I am so thankful to the Lord that I kept pushing myself to apply.

Woke up 1st of September still smiling. And even in the evening (10pm) calling a friend it hadn’t landed πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. I am getting there – with the feeling of I actually got an interveiew.

Meanwhile I have other challenges to deal with or sort out or figure out. But I will not do it alone cause I trust the Lord and I know He will both guide and provide for me.

And I am moving πŸ™‚πŸ™ƒ and this time I’ll stay there for more then one year! It’s the perfect apartment!! 2 bedrooms, open kitchen – livingroom, bath bigger than I need πŸ˜†πŸ˜†, parkinglot (not commen) and the best to last, a terrasse without a lot of sun 😍😍😍😍. 🌳🌳🌳🌳 just outside the windows 😍😍😍. I love it!!

It feels like the Lord have improved and keep blessing me with places I need every time I move. πŸ™. This one is also lower rent then most around in the same suburb πŸ™πŸ™. Walking distance to bus stops or a 20min walk in to the city center 😍😍 perfect for CouchSurfers or friends to visit. Coast line walking paths 5 min away 😍😍.

In 2010 I worked nearby where I soon will live, so I know some part of the suburb. Love the nature in this suburb!!

3,5 schools that are interessted to have me on their subtitute teacher list 😍😍 , one school is in walk distance from my new home 😍😍.

I don’t know how this Autumn will end but I am fully trusting the Lord. He knows my path and that’s enough for me. 😊😊.

A good habit has started πŸ€©.

I have, since 8th of February, been able to start with my exercises again after my injury 🀩🀩🀩 and I’m a good flow where I have been able to do it almost every evening for the past week 🀩🀩🀩. And I have also been able to add things along the way that is good for my body.

This is two types I’ve been able to add the last week πŸ’ͺ🀩.

My regular exercise is;

And after almost 2 weeks I can feel how my stomache mucles are getting tighter and stronger 😊πŸ’ͺ.

Theese are on my goal to add;

One step at the time, a new goal each week and then I compeet against myself πŸ˜‰ on how many repeets I managed from day to day πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰. Like yesterday were my goal to do 15 butt lift & 15 reverse crunch but I couldn’t do them all cause of pain but I weren’t far from it πŸ™‚ so I were pleased with what I managed.

I can only hope that my strategy helps you to be motivated πŸ˜‰. To set up a goal isn’t the same thing as a “new year resultion” remember that.

The freedom,You can choose your type of wings.

I started this post in April 2020…have been editing it now and than…for the right moment to release it.

Writers comes in different shapes and from different genres and we all write different. I blog as you know, but it did not start there. For me it started as most kids. I wrote stories with a wild fantasy. Long and short ones, some has still not been finished and they are still waiting to be continued others I have forgotten.

My inspiration was (still is) my Mom.

My mother was a teacher and a believing Christian, she left us in November 2020, she taught med to write my name early. I think I was three and a half or maybe closer to age four when I could spell my name and write short sentences. I grew up with 2 biologic brothers, and to foster brothers during the 1980’s. And the impact they had on me as a child has for sure made who I am today!

On the “top of this” I have Journalists in my family, which also are writers. But they do it in another league! But yet they are writers. So I am not the only one that writes and other people read it, that’s what I mean.

Even though we moved around a bit during my childhood and I had to switch Schools and was bulled I have good memories of writing a lot! Yet the best part was how much my mother teached us to write in a early age. She put effort into traditions and taught us all kind of stuff. And now when she is in heaven I just want to share as much as possible from her life and what she gave me.

How are you expressing your creativity? And where?

I remember that I climb up to one of the house roof to find a good “study-spot” to sit and read books to get inspired to write. πŸ˜‰ Something I would love to be able to today as an adult. But I can not do that for several reasons. The height is not one of them.

I had a happy childhood and wrote as much as I had time to until I was a teenagers, which was when I took a break. A bit longer break than I thought was possible. My mother was my biggest inspirations to write stories with lots of fantasy. I remember she once said “write it all down, one day you might have a book”, or she could say ” You should write down what you see and make a story”. Her imagination was rich, big and sometimes also wild. She loved to read books with excitement, adventure like in a thriller or crime book. That, she past on to me. I love a good crime book.

And I am so lucky to have had the chance to spend every Summer in the Northen part of Sweden (the picture gallery), in our cottage, until I was fifteen or sixteen. I loved to write stories at least in elementary school, after School, in the Summer break, wherever I had the chance (my dad did not like it at all). I have memories, where I sat in a barn with itching hay with a pen and paper. πŸ™‚ Or in the grass watching the calfs and cows and horses on pasture and getting pictures and words in my head.

The write-break, I did not take up the pen to write stories again until I was above twentyfive! Why I do not know. I mean I have always written on something here and there. And it has never been like it is now. The Lord gave me big inspirations, prophetic Words and kept helping me about what to share and how to share it.

To be creative is a part of my life. I can not say how old I was when I started to do other creative things. I do remember I was maybe 5, the first time I was woven something. Did I like it? I do not know. And do not remember what I made. Sorry.

The biggest change in my blogging came in 2019 after I recived a message from God, three times during a time line of (I think) 6 months.

Before (lets see… πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” …) December 2018, did I use my blog as an ” ventilation ” to clear my thoughts. Nowdays the Lord gives me something to share. Most the times I ask Him “how is this useful to share?”. And you know what?, I always recive the peace inside. Like ” just becauce you do not understand does it not mean someone else does not need it, just the opposite”.

I still write about “this and that” to clear my brain, but nowdays it’s more with a guide from the Lord.

To reach out wherever in the world with my blog.

My blog started small and it has grown just like me and my writing.


You who are following my blog comes from all around the world. Just like the picture above the smile. And what’s amazes me probably the most is how many of you who writes about traveling.

Opportunity to write, share, encourage other people I never would be able to meet.

Opportunities comes in different forms, different times and different types.

2020; I don’t know if this means that my blog will be even bigger, reaching even more people. Maybe.

2022; For sure it has happend! Today, June 2022, I am writing more and more often and I am paying for my blogsite which I never thought about to do when I started! But the Lord have made it clear. This is how he want me to touch other people.

The freedom just like a flight. You can choose your type of wings.

Hope you have found your way of being creative just like the way the Lord has given you Your gift into your life.

I am thankful for who I am, what I become and for I am not walking alone in this world!

Find Your Joy in Your Life and Journey.

The Lord is my inspiration to write and I pray the Lord will help you with your creative side

April 12th-22, Easter Break.

April 12th I had good 4 hours down town 😊. I had an apointment to check my eyes, and than I ended up walking around, got a Caffe latte and talking to my Seattle friend who live in Oslo 😊. Shopping only things I needed 😊. And enjoying life.

The fact my foot wasn’t painful while walking was really nice. 😊

Through Norway by train to Sweden and back home.

The trip to Sweden through Norway in pictures.

I loved the Winter landscape the train went through. ❀❀❄❄.

The funeral was beautiful. And sad. I am thankful I went. Had a chance to meet people my Mom knew that I have not seen in approxy 15years.

The funeral, December 11th in Orsa, Sweden.

I had time to spend with my family. Maybe most with the “kids” which are two teenagers and one on eleven. But it is still quality time with them. πŸ’œ.

I brought some of Mom back home to my place. Some of mom’s clothes. πŸ’œ. My way to not just remember her but also let her be a part of my life. Continuing being with me. ❀❀.

This picture symbolizes mom becauce she often sat outdoors and drank her morning-coffee.

So many good memories from mom… drinking coffee together any time of the year. Outdoors or indoors. Building jigsaw puzzle at least 500 pieces, walk, our Summer house, go on our bicycles, cooking food, learn to wash (laundry) clothes when I was 6 or 7 years old, learn to cook as an 8years old kid, pikking berries with the mosquitos πŸ˜†, to have good routines and structuer at home, to love and appreciate the nature. ❀mom ❀, you will always be with me!

Back home, I have been and still are in quartine becauce of the trip to Sweden… But I have had Homeoffice, been produtive and efficion at work. And I have been knitting after work. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ§ΆπŸ§Ά.

Christmas gifts.

I am now on day 8 og 10 in quartine. And can not wait until the 22nd and that it is after 3pm…when I finally can go to the stores I need to buy the very last things for Christmas to just like I want it!!!

Been able to finish up with my shelf-project πŸ’œπŸ–ŒπŸ˜Š.

It has so far been a really good December even if I want the ❄ to come and stay for a month.

In all the sad time I have had been both blessed with enough money for the trip and blessed with good energy. Blessed with good health no Corona in me. And good friends, family and colleages! And Peace. ✝️.

The Lord is both showing me love and giving me hints on what’s good og bad for me. ❀ ✝️.


Happy, Thankful ‘n Blessed.

I am so Happy and Thankful right now. I have had so much other things going on i my life that the Lord hasn’t had the first place in my life for a while… And than tonight he used me and reminded me of the biggest thing.

His love.

And how much he loves me.

And how much he care for me.

A small greeting that become so big for me here and now.

Whatever going on in my life, he needs to come first! How will I otherwise be able to do what he wants for me? And how a simple worship song can change the atmosphere and my mood. 😊

The Lord is blessing my life in so many ways now days. One blessing is to write here and knowing that someone of all of you who follow my blog will be blessed or feel God’s present when you read. An other blessing is how he has turned my financial situation to the positive after years of struggling. Or how he has blessed me with a good part time job on 70% and this year as a janitor beside.

Even if I have challenges in my life he blesses me double up. And I can feel his present.

It’s a Joy I haven’t had in long time now.

This year so far is such a blessing!! Some day’s feel crap but in the end of the day when I go to bed and thanking God for the Day I recive peace and love from Him. ✝️

I just needed to share! And pray and hope you will be able to get this amazing walk with the Lord you too! 😊


35th Birthday again πŸ˜‰

Pictures from my Birthday the 3rd and the continuing celebrating the 4th of May, waiting on and being with friends.


Baking the cake the 2nd of May to my collegues.

Picking wood anemone with some students on my Day to the Basar we had at the School.

On my way back home, I past those beautiful “new born buds”.

A Birthday gift, gift card, cinema ticket 😍

4th of May.

In Oslo, the National Theatret place, eating a ice cream waiting on my friends.

…the National Theatret place…

At my friends place.

Birthday dinner.

Gift and β˜• and πŸŽ‚.

Happy Birthday to me πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰


The Spring of 2019.

The Spring of 2019 has arrived.

One sign of Spring is that Silver is curious on what’s outside and I let him explore.

Other signs are all the new buds, pollen and flowers.

New walking paths for me with the students I work with.

Melting snow.

Coffee, or the first Ice cream or the first Strawberries for the season.

Even Silver likes Strawberries.

The morning light… 😊 even though some mornings still have negative degrees.

The fresh colours.

It’s all new again.

The contrast between durty soil and green leafs.

The bright morning Sun light.

The new life in the nature is conrast to all the snow we have had and that makes me happy!

How a tree can grow out of a rock..

And all of this is made by our heavenly Father. He knows his thing about Colours, Fashion, Nature and what apeels to us human.



The Winter cold is here

I got it. 🀧🀧

I got it bad.

Fever, for 8 Days!

I went to the doctor o Monday the 4th.


With fever and more and less no energi I forced myself to the Doctors office.

Took a blodtest and prayed that I wouldn’t got the bacteria.

Thank you Lord, it was just the virus.

As rough as it was to get to the doctor as less energi did I have when I struggled to get home.

My legs walked away like a machine. The rest of my body did not like to be outside at all.

I was home and sick until Thursday.

I will got rid of the fever. 😊

I went to work (internship) this Friday.


I did it.

But I still struggle with the fact of that I don’t cope on 100%. ☹️

I did and do rest in my couch as much as I can to get rid of it all.

I pray for strength.

I pray that this past fast.

I trust in my lord for getting totally well soon.

It’s a bit rough to work where most students are sick, and this cold doesn’t have a end. ☹️

It’s mye 12th Day with the cold today. ☹️☹️


My blog-journey.

When I started to blog I did it clear my head, not really to get people to start following my blog for sure! But here I am, few years later with around twenty followers!

It’s been a Journey, my Journey to figure things out. A positive exploring journey. Where I have had to trust Dad’s Word to me, to listen to what He says and understand that this is what He want me to do not just for me but also for you who read.

It’s about to share the good and fun

and bad or sad

things in life.

God has given me the gift of greetings to other people. He gives me uplifting words, pictures or Bibleverses. He has also given me prophetic words back to me through friends this year – 2018.

*The first greeting I got this year was; the 28th of April.

I did not really understand, so I Said “Dad if you give me the same message 3 times I know it is from you, but you also have to show me clearly what this is about.”

*The second greeting came in June and *the third in November.

All with the same message:

“I will make your Creativity bigger”.

Was I or Am I up for a new challenge?

In November and December I started to see clearly and understand what Dad wanted for me and this blog. When more and more of you who are now following my blog. I understood this is my challenge, my gift from Dad my Lord. This is what He wants for me.

This is the greeting “I will make your Creativity bigger“.

To share.

My Dad, our heavenly Father, has spoken to me, to share my Christian life, my Daily life to inspire others. To follow Him and let Him guide me.

I do not know my future but I know He will guide me and give me the right words.

I am not good to read the bible… But Dad has pointed this out to me;

“You are willing to hear my voice and do what I ask you to do, which for me is better then to read and not understand the words.”

Not that I don’t want to not read the bible. No no no. I want it but I fall a sleep ☹️ no matter what time it is. It is all about to get good habits. Which for me is to read through the Bible-app and read uplifting week-plans.

So now I’m looking 4ward to next year and the year after that! With Dad and this blog. 😊

I wish you all a Happy New YearπŸŽ‡, Happy lifeπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰, a good relationship with Dad our heavenly Father where ever you are around the 🌏🌎🌍.

I will Try to post more often then until December-18, which was special. I hope my blog will be full of inspiration and that you will let your network know about me, if you like it. πŸ˜‰


Advents calender, 24th December-18.

It’s Christmas eve πŸŽ„ it’s finally here. The Day I have been waiting on.

Here comes the verse for today; Psalm 37:21

The wicked borrows and does not repay, But the righteous shows mercy and gives.

This verse is just like what Christmas is all about. To show mercy and be giving.

We celebrate the newborn son that came to this World for us. Our Father gave us a son, to be able to show mercy to others. And we have the oppurtunity to give, show love and mercy.

Merry Christmas.


Rehabilitering at home – healing good.

So it has been two weeks since I fainted or got “overheated”. I have not been using the computer more than less at all. I can not say I have not been on Facebook or Instagram because I have (on the smartphone) but I have not been online for more than maximum 8-10 minutes. 😊 Today is the first day “back in the computer world” which basic means I am looking for jobs or doing research off a school I would like to have work-experience at.

Last Wednesday I got rid of the stitches and everything is healing good. 😊

I am still sore in my face but I am less red on my cheek and even that is healing. Here (below) I had to cool-down my head πŸ˜‚ over-heated indoor 😣 just using an ice-block works perfect. 😊

Indoor I do not need the patch but …

… outdoor and in the night I still need it 😟 to cover it against dust and sun.

I have slowly been able to sew again

and trying to finish up easy projects. Like the silk top (below) which I bougth the fabric in mid July and this weekend just finished. 😊😊 Here I have been sewing by hand, mostly because the sewing-machine did not like the fabric 😐 but it was very relaxing and like rehab to do . 😊

This and last week I am back in the course, not a problem at all. Last week was not long day’s which helped a lot! The weather went back to normal. Which is between +20Β° to +28Β°C. Fits me much better.

I am walking past so many beautiful flowers on my way to the course, which I just wanted to end this blog with.

I have to say, life is to short to complain on, so I am thinking positive and what I have been through I take with me as an other type of experience.
