The fight between my faith and the enemy.

I have never been in a battle like this until now in my life as an Christian. This situation where I become a victum of fraud is a battle between my faith on the Bible and what I live after. What is my Faith and how big the enemy trying to be. That’s the only thing I can say for sure. The world are for sure tougher today then it has been for us Christians. It’s an ongoing fight on who is bigger and who is the true and who will win this fight. And we Christians needs to be even more careful of what we do and not do. How we respond.

This is a new fight for me. But I’m not alone in this. Amen!

I am listening to Evelation Church right now while I am typing, the headline for the preaching is “Now Turn North” – the preaching text is about the man at the pool, who has been there for 38 years. Where the Lord say’s “pick up the mat and walk”. The Lord picked this man because he could use this man from his experiances. And the words “Now Turn North” is about where you are in life, have you turned South? Have you lost your way? But to Turn North isn’t just about geographic it’s about where you are on your path with the Lord. I can see I were walking South those day’s I have had, but I am now turning North!

To Turn North is about if you will confess with your mouth and believe with your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved. (That sounds like turning north to me – preacher.) The word repent does not mean to feel bad about what you’ve done; it means to turn and change your mind. It means to come back to your Father. For somebody who has been going south today, and God is turning you in a new direction. I want to remind you that the cross is the turning point of a human history. the resurrection was the proof that Jesus was God’s Son, and today will be the defining moment of your new life in Christ. And the prayer is a connection point with you and God. And if you mean this with your heart today, God will hear from heaven, heal you of your sin, forgive you and redeem you for your wrongs, and give you a new beginning.

I have to say – this was just what I needed to hear! The beginning of this preaching didn’t give me much. But this!! Thank you Lord for speaking to me like this!!!

I will be able to move forward in this havey mess I’ve been a part of ❤ . Only because the Lord Loves me and want me the best. ❤ .

The Sunlight that shining through the leafs in this picrues is my way of feeling calm on what the Lord is doing in my life right now.

Pray and have focus on the Lord.

Its 5.42pm and I’m waiting on the bus towards church. First time this Summer I managed to go. No pain anywhere 😊😊 Thank you Lord for that!!

I have no clue what the service will be about. Often I don’t though 😆🤪. But today nothing can stop me. I am going! Yay.

And I let you know more after the service.

I came in to the worship, just what I needed. A part of one werse ” I have notice, you are speaking”. It was peaceful, love and care both in the text and in the autmospher.

Here are the worship and lyrics;

A voice came to me during those few minutes I took part of the worship. I will bless you.

My question is still, where should I move? Should I move closer to work this year or should I just move in to the city of Stavanger? I have peace to be in Stavanger but it will cost money and time to go between every day, is it worth the travel? Where does the Lord want to use me?

The thread from the preaching is : bend your knees and pray. It doesn’t need to be on your knees if you can’t the point is to pray and have focus on the Lord.

To stay in the trust when the doubts comes.

To stay in the trust to the Lord when the doubts comes and the time getting closer to the date of my new job. To not doubt. To focus on positive and be thankful for what I have, got, the prayer-answers.

Daily life.

A walk with podcast in my ears to clear my thoights. I am so bored at home. I need friends. I need to get to know people. I need a life. Not just a job. To not have anyone to hang with, take a coffee with just chill is boring! But how to meet new people? If you don’t go out, like in the evening, how and where do I meet new people? I don’t. 😔. It feels like my life is so boring.

It’s Monday 11am, I’m in the city. Just don’t know what to do. Would love to start work this week but I have to wait… so what to do this week?

July in Norway isn’t the best month to chill with people becauce almost everyone have theire vaccation. As a singel christian lady I don’t go out in the evening, I haven’t even been on a date, which I had hoped for. My church only have service at 6pm on Sunday’s. …

My veiw right now 11.28am.

Watching people, trying to think on what to do today… It’s a cloudy day today. Just like my brain right now 🤪. But back to the title… to trust the Lord in all. To trust for a miracle, to not doubt when your search doesn’t give you anything of what you are looking for. To be able to encouraged others by standing in faith all the way, to not give up on the lord. To not fall for the doubts whatever happends.

Outside the swimminghall 😉, Stavanger.

I struggle to stay in focus in my faith to trust the Lord from day to day or even some day’s from hour to hour. I can be honnest on that. I ask the Lord as soon as it happend. I am human to doubt but I am also in need of the script & worship to not fall out. And Christian friends in my age to hang with. How many are we, singel Christians without kids that don’t want or can’t have kids? How often do you see or hear about ‘young adults without kids’ groups in your church? I haven’t in my church. Not even in my old church. Why? Well most churches has groups for young adults & students – an underline of “you might find your partner and we hope you become a family soon” is at least my feeling on what the church wants. How is it in your church?

When you don’t have a partner, life sucks!

Worship gives me peace and I get calm on the inside and in my soul. Right now the only thing, therefor I’ll stop writing and hope some of you out there will come with inspiration to me. How you do in your struggles and how you meet new people.

Overandout 12.22pm

January 15th, Success.

In today’s devtional Lord, give me success today. The text is about when the Lord talks about success not in the way of popularity as many today think is the same thing.

No, in the old testament, it talks about success as something good. And the word success occurs at least five times in the old testament. Every time as something positive.

Success is a blessing from the Lord.

Psalm 8, verses 1-9; Praise God for the success of his creation. In our galaxy there are probably over a hundred-billion stars like our sun. Our galaxy is one of a hundred-billion galaxies. When we consider the vastness of the universe it is easy to feel small and insignificant. “Davis starts and ends this psalm by worshipping God for the success of his creation. As he stares into the night sky, David says, I look up at your marco-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewellary. Moon and stars mounted in their setting. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, Why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way? David marvels at the fact that a human begins are the pinnacle of God’s creation – a masterpiece – made in his image. …”

Reading and listen to this text, gave me a deeper knowledge of those words. I started to listen to this devotional on my way out of my house on Saturday January 15th, but I didn’t end it. I got distracted but started it again today, Sunday 16th. And While I listen on the audio on my phone (cellphone) I am reading/following through the text on my laptop and can reflect. What does it say? What is the point on the text?

Jesus redefines success. If you want to know what true success looks like, study the model of Jesus – his vision, life and teaching. It is the kind of success that is not universally recognised as such.

In the word and action Jesus ushered in the kingdom of God, bringing the reality of God’s rule and presence into the lives of those around him. – this is what Jesus-style-success looks like.

*To achieve Jesus-stule success you, like the twelve disciples, need to model your life on Jesus and share his vision. 1, The need is urgent. 2, The motive is love. 3, The trigger is prayer. 4, The potential is vast. Pray for success in guidance. Abraham’s servant wasn’t embarrassed to pray for success. No, He prayed a prayer that we can all emulate; ‘ Give me success today.’ *

We shouldn’t be embarrassed to pray for success in our lifes! If, as we can read in the old testamnet, God has given us success. We should ask for it. Success is a blessing from God. Why should we then be embarrassed? We should not think like the World thinks about the word but Thank God for what he ment it to be!

You know, I’ve learned so far those few (15) day listening to the script that if I don’t implement the Word into my life as I should I feel some kind of emptiness, but not like a hole no more like I have been missing out of something really good for a long time. It has occurred to me that I can do a lot of things and feel happiness. And I know “I’ve sholud have read the Bible as my Christian intake of food” but haven’t until this year… And now I start to see what friends has been trying to tell me. I know I know, “you want to say I told you so” and that is okay. At least I understand! I wont feel the presence from the Lord in the same way if I don’t read or listen to the script. I have got an eye-opener for this 🙂 . It took maybe a bit longer time then needed, but hey! I got it.

Maybe I needed this time in my life to understand God’s way and part in my life as an Christian. I don’t know. But here I am and I understand things 🙂 . And for me this bible app and blog kind of goes hand-in-hand. It might be an other part of how Jesus wants me to share my struggles as a Christian some day’s, to share with others that are struggling as Christians how to get through a day, a week a mounth or ever a year. I would be surprised if I am the only one that have those struggles in my life! The Lord has been challenge me with this blog for the last 4-5 years. And I believe this is an other part of sharing my life, struggles, happiness with you all. His way of using me the way He gave me the gift of writing. ❤

…or He just wants to use me showing you that everyone has there own time to figure stuff out. ^^haha^^. Anyway. Here I am sharing my thoughts with you about a text I never read before or got inputs I never heard before. It’s like all the preaching I have heard isn’t even close to this. And I am happy I did listen even to this devonational!

I do hope you got something out of both my thougts and from the text in the devotional. ❤


Keep pooring, when you feel empty.

Keep pooring, when you feel empty. Because the blessings will come. Don’t be afraid of the empty spaces, because empty is where God does his best work.

Revelation 3:8; I know your deeds. See I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strenght, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

This is my inspiration when I feel empty, to watch Elevation Church on youtube.

And this post is glimps from what Elevation Church 2021.

2 Corintians 2:11; in order that satan might not outwit us.For we are not unaware of his schemes.

It’s not about the strenght it’s about the stradegy.

John 16:33; “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

It’s not about the trouble infront of you! It’s not about the trouble in your lift. It’s not about who is stronger, it’s about who is smarter.

John 4:4; You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. (Eveletion Church, Better Than Ever:2021 Year In Review.)

I hope you get as inspired as I got.


Station your Life.

Station your Life.

I have not been able to go to church for weeks or months because of work and body. But last Sunday the 23rd of July I did go. And I did not just enjoyed the worship I also liked the preaching. It was like God wanted to remind me of important things about life.

The headline was: Receiving Guidance from God.

The important W’s…coming below.

Three ways to tune-in to God;

1, I must realize that God cares about the details of my life. Matthew 6:31-32. To tune-in to God. 2, Ask God a specific question. James 1:5a 3, Believe HE wants to Answer. Pray with exceptions to God. James 1:5b-6.

How to receive Guidance from God;

The first W; WITHDRAW. Get alone in a quite place. Focus on God.

Habakkuk 2:1. “I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.”

This is something I have a hard time with. To have it quite around me… I like to have music around me. It’s easier for me to focus with sounds (even when I write a blog I need music to focus). So how will I do this?But I have found a time in my life when it’s more then less quite, and that is when I am out walking my cat. Then I talk to God, asking God for advice and telling Him how I think about things in my life. I guess God knows me that well that he uses me when I am surrounded by people in prayer, because that is my best “quite time”.

The second W; WAIT. Calm your thoughts and emotions. To be quiet. To station your life = don’t move. Good have make you good!

Sometimes it’s so hard to wait! To wait on answers, on God to make a move, to let Him take control. But it’s worth it. My time isn’t God’s time and that means that he do answer when he knows I am ready to hear what he has provide for me. I have learn that it is worth waiting on the answer after I have asked God for a specific thing. I also know that I can ask God for whatever I want. But it doesn’t mean he will answer everything I ask for. I call that faith to trust God, that he really do knows what I need.

The third W; WATCH. Let God give you a picture.

Habakkuk 2:1. “I will stand my watch And set myself on the rampart, And watch to see what He will say to me, And what I will answer when I am corrected.”

Ephesians 1:18. “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints”

Hebrews 5:14. “But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their Senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

God is using my creative brain in many ways. One way is by giving me pictures when I pray for others. He has done that since the Day an other person prayed for me. But watch is also about how to let God in to your brain and let him be apart of your prayers in a visual way. Like, if you are in focus with God in your prayers God will use your brain if you let him. HE wants us to watch and write done what we receive from him.

The fourth W; Write. Record the ideas you’re receive.

Habakkuk2:2. “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”

Benefits of write is… A)Keep you focus on God. B) Allows you what you said to God and what God said to you. C) Not every IDEAS is from the Lord.

When the woman who were preaching said this, and I thought this fit me. I write, a blog, that I feel I have got as a gift from God to do. And it was also like an answer from God and he gave me this line; “I want you to write more. More about your faith on me.” Which is what I at least do know.The woman who preached also said “always bring a journal with you so you can write down what God is telling you”. Nearly wherever I go I have this small notice-block with me if God is speaking to me or giving something to me. We should all have a notice-block with us. I also have a notice-block on my smart-phone, and I just have to say Thank you God for Apps !! Some of them are SO good!! 🙂

I do keep my focus on God and asking God what to write about in life. Out of experience I’ve learn the hard way that not every idea is from God but in my life many are! To write allows me to both remember what I said to God and to hear his voice.

The fifth W; WORSHIP. Thank God for speaking to you.

Habakkuk 3:2. “O Lord, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; In wrath remember mercy.”

Through your relationship with God, God will fill you. Believe in God. Became friend with God.

For me is Worship the Holy part of connecting with God and listen to what and if He has something to tell me, greetings to someone else or maybe a picture that says more then words. It’s my way to «Catch-up» with God. To sing out my prayers in the worship. To honer Him, He who is my Father. To be  in his atmosphere and just enjoy and receive grace and love from Him. I always ask God to use me if He want or need me to give someone else a picture or a greeting, in the worship, because I know He hears my willingness to be used by Him.

We ended the preaching with this song; “You are a good, good father.” And the words in this song is powerful.

Good Good Father by Chris Tomlin. Good good Father

I’ve heard a thousand stories of what they think you’re like
But I’ve heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you’re pleased
And that I’m never alone

You’re a good good father
It’s who you are, it’s who you are, it’s who you are
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am

I’ve seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we’re all searching
For answers only you provide
‘Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word

You’re a good good father
It’s who you are, it’s who you are, it’s who you are
And I’m loved by you
It’s who I am, it’s who I am, it’s who I am

Because you are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways
You are perfect in all of your ways to us

You are
