Smooth start to get back to work after my tailbone (coccyx) injury.

January 23rd; I’ve been at work, if only for 3 hours and “only” to the school-sparetime-organisation-part (sfo). It was enough after one week home! A good smooth start.

I’ve been in contact with my GP without any answer 😔 (daytime). But I pray 🙏 and hope my wish will go through. That my GP will accept my wish to be on sick leave on 60% this week. Got an answer from my GP at 10:17pm 🤪🙂.

I hope I’ll be able to slowly get less % on my sick leave and be able to be back on my 80% soon. But I have to take slow. Don’t want to get more pain again and be back on 100% sick leave.

January 24th, I s5art work 11:45, need to leave home around 11… and I’ll work to 4pm 🙂.

The “Forest” at Bore school.

No pain no game

Outdoor time at work (around 1pm), foggy day.

Today has also been good 😊, I’ve managed to some of the tasks I have with one of the students with Autism 🙂. Always challenging but gives me a lot of motivation 😊.

Tmrw Wednesday 25th I am free 😊. And then I’ll be working Thursday and Friday.