
We all wait on something. It can be the bus or the train, it can be the mail or a interview, or kids after a school day. You got the picture.

But how do you wait? Do you feel you do not have enough patience for your waiting? Do you think someone else should be the one that should be the waiting person? Do you just sit ” up-side-down “and do nothing else while you’re waiting? Or do you use the time to something else?

I am waiting. Waiting to know when the next step comes. Waiting on to be able to meet “the guy “. Waiting with excitment on what will happend after we met. Waiting could be exhausting but the Lord is giving me so much patience that I am overwelmed.

The patience does not end, no it’s continuing every day. And I have to say that most people had probably already given up by now. And here I am still waiting on what the Lord wants with this. I still don’t have a clue what the Lord will bring me, of this journey.

But I know, and have learned the long way, that if I stick to this, God will not just bless me on the way but also the whole way! ❤✝️

To stay on the sea with the Lord. Be in the boat.

I went for a walk with the Lord yesterday, Saturday, down to the fjord. The marina, a place where I feel comfortable to just be, breath, think and talk to the Lord. Asking the Lord about this waiting. And thanking Him for all the patience He is giving me.

Lights far away.

To be the light in an other persons life without really knowing that person or not really knowing that persons life just few pieces. To be able to pray for that persons life every day. 💜 That is a Joy I haven’t thought much about before yesterday. ✝️ How my prayers can bless is one thing. But how the prayers for an other person can give me a new level of patience and calmness. That is what I recive. A new level of fresh air from the Lord.

To stand in the waiting and trusting the Lord, who knows how it will end. What a blessing!! To do something different and where I normally would have given up if I just went on my own thoughts and feelings. But how the Lord is showing me how He is guideing me through this when I am putting this in His hands. ✝️

Things on distance.

To have focus on what the Lord wants for me.

My situation with this guy is on distance, which could make it even harder and more frustrarted. Which is where I have been but instead of putting energy on something negative and thinking it could be difficult then I choose to think of it as something exciting and it gives me positive energy.😉😊

Positive energy like all the lovely colours we have around us in this season. 😊

I went to Church for the first time in months today. I can’t say that the preaching hit me with anything but the worship!❤ To just stand there listening a bit and sing along on the songs I knew. 😊 To be filled like no other place can give me then in the Church room with the acoustics, rhythm from the drums and guitar 😊😊 that harmony… in my own waiting gave me a calm peace I hardly can explain with words. But very Thankful for the moment I got!!

Which reminds me to play worship at home. Right now. To turn off the radio and turn ON the Channel to the sky and Lord. ❤

Don’t be desperate in your waiting!just becauce you wants something. Let the Lord guide you. Let it take time.


Wait and see 2

Have you ever felt God calling you to something?

This is the text;

Have you ever felt God calling you to something? How did you react? You could do one of two things: with good intentions, you could try everything in your power to fulfill the calling … or you could wait for God to give you specific directions. There is wisdom in taking steps of action, and there is wisdom in waiting on God to tell you where to walk. It’s all about finding the balance between the two. Think of waiting as controlled preparation, like getting ready to have a baby.

The same is true for God’s timing and our preparation. Our job is to not run ahead of Him or lag behind. We should take natural, commonsense steps that are in line with His Word so we will be ready when He delivers our heart’s desire.

As we step out in faith, He will show us the way by either opening doors or closing them. Sometimes that will require we do a new thing, and sometimes it means doing what we already know to do.

Waiting in the pasture and tending sheep are difficult when we feel God has called us to something different. Many of us Jesus girls are doers, created with a nature to fix, nurture, and make things happen. Therefore, we don’t easily accept an assignment to hang out in our pastures and do the same old things when new things need to be done. And some of us Jesus girls are more cautious, created with timid hearts that seek confirmation.

let’s revisit James 1:2: “So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let [a test or challenge] do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way” (THE MESSAGE).

I have to say, this was interesting reading! I hope you like it too.


Wait and see.

I’ve just starter to read this plan “wait and see” in my Bible-app. It’s how I read the bible. It helps me understanding the meaning off the verses I would read right from the book, chapter.

Today’s devotional was about “Misconception”.

#1: If I am waiting, I must not have heard God correctly.

This is why it is so important to invite God into our wait from the very beginning, instead of after we have tried everything we know to make things happen. As we spend time with Him and in His Word, we gain confidence in His plans. A quick visit to the past fills us with the peace we need to make it through the pause. Waiting well teaches us to trust His delays rather than doubt His ways.
This is a mile-pile in a Christians life.

To wait right.

#2: If I am waiting, I must desire something not in God’s will for my life.

To ask your family and several close friends to pray with you. You have to committ to taking each step you feel God asking of you—whether that was toward meeting your future spouse or remaining single.

I have friends that pray with me. Maybe we need to change the routines on this I don’t know.

#3: If I am waiting, I must not be praying enough.
You know in your heart God would supply their needs, but you have to keep telling your head. To faithfully followed the teaching of Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:17: “Never stop praying” (NLT). Your wait don’t end because you prayed, but you resolve strengthened, helping you to face each day.

I need to tell my head to stay where I am. If it is about waiting or other things.

#4: If I am waiting, I must not have enough faith.
The writers Word, “Here’s the thing—I should have prayed and read my Bible, but not to work my way back into God’s good graces. He is a gracious and merciful God. My praying and Scripture reading do not make Him more gracious. Somewhere along the way, I’d convinced myself otherwise. God makes us wait at times so we can glean valuable lessons. But He never does so out of spite. This is something David taught me as I continued to wait for God to heal my husband.

How often do you ask your self those questions? I ask them.
How or what are you waiting on from God, Dad? Are you the kind of person that needs to write it down and come back to it later and see if Dad has answered you? Or do you remember every question and answer?
I have a “prayers and answers” book where I write down in the moment I have a prayer. I go back when I know Dad has answered it. Then I know it. I can read often ti remind me of the effort of waiting. 😊

To wait is a blessing and s challenge.

I hope this will inspire you too to read others view of the scipt.

Re-posting. One hour at Nav.



Today I had to go to Nav but before that I had to make some copies.. (Nav – a member of the government that helps most types of people who lost their jobs for various reasons or who have retired or who have been disabled.) to deliver some papers. When I finally got there, it was a queue as normal. It doesn’t really matter what time you have to be at Nav it’s always a queue, short or long.  I came to this location (not “my Nav” I usually go to)

When I entered the room, it was No. 057 desk 3. Ten minutes later it was still no. 057. So waiting without the queue getting smaller or visibly shorter is a little interesting. To sit there without hearing the “pledge” to just see more people coming was a bit odd.

I have to say that there was relatively good music in the speakers.”

While I was sitting there, I thought they had quite good music in the speakers. Before the first thing my Nav office does not have music for the second, it was one of the few things I heard music inside a Nav office. I was the only one who did something. I wrote blog posts in my notes app. Everyone sits quiet waiting nicely for their turn in the queue system. Some go for a walk in the room, probably just to move about a bit. Someone goes through their papers. Some of those who actually work there come and go. The time now is so much that the people who work here come from the rooms, and speak out to everyone that “now we close about fifteen minutes.” As if we who were there had not realized it. The clock does not stand still!

The majority of all who expected you were from Africa, Asia or Eastern Europe plus me, which is originally Sweden. The women do not sit on the same side as the men. We sit on hard wooden benches modern with a little round table in light wood color. The room is bright and feels open at the same time as it feels empty. Meanwhile, I hear the person sitting on the desk working is being annoyed by the person who asks questions because he who works there does not get the answer he wants. Is it typical Nav? Maybe. Not my opinion but it happens for sure often.


Now, queue numbers disappear from the queue-board. Is it because the time has been 14:39?

The queue numbers disappear from the queue-board. Is it because the time has been 14:39? To have patience is the same thing as the letters NAV stands for. Not a problem for me though. At 14:46 does the queue number show up on the queue-board again and start to roll again, and fast. Suddenly it says 062 and then it stops, like it would not start again or ever. Someone push through to get ahead of the queue and ask for how long they should wait when “there are not so many left here and we have No. 072″. How did they think now, was I thinking. I have No. 067, shall I just sit here and wait until my number gets up on the board or should I to let them know “I’m still waiting?” In the meantime I just sat there kept waiting. I had lots of time.

While I’m sitting there, it turns out that there have become many more foreign “at my Nav office” too. Probably in all the offices of Nav in Oslo. And then I think, how many of them are actually receiving help when they get here? And how many of them comes here every day? Are they here all day, to try to get some help?

I have to say I am very pleased with Nav Ullern which is “my Nav office”. I have so far got all the kind of help I needed even if some things takes a bit longer time than it should. But help I get.

One hour at Nav…

/Mia-Simone.  September 2015 // November 2017.