“Why not just move the shelf?”

Then I thought “why not move the shelf” from the livingroom (where it anyway just was filled up with things) to the sewing room where I can use it for a purpose of sewing stuff?!? So I did! 😍

This is where the shelf was standing, now I’ve got a green corner.
The door I want to become my Kitchen Iceland is still just standing in my livingroom, but now where it gives me both Inspiration and a good feeling of interiour. 🤩.

My sewing ✂️📍room is taking the form and with the colours I want. It is still some storage I need and shelfs on the wall or floor-storage. I need to buy colour 🟠🧊🖌🎨 and it all will take time – becauce it needs to feel right. And I am not in stress, and I don’t like to rush and I’m not rich. And this is my project right now & to make sure I have fun while doing it.

[The best time for me to write in this blog is whole I am listening to a preaching from Elevaton Church online.]

This room will have a wibe of orange & turquoise 🤩 the colours that have become two motiovation colours for me to be even more Creative.

A week after I got the job…

I recived an interview request on a job I actually applyed to (!) I had to decline it.

Which was so wired 🤪 , becauce I never been in that situation before, but I already had a job. 😊🙏✝️.

I had to share it with my nearest friends, before here.

The Lords way isn’t ours!

He showing us which way to walk if we trust Him.

My testimony is in my blog, how my rollercoaster Spring went from chaos to prayeranswers.

One after the other. How the Lord showed me love by trusting Him even the day’s when everything felt nothing but chaotic.

My testimony is real. It’s my life.

The Lord literally is a part of my life and Faith.

He challenges me to do things his way when some, non Christian some Christian, who don’t understand how I dare to just jump into something so unsure future.

It’s all about Faith.

You need to have faith and believe in what you doing even during the doubting!

Interesting greeting, panic, all my thoughts?,where is my faith? doubting, grace…

It’s interesting how the Lord works! Ten years ago before I moved back to Oslo area the Lord gave me some hints about why I needed to move to Oslo area. What I needed to wait for, when living there, before being able to move back to the west coast.

Sunday April 18th, I went through some online preaching I haven’t listen to just “added” to my list to “some day I will start to listen to them”. And in one of the podcast’s they had questions in the end. One of the question where “what are you waiting on?” And I thought, this is perfect to this blog! What are you waiting on,haven’t the Lord answered your question or is it something else you waiting on? You who following my blog.

Two of my closest girl friends needed to get married and become pregnet or even have a child before I could move. An interesting sentence   from the Lord to recive. What about me? Should I wait even longer before I met “my hubby”???

An other thing was that the Lord needed to work within me and with me. Which He has. As one of the things ” a hubby “. When I was 19 y.o. I told everyone who asked me about life that I didn’t wanna have my own kids, which probably was a bit wierd to most people,sadly most of them were Christians. ” it will past ” they said. Like it was a cold or something… 😔. But I haven’t ever had a feeling of “need to become pregnet” becauce I would rather have fosterkids or helping families who needs it with their kids when the time comrs for that. I just wanted ” a hubby “.

It was a new journey a head of me. And I have to say a lot of things has happend with me, my faith and my friends those years.

We are all waiting on something.

A short story from those last ten years…

In 2011 I had to find something to do…

In 2012 I took an other course becauce I could not go back and work in kindergarten after November 2010, when I injured my back.

2013 I had a knee surgery and eleven months of physiotherapy. I had to learn to walk again.

In 2014, still no work, still a bad back. New longer course. But it didn’t leed to a job…

2015 – 2017, different types of administration and Hotel. BUT in 2015 I asked the Lord about moving and the thing I recived was “wait”. And in 2017 one of my closest friends got married. Was this an other sign?

2018 the year of many changes! My first job I kind of liked for 5 months. In May I started the fifth course (during those last seven years) which actually was of interest!!   May 18th, the other close friend got married 😍😍. Now I knew time would not be to far away for ” the move back to the west coast ” In August I got my foot in to my first propper work in years 😊🤩😊. The first school job, was this the job I had “been looking for all those years of waiting ?” It was a open door from the Lord. But it wasn’t ” the job “. I also knew other things needed to get in place…

2019 came, I got a new job, where I am now. And I know the Lord wanted me here.

In 2020 came Corona and my contract was extended until 2021. 🤩. I moved from Oslo community to Bærum community. A start on getting out of Oslo, the City I never liked but stayed there becauce the Lord wanted to use me there. In March I started as a janitor beside my orginal job. The first girl friend got pregnet (YAY the move getting even more closer).

This last fall (Autumn-20) I knew that I wouldn’t stay in Bærum community longer then next summer (which is now). I also recived a new sentence.

Those two girl friends are now married 🤩. And I have been applying for jobs in Rogaland community since february 🤪 still no job. And now have I started to get panic!! Where will I move? Where will I work?? Gaaaa! The whole point of all this becauce I want and need to work more than 70%. I have so much panic and start to think “was I so wrong understanding the greetings?” Was it just me, who wants to move back to the only place I ever felt like home in Norway? am I moving back to Rogaland community? Or not?

I need to move out where I am living now July 31st!! It’s not to late to get a job theoreticly but I am starting to doubt on the whole thing…😔 the panic is getting bigger. God give me one interview with a job-offer!! Or give me a hint on what I am doing wrong!!

I don’t know what to do more than apply.

But, is the Lord on my side in this?? I’m panicking and have started to doubt. I just want to cry!! is the Lord guiding me steps? I have been trusting the Lord so far but now?

I am missing to have a propper housechurch and meet & pray with, if not in person at least online. I have this last year lost some part of my faith becauce of where I live and the Corona. 😔😔😔. I miss the Church IMI in Stavanger, Rogaland. It feels like I have lost myself a bit to… I don’t know where to go, look, do…

On the other hand has GOD used me and blessed me a lot this last year…

April Challenge

Or do you want to stand on the same place becauce it bruings comfort? That’s how I felt when I asked the Lord about this journey.

Yesterday (April 13) I had a chat with God, said that I haven’t found a job of interest in Trøndelag county only in Rogaland county. Therefore, I focus on continuing apply for a job there. & that God will show me what job it will be.

Tonight (nigth between April 13 & 14) I dreamed that I had 2 interviews on Teams or Zoom. 😉
& I have peace. 😊.
So it seems like it becomes Rogaland 😉 on me.

All situations!!

No matter if I have confedence or not in this He will be there with me!

He will help me.

He is my compass, GPS, life.

It is both scary and like an adventure. 🤪😍

I want to be able to live closer ti the sea on the west coast of Norway. 😍.
Is what’s needed here.

I just have this smile in my face and the peace og this is the next step.

I don’t have a clue of the future but I am trusting my peace I have. I have made up my mind. Focusing on one area geografic is enough. I just now He helps me hold on to the road or path that will lead my steps to the job that is ment for me. 😊.

He, the Lord will guide my steps and open up the right door. It’s hard some day’s to stay on track. But He guides me in all areas in my life.

I have to trust for both a new home will show up where my cat also can live, will be cheap enough for this year and the years a head and the right new job.

I am moving back to the county, the only place in Norway, I felt at home. The area I have been missing for the last ten years… The area I have told friends I want back to “one day”. That day is getting closer 🤩🤩🤩 every day 😍😍 ✝️.

A new opportunity, a new chance.

And this weekend (23rd – 25th) I have written two applications and need to write a third (!)🤪🤪.

This is my new life at the moment. Hectic but I choose it. On top of this, I was substitute for two teachers this last week at work on top of my regular hours 🤪🤪 but fun!!

We have a choise in life.

I have just been listening to a preaching from my Church and wanted to share with you some of the parts I felt was related to us. Questions in the preaching and some of my thoughts.

How can I be a better version of myself in the world I live in today? Like an interveiw and the most comman question ” where will you be in 5 years?”

Are you and I like Epaphras friend who adding Jesus on the top of all other Gods in your life? Are you and I looking for a easy fix in your / my life? (Colossians 3: 5-11)

New clothing. How can you get those new cloths? We can have good things in life, a job, family etc. The only thing is All this is temporary. It is a challenge for us Christian people. What happends if you don’t have all those temporary things around you? What happends when you loose someone or something like a job? Like the society is today with the Virus the whole World got a taste off in 2020. What do you have left in life? Well if you have Jesus in your life, you still have Him when everything else of the temporary is gone. If you don’t have the Lord in your life what do you have than? Do you know your base? Your foundation? I do know mine.

“In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized, slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us.”
Colossians 3:11 NLT

… How we are changing through what the Bible says. Where will you be in 5 years? Will you have the New or old cloths on? Good and important questions to ask. We can chose where we want to be. We have a choise to sort out of things in our life. By trusting the Lord and live a closer life with Him. We can put on the new clothing by choosing Jesus into our lifes. And with Jesus Christ as our foundation. Or we can those to still wear the old clothing and continue with what we think is the best for our life. We have a choise.

With Jesus Christ as our foundation we know where we are, where we are going. Maybe not the same overview as the Lord has for our life. But we know our direction. Whereever we comes from, whatever we have done, whatever we want in our lifes, the Lord is with us as long as we are with Him.
