Active waiting & learning as an Christian.

My plan was to go to Church today, be there to 11 o’clock (am). On my way out of bed I realizes my back hurts and I can nearly walk. Not a good sign! So instead I decided I to read more in the bible app I have. To study the word. To continue on my good habit.

I have started 2 new bible plans, 1,Wisdom and 2, Exploring your gifts.

I try to read one “chapter” each day before I start my day and heading to work or before I sleep depending on how tired I am when I woke up. Did I oversleep in the morning, then I read in the evening.

I have had a long learning curve off how to get a good habit of reading the Bible. It has taking me until this year and this Easter… but I am doing so much better now. ☺

I am learning more each day of all the different things about what the Bible is teaching us.

I must say that those bible plans has helped me yo get in to a good habit and rythem. Without them I would be in my “not reading bible place”.

In the Wisdom plan today, one question was “where do you spend time? In the social media or with God?” And here I am in one part of social media sharing my thoughts in life about how to spend time with God. Kind of ironic in one way.

In Exploring your gifts plan, one question was “How can you cultivate your gift if you’re not currently in a place where you can act your passion?”

I know one of my gifts from God but is that all? Do I have more gifts or is it just a passion? This is something I would like to explore. Can I combinde those? I just have to ask God for guidance and widsom to understand how this works. I also need to get involved in a Church and ask friends to pray for this with me.

I don’t know how God is speaking to you but I know he is. You just need to listen. I just know that if I don’t talk to God my Father every day my relationship gets weaker with him and it will be even harder to listen to what he has to tell me.

I am doing this to understand more and get a better relationship with him who is my Father in my life. He who can guide me in all directions and areas.
