Online dating (annoying or not) part 9.

I have now been talking to this man for approxy 4 weeks. We went from talking on the dating app to Snap to WhatsApp. It’s been a journey of it’s own! We don’t have any issue to talk about anything and everything. We have figured out that we have a lot in comman yet many things where we are the opposite which I think is good.

We both want to get to know the other on a friend level and build the relationship from that place. We share values and we are both Christians – which is the part I never though I actually would find a Christian man – but here he is.

My prayers are; pls let it be good chemistry between us when we meet so all thing we have been talking about won’t be for nothing! Pls let it be better then when we talking. And pls let us be able to continue on this friendship, let it grow into love and bigger.

The Journey of Oline dating, isn’t as streight forward as people migth think… It’s many bumps and other obstacles on the road, many questions, doubts and more especially if you don’t live or work on the same continent or in the same land!!

To have focus on the good feeling, the feeling of chemisrty is important and pray together and for each other if you share that. If you don’t share it, pray for him/her. In prayers the Lord can sow and harvest things you can’t.

To be adults and be able to be open of everything is important for me. So I asked questions very early in our conversation, things that are important for me. And he has done that too. 🙂

Offcourse we have different thoughts about things, but I think one of the most important thing when you trying to get to know a man/woman through online dating is to be flexible and open to change yourself if it something he/she like to so and you never tryed it before or never done it, like in my case. He loves snorkling – something I never done. But just because I never done it doesn’t mean I will never do it – so if I am open minded here I might be able to have a good experience one day with him for what he likes 🙂 .

We talk a lot about what each of us want’s in the future partner, qualities and personal characteristics, hobbies, future place to live have we discussed – mainly cause we have a ocean between us (!) Even when he is at work, cause he is an engineer and work different place.

We have our own journey and backpacker we carry with us, all of ous who are dating. Where are our focus in all this? And how do we cope with it all? Well it’s up to each of us to find a pattern that fits us and share it with the one we date. If you are lucky to meet IRL or like me being online for weeks before the first meeting, yet I have to find a good pattern and spend time with him when it fit’s his schedule. And support each other even more important when it’s a distance between us/you two!

To dream by yourself and later with your partner, I guess that’s what we all are doing. Dreaming of a partner when we are single is one thing and an other thing when you meet someone you like not just for how he/she looks like but for whom he/she is. No matter where you are in life right now you are dreaming for something i life, I do. So we are all “the same”. We all have vissions about life and what we want to do, travel, for work etc.

I choose this picture of the hot air balloon for an other reason too, not just for dreams or cause I have it on my blog. No. it’s something about this picture I like and I think it’s the space around it, the freedom, the clouds, the simplicity of where it is and going. A bit like me and maybe you. We have a freedom, a simplicity if we want it from the Lord. We just need to see it 🙂 . Sometimes we are “to focused” on here and now that we forget about the plan that isn’t ours but the Lord. He can see us everywhere and places we have issues to see infront of us because we don’t allow us that picture.

But back to the “core” of this post….

I believe I met this man in the right time for me, maybe especially cause most other things in my life is so uncertan (work and if I am going to stay where I live right now). I hadn’t given up on “finding” someone. No, I had good conversations with the Lord on this. And the Lord gave me more and more patience on this area. The funny thing is that thirteen years ago when I moved to this region the first time I got a line from the Lord saying “next time you live here, you will meet a man a future hubby”. The Lord never said when or how long I had to live here before meeting this hubby ^^haha^^. But the point is, the Lord had a plan and on the way he gave me more and more patience to where I am and waiting on my future husband 😉 .

I just have to believe and trust the Lord.