Good News 🤩🤩🤩

God has given me lots of patience over the last 8 years!

In 2011 I had to stop working because of a accident where I was working (kindergarten). I had a bad felt backwards with my back to the ground, the “forest floor”. I hurt my back badly.
I could not work for about 2 years. 😢
In 2013, February had I mine knee surgery. I had to learn to walk from scrach. Had rehab for 11month!
In September 2014, I started a coures to further educate me within Office and administration. I had a desire to use the knowledge I carried with me in this profession. Despite having two years of practice i this profession, I never got into a job…☹️
In August 2016, was the year I started to have internship/work-experience. The first lasted a year and led to another internship in a Hotel(in back office) which didn’t lead anywhere but it led to an other internship (also office). Forth time of internship, which is the one I have had until today the 28th of February.
And tomorrow 1 of March I start working, first time in 8 years!!

Woop woop. 🤩🤩🤩

I have worked hard and tried to find a Job I thought was in the right field but God showed me what He wanted for me last May (2018).
Most people and friends I know, don’t understand how I could live in this situation/ have this life. I only trusted my heavenly Father to lead my steps.
I have asked myself “what do I want to work with?” Many times in life and the answer has always ended in “I want to work with youth”.
Now I will. 💖
From internship at the School (college) to job 😊 at the same School.


October..November.. have past…

Some time has past since last blog post.. It’s been a bit like a roller coaster of things that’s I’ve done, tryed and didn’t work. Some might say I should have try it longer but I know my body and brain.

I got an opportunity in the beginning of November, I start a new work experience outside Oslo, in Drammen. I started. But I got a “bug” in my body that same night and was sick for totally seven days.. Got out of it realising that job didn’t fit me. Maybe the hard experience but I am Thankful for the opportunity I got and learned something about myself. 

So here I am going back to my old work experience place and I’m pleased with it.
I have also updated myself with a new smartphone (with the opportunity to write on my phone here in wordpress). The old one started to do things I didn’t like, like turning the volume on by its self… So now I have a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge with a lot of gigabytes! 

I will now be able to post blogs more often -Yay! ;;-)

I made a  Birthday gift during November and send it to Sweden, to my nephew I’ll post the picture next time just because I don’t know yet if he got it. Cotton fabric letters in making and gonna be sewed on a pillowcase. This was the start.

December is here and everyone is so “in to” gifts and decoration . I have 2 cat’s at home …and that’s a challenging to decorate! But I have started ☺ 

High enough away for them, in the top of the window . 

The Christmas church haven’t they tryed to do anything with. ☺

But the Christmas tree is very interesting! Because it’s plastic and my cat girl P-Sussi loves to chew on everything that is plastic…. she also Love to sit in a bags… 

Happy 2nd Advent! 


August – Prayer answer.

patince,faith, trust


August Prayer-answer.

Time flies fast, when you have fun or have something to do.

It was first of August just now, well at lest in my head, life, world. But it is the twenty-first! That’s more then half the month. Where did those days and weeks go?

I started as a trainee in a hotel here in Oslo the first of August and I love it! It is a big prayer-answer! Friends have been with me in prayer for this for so may years! It has been a journey with God, where he has tout me how to trust him on 100% and not less. How God has provide my life, financially, with food, with getting to a doctor when I was to sick to catch a bus and a friend drove me. It is so much God has shown me and how great it is when I trust God.

It has been my journey I needed to learn to trust God more.

To understand that this is my foundation for my faith in life. Most people would maybe get mad or crazy to not have a job over five years. It has been a journey with tears, joy, struggles, “whys”, many prayers of “open the right door” and “close those doors that shall not even show some lights”. But I have to say, I have always something to do, one of the things is my customers and secondly is every project I start where I live. And I have been taking some courses during those years, but manly I have trusted God to get into some-kind of work-experience where God wants me, can use me. And here it is. The answer.

As I said above, I have started as a trainee in a Hotel here in Oslo. I love it! It’s fun even those days when we do not have so much to do. Even if my wish was that it would be more that happen during those days I guess that in one way it is good to be here as a trainee in Oslo’s smallest Hotel in the way that it does not take long time to get in to the Hotel-routines, but and yes I have to say but. But I wish it was more going on manly because I need it. I am the kind of person that need the “busy time” to refill my battery (energy) I get energy of meeting and helping people, and here at this Hotel does it feel like everything goes in s-l-o-w-m-o-t-i-o-n or a better description is that when the guests are arriving do they not come everyone in the same time (which is normal) or not even close to each other. A normal day few guest comes maybe around 3pm when we start the in-check and then its a long gap (more then an hour) until next group of guest comes, it can even pasting more then two hours before next guest…

In the same time these days going so fast and I only do four hours per day.

I will start with eight hours next week, which is a bit scary for me. Manly because I have not been working for the last five years, have had back-issues since the summer of 2000 and the worst pain the most recently in the last two years.

But I am to curious to start on those eight hours per day. I am curious and anxiety in the same time about how it will go. And I am to stubborn to not try.

The 17th was my free day – off work. A day I priority to go to the gym, for my health. A routine I got out of during summer, a routine I now struggle to get back into. I miss it so much! But I guess it is normal with new routines in life whatever it is a new job or studies, to get the time to reach to do those things that makes you happy or build up your life in a long term. I guess it is normal when your weeks looks different.

Anyway… I am looking forward to get into a work-routine my body manage.

I received a message from a friend through messenger on Thursday this week, where I had told here about my struggle to get a new routine in my life. And she answered that “it’s normal before all new things get into routines about everything in life” It was just so nice to “hear it” from someone I know and someone who has been in the situation quiet recently.

An ironic detail happen on Thursday.. I managed to get off work thirty minutes before I was suppose to get off. I guess I just was just tired in my head or that I had an other day in my mind. I realized that on my way to the bus so I called the Hotel and talked to the guy in charge. Which in my mind made it normal to think I will start thirty minutes earlier on Friday. Something weird happen there, I can still not say what happen.

During those days at the Hotel have I learn out-check, in-check, double-checking the booking system the hotel is using, where all the rooms are, how many it is, how many conference rooms we have, overbooking, where the fire signs are and some more. How close everyone in the hotel is working together no matter if you are in the housekeeping or in the restaurant. Which also means that “your routine” is not always the original routine, it can be to help someone else in an other ares. Quite many new things, I have got to know around twenty-five new colleges and started to walk much much. All good things in life.

This is how to Relax!

Today is it Sunday, laundry-day and relaxing, charge my energy-day. I have realized that when I am at the Hotel I do not have enough energy when I get home to do more then necessary like eat, maybe check my email, maybe order things that I need (that other people rather buy in the store) to keep up in life. But it is okay for me. Life is to short to think about what other people think I should or could do so I do not do that.

For the future, I really hope and wish I will be able to start to go next to the night-shift worker in a sooner future then I had in mind when I started three weeks ago, and that the night-shift will fit me as much as I think it will. Because that has been my dream so many years now…


The phone-call about my future..

Yesterday I received a phone-call about my future. In my head I thought I would received a letter, but hey a phone-call is better and quicker.

I woke up of my phone vibrating in my bed, my consultant from NAV was calling because I send her a msg yesterday. …So today I’m sitting here in front of my lap top thinking about “who am I?” and “what is my qualities?” with my coffee on my left side of me in the mean time my cat Silver playing around with some paper. It’s not an interview it’s a small meeting with information about what they can offer and what kind of expectations I have.

Lets go back in time so I can explain what’s this is about.

SO I took a course in office and administration two years ago. A really good course I would say. I learned a lot new stuff I didn’t know and it went over 30 weeks and then it was a period of work-experience over 90 days or three months depending ho you want to express your self. I had three months of work-experience in the same building as I took the course, which for me wasn’t a problem. The problem was that I didn’t get a job there after the three months and I didn’t get the experience I needed to work in the field I wanted. I have had a year of applying to jobs with no luck because I don’t have what’s requested. But God has given me a new term of patience in my life and he let me be myself and enjoy life in a way I haven’t enjoyed it before.

So in December last year I had an appointment with my consultant at NAV about what this KVP (Qualifying Program) is and how to apply to it, what I needed from my doctor and if it was something else we needed to think of. I got the appointment with my doctor, got the paper to my consultant and the process was there.

In March I started a process to “pick up the phone” and ring all kinds of Hotel’s because that’s my dream. I want to work with booking and in the reception in a Hotel, I would fit perfect to work during the night. (For those who knows me, they would say yes, that’s where you belong. Because I am so much a night-owl.) Unlucky no Hotel’s could give me a spot. One of the reasons was they went all out on strike in April and during May. So when June came along I felt this is over and I texted my consultant and we started the process we are in now.

In the end of May we applied for me to get a spot in this Hotel, (PS: Hotel in Oslo) to have work-experience. And yesterday as I said before, I received the phone-call and will have a meeting tomorrow.




utsikt fra PS_Hotel

I am now looking forward to start asap even though I would like to have some-kind of Holiday before. Well I guess I’ll know after tomorrow when I can start and how soon I’ll have Holiday.


Like life’s staircase…

Here is my inspiration in life to get up every morning, to do what I manage, to live, to get through the day. My staircase..




The gym.
Silver – my cute cat.

Life on a stick, isn’t that what the saying says? It’s a short line and expression of how life is…

Life is like a staircase. You walk up and some days you walk back. But to get up to the top is the best, because there you’ll see what’s hiding from you. You’ll see the light, all the things you know and don’t know.

It’s been almost three months of searching on my own to find a place where I could have a new work-experience, with no luck. It’s been a journey of it’s own. It’s been fun most days.I challenge myself and made it. But I have now come to an end and gonna apply for part-time jobs which is what I can manage with this body today. If I in the future will manage a full-time job is not in my head right now, but will see maybe I’ll be there again. I hope so. Right now I just need to focus on the gym twice a week and then get in to a good job-routine with structure.

I am still walking my staircase. It’s an interesting climbing to reach my future. And I am still looking forward to see what this year have to give me and what it will bring me even after five month into 2016. I am still as curious what new things I’ll learn on the way!

So today is the first day in three months I am gonna look for and hopefully apply for a job. In the meantime my consult at NAV will try to help me to get me a work-experience place that can lead to a job. So every day I have enough energy I’ll look for a job and I’ll have my breaks, I’ll find something that fits me! I haven’t given up! I see the light in the tunnel.
