Online dating (annoying or not) Very Painful this time – part 12.

When you thought you really had stop this! And suddenly someone respond to one comment on social media!! And you really and literally don’t know how to respond.

THAT happend me.

It was both surreal, exiting and scarry in the same time in the beginning.

But it is for sure the most Sad, Awful, Painful, Terrifying and surreal that ever happend me!!

I have had some day’s to process this. A long story short; and it is sad that the whole thing started so positive and harmless. Which I guess it most the time does. But after few day’s of chatting he asked me to help him and he shared ( stuff I would never share, but he isn’t me) out of a desperate situation he was/is in (if he really is who he say’s he is). This stuff he shared with me is something I am SO AGAINST!! To transfer money!! I really tryed to tell him I didn’t want to do this (and at this point I should have just blocked him! But didn’t see it…) I was only interessted to get to know him as a person. He didn’t listen. My life has been turned up-side-down and I become a victum of online fraud. I thought I had learned the signs… And I really tryed to stand against him and his nagging. But he managed to convinse me 😦 . He convinsed me to get an app for bitcoin and actually buy bitcoin (just writing about this part is so painful!!) If it is anything I always been skeptical to, is it things I don’t know a shit abou like bitcoin (probably something he is used to). Every part of my body said NO!! And I tryed to talk sence to him but he didn’t listen. (I am crying inside of me writing this, it is so painful!!). I hate myself and him!! Dissapointed on myself for not reacting faster… And why didn’t I just block him? Well, I have to say this was more of a fight between the enemy and me… who would win?

You should know I have been through almost every type of feelings here. Hate myself and him. Frustration. Irritated. Sad. Crying. Wanted to screem. Wanted to melt away. But I texeted a friend who saw the whole thing from the outside and told me I had been a victum of fraud. When you read that from a close friend who care you know you need to act. So I have reported him to the Norwegian Police for online fraud. Called my bank and got everything blocked. I have made a copy of the whol chatting and saved it as a pdf-file. It’s been few turbulent day’s and will because of this take a break from social media. But I need my blog, to vent through as I always do.

Maybe because of this whole shit have I had brain fatigue, exhaustion symptoms – difficult to fall a sleep in the right time and my back crashed. It has been locked since Wednesday – the day when the big sad shit happend and I lost almost all my money.

But the Lord has his ways of encuragement!! And the Lord has been with me through it all I know. It’s the enemy who tryed to be bigger. The enemy who destroyed it all!! It’s like the enemy want to disrupt everything right now but he will not win!

And I thank the Lord for everything he has helped me with in this sad situation! The Glory goes to Him who is Bigger then everything!

If a person online asks for pictures of you don't send until he/she has sent it first!! Then google this person, read as much you can about this person!! Go on a concert or a place this person say's he/she normally are!! Don't trust everything the person say's!! Ask for a video meeting where you can se e/she is moving normal or do it live, meet somewhere public nothing else!! And never ever pay a penny!!! NEVER!! Be skeptical!!

*You should just know how many times I have been editing this text.* 🤪🤪🤪

Lucky I have my 💙Silver boy🐈💙 to calm me down when I needed to cry out. And good Christian friends that stand with me in this and in prayer 🙂 And helped me see what I didn’t see ❤ in the end. How desperate I got to figure out how to help this guy. It’s scarry how easy it is to become a victum of this!! And hard the enemy try 😦 .

I was Curious and really just wanted to get to know this guy. Now after this I don’t want anything from him ever!! I really hope he doesn’t ask any other person for this!! And I am curious if it actually was he who he said he was or if someone hacked him. But I will not check. Everything is now in the hands of my Lord Jesus. And I will move forward.

I have had all my cards from my bank blocked so no one can’t damege more.

Worship is the thing now. Lot’s of good input is just what I need.

I am still sad inside and angry on myself but I know if I focus on that nothing will be good. So I will fill my life with good things from the Lord, Bibleverses, other Christian blog’s and try to do some sketching that actually helps my brain to relax.

After I was done writing this text yesterday – Saturday the 23rd of September, I read some encurageing text from a Christian blog post from the Inlight Church, I recieve on my email. Here is the biblevers; “So do not fear, for i am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NIV).