Locked back and sciatica pain – unable to go to work.

Isn’t it tipical that when I finally find a job, a job as a substitute teacher and substitute learning assistant my back crash?! I spent time in both my bed and couch yesterday (Thursday 21st of September) and by time to go to bed it was nearly okay 🙂 but it was one thing I really needed to do. I needed to wash my hair, and that was painful!! And I kind of knew this would not benefit my back at all. But to wake up today day with even more pain… oh I get so tired of my back 😔😔🤐😡🤬 Have no words.

If it only was that I can’t go to work. But it isn’t is it? No! I need to pack, clean out things like cabinets, my fridge, bathroom cabinets etc… 🤬🤬🤬 (sorry for the emijos, but they describe how I feel.)

I am so annoyed on this life!! But I will not get depressed or think to much about it I will be thankful to life. I have what I need right now. A friend went to the grocery store for me yesterday so I have food 😊. I have a home 😊. I have a roof over my head. I have friends that care 😊❤. And a God that loves me. ✝️

To be grateful despite tiring when life doesn’t become what you hope for…

To stand up straight.

To stand up straight in a battle. Your battle. To find tools and trust what you know. To have faith. To have patience. To believe.

To stand up straight in what you belive is the right for you. In this moment. This periode. To feel the present of the Lord in your prayers.

To stand up straight for your faith. To pray for advice from the Lord. To have patience with the Lord. Knowing He take care of your burden. Your prayers. Your life. He and only he who knows you and can give you the love you need in your battle.

To stand up.

Not fall apart.


Listen to His voice. Obey when you need to. And just relax in His big arms. Knowing He take care of it all. Knowing He care for you. Knowing He carring you. Knowing His love to you.




To stand up straight. Against the enymy. Knowing your faith. Relax in faith. Relax in His big arms of love.
