The latest sewing,  creativity & energy – May24.

I love when I have time and energy to fix what has been laying and waiting for some time!

New earnings  from upcycling paper clips & safety pins with beads from the floor in the art&craft room at work.

I am thankful for work, life and sparetime! The Lord has both showing me things in life and in dreams of my future and I keep trusting him in what will come that I yet don’t know. I enjoying every moment if I have more or less energy!  Those last day’s has been a mix of both and yet I am smiling because life is good and I am trying to embrace it as much as possible.

The Lord keep guiding my steps, give me inspiration to new things and ideas 😊. And even after a tough work day I have energy to be creative at home 😊. And interesting enough it feels like I have more energy to be creative now than when I had Silver   🤔  🤪 … maybe I was more allergic ti him than I thought…?

Jogging pants – upcycling sweaters. 🧵✂️📍📏

I got inspired from work where the pulpils in 7th grade going to start a upcycling project this week (week 5 of 2024). My udea started three weeks ago and I have used as much time as I have been able to use. Evenings and weekends, when I have been well, sewing together pa5ches to bigger patches. I have got so far now, that I can finally start to cut the pattern 😍🧵✂️.

Here is the pictures from the start;

January 11th.
January 12th.
January 14th & 16th.
January 29th.
Getting closer. January 29th.

During this Easter I managed to get sewing machine oil on the just finish pants 🤪  …

My type of Art

I have now been able to use them at work (finally) this last week.  And they are my very much favourite pants!  The benefits of sewing my own wardrobe is to sew clothes that fits me. With leg length of 91cm (35,82 inch) I struggle to find pants that are long enough and nit to lose in my waist.

Butterfly stands for change – something my life is about now.


Life has started to become less painful and I have started some new routines that helps the rest of the day to go easier 😊💕. I still say “good night” in the evenings and “I’m awake” in the mornings to Silver-boy 💕 and I think I will do that for some time.


But I have started to smile again and feel so grateful and thankful for those 8 years I got with him 💕. So many good and fun memories with him. 😊.


As time flies I am lucky to be able to work as a teacher in art&craft because of sickleave in in those classes. And I am working 100% at least this week (8th to 12th of April). I am responsible for the planing of the classes and motivation in the classroom. I also have the theoretical classes in art&craft too in 5th grade. And here I learn a lot myself 😊.


I now know this is my future. I finally know “what I will be when I grow up”. The apple 🍏 doesn’t fall far from the tree 🌳, 😆😆.  What does that mean for you, well my mother was a teacher for 40 years! I will never be able to be a teacher for that long! But the fact that I finally have figured out what I want to do, means that I will walk in my mothers footsteps of becoming a teacher. Something I have denied for many years 😆😆.


I have started to smile again and life is getting easier each day 💕.

Winter break-24 – extra work and resting was the plan, part 1.

Monday 26th. It started good, after two weeks of back issues. It beame a beautiful day after the Sun came and the SFO-kids ripped of there winter jackets because of there play in the sunshine. We had BBQ after that I manage to make a BBQ fire and the kids was super hungry. They didn’t have time to wait for the real good part of the BBQ-fire ^^haha^^ I did though. I had one good hamburger and one less good ^^haha^^. But what I did, that I shouldn’t have done was sitting watching the fire, breath-in the smoke or even sit where I sat… I haven’t had such much issues breathing in a long time, but after 3 hours by the fire… omg, never again!

But the sadest, is my back! I had pain when I got home yesterday – that isn’t the surprise. No the surprise is that I had to roll out of bed this morning. The back had “locked itself”. I am as stiff as you can get I think 😦 . Had to call in sick 😦 . And here I am in my couch typing and trying t drink coffee…. and waiting on my wheat-pillow to get as cold as possible in the freezer to cool down my back. I hope my back gets as good as possible for some sewing. Because I started on a new project later yesterday evening.

A light blue stipe shirt that I bought on a 2ndhand store in mid February. Quite long on me but not long enough for what I want to use it for. Offcourse it’s not long enough, it’s a normal size for a man with shorter arms then me… But thanks to the second shirt I bought and sut off the arms on I can redesign the shirt with stripes :-).

I haven’t got much further on my *Summer dress yet, because I need to adjust it and make sure the pattern fits me and my body. And with this back that isn’t an opption right now. It just have to wait a bit.

This is my sketch and measurements.
The Yellow dress, is the one I’ll try to make.
This is the fabric, an old curtain 😊

So in the meantime I’ll do things I know I can. Yet this is my Daily life – to try to figure things out while they are resting from I am actually working with the projects with my hands I am working with them in my mind. Yet this is what I like with all my projects.

PS. You know all the things you see when you’re home and not so much after a long day at work… but when you’re home ‘sick’ from work you cant do them anyway…. that’s my home right now. It just has to wait. But thanks to the Lord, I can let it go and focus on being well again. DS.

2023 – is it possible to have such bad luck in a year?!

Injury plus sickleave in January and February.

Psycholigical sad health for months and wierd feelings towards work and the staff there ( Bore school 22-23).

Some happiness in the middle of everything. April23. And I got few new friends through the job at Bore.

A good summer 🙂 . Some walks nearby Ganddal/Sandnes. Some day’s inside but Happy.

June was okay and Aslan wanted to stay but Silver wanted to be alone….and I got allergic to Aslan 😦 .

July23 – Summer and exploring Rogaland by bus. 🙂

August was a mix of lots of deny on job’s but I stayed positive and like the flower here bright full of colors and reaching to the sun, I stayed on my feets and

filled my life with more colors.

…but sad September….

October become good 🙂with the move back to Stavanger, more jobs and more good routines. Good athmospher at work, like I really don’t want to be sick’n’home good! And walking distance!!

Walking in Faith-month! Concussion-month…. = November.

December. Snowy Winter weeks and then rain (which is the normal), a cold but also a lot of good work 🙂

I think I have had more then enough bad luck in one year! So I’ll do my very best to stay on my both feets all the way in 2024!!

Buy I have also been blessed in different ways during the Year which I am thankful for.

I spent Christmas Eve alone with my cat, but have enjoyed it! I bought two gifts to myself this year thanks to the blessing in beginning of December 🤩. One of the xmas gifts was a newer smartphone and the other was a memory foam seat pillow for my sore and often sad back. And how happy I am for it! It helps my back a lot!! I even think I might buy an extra.

With the new pillow I have today, both tryed to sew for more then 30min (and it worked) I was sewing for two hours! 😍😍. And I have almost finished my sewing projects from 2020.

I only need to sew buttons and one seam.

I am looking forward to 2024. I really do. I have plans and I’ll do my very best to keep them come true. I am curious on what the Lord has for me in 2024! I am in a good place and I am planning to stay here as long as the Lord can use me.

Have a blessed 2024 all of you who following my blog. And keep sharing the posts you like or the posts that somehow have helped you forward.

I need and want to work, but are home with fever.

This week started good I thought… but in the afternoon Monday (11th) I got fever… I had to go to the farmacy after work – medication, which sadly led to more fever.

Here I am home today Tuesday (12th) and will be tmrw too. I’ve watched Chicago P.D. and I am tired of that now. I am also tired but can’t fall a sleep 🤐🤬. Hungry but no extra energy 😐😔. Think I’ll be home at least tmrw and Thursday.

I got cold on my feets this last Friday and that was sadly it 🤬 . I can only pray 🙏 this fever dont stay’s in my body for 14 day’s as it has been b4. I need and want to work.

12th of December 23.

And got a blessing the day b4, and went down town and bought Winter shoes on Saturday. They are good 😊 but that didn’t help much… Annoying situation!

Online dating or IRLD = InRealLifeDating

What do we like the best of those two? I would say IRLD! Have it happend me reasonly? No. Have I dreamt about it?Yes. This post is about IRLD. Why? Well because I have taken a break from Dating App’s and I think it will be possible to date someone I eventually meet in real life. I believe it can happend. So I will update you in this area if and when it happends. So just have patience and trust the Lord, he will guide me and you to meet our partner we want to meet.

To be a permanent on-call substitute and liking it more and more.

It has taken me some more years then most people in my age, to figure out what I want to do “when I grow up” which is an expression on what you want to work as or with, for most people it happends when you are between 20-30 y.o. For me, who was 100% burned out in the age of 26, on sickleave for 2 years after and tryed to find my path in what to work with or what kind of education both in Sweden and here in Norway. During 8 years here in Norway taking courses through NAV and for the last 4 years have I actually been working in the school as a learning support teacher hasn’t always been easy. It has been a learning journey, yet I haven’t been able to work more then 80% for the last 10-15 years because of the burnout. Yet I am greatful for every job I have had, and learned from! It isn’t until now I know what I want to do. And for me it has been it’s own journey to figure this out, underestanding what the Lord have in mind. I still have some things to sort out before I can apply to the Univercity, but at least I know in which direction I am going, which I haven’t known before.

I will not let you know yet, the direction, cause some friends are following my blog and I have only told some close friends. I do wonder if my <3Mom<3 knew in which direction my life would turn, while she was still with us without her sickness or if she is happy now when she is in heaven whatching me on distance?

Anyway, every day between the 23rd to the 27th, did I work as a substitute teacher. The first week I had almost a full week! 🙂 Friday the 27th – Had I for the first time lessons by myself, no co-teacher. I was a substitute teacher for a 6th grade class in both English and Norwegian subject. It was fun, and an okay class. You know, back in the day’s when you were in school you probably tryed your limits when you had a substitute teacher and not you normal ones. Offcourse this class did that too. And here is the thing, I think I got this from my Mom, I do not tollerent much noice in a class room. I am from the generation (growing up during the 80’s and 90’s) that wants the pulpils to listen, be in the classroom also with there heads and brains and following on what I talk about so they wont ask me hundered times after when they shall do the task. Which I made clear and the boy’s who tryed to strech on the limits didn’t really work for them. that was a good feeling for me who hasn’t or isn’t a propper teacher. 🙂

I will also be a permenent on-call substitute from now on, which the management likes a lot cause they always need substitutet teachers.

Anyway, I liked to be a substitute teacher on Friday. It reminded me on when I did it back in Sweden long before I moved to Norway. I was young and the pulpils where teenagers then. I liked it then and now. A lot has happend with me during the years, yet the one thing that feels like it is the same is how much I like beeing in a classroom.

I just have to tell you about Thursday 26th. I was a co-teacher in 7th grade in art and crafts with the project “take photo’s” the first two classes we went to a place nearby where I live and after luch we went with the third class to a suburb called Lervig where Stavanger has long traditions within young creative culture such as Tou scene, various artistic expressions within performing arts, visual arts, film, music and other cultural industries. At Tou Scene did they (and I) take pictures of buildings and street art. That day I walked a lot!

Yes, and on Wednesday 25th I was in 1st grade (!). I haven’t been in the lower grades at all before Wednesday. I was so tired in my head when I got home….

Walking in faith, following my guts, trusting the Lord, October 23rd.

For the past week I have been talking a lot to the Lord, after I was asked to come for an interveiew – a job I applyed for in early October. A 50% job in after school club. When I applied I didn’t have many day’s as a subtitute co-teacher which I have now.

On my way to the interview I talked to the Lord. Trying to find pro’s and con’s towards working there if they offered me the job. I didn’t have the peace inside as closer as I got to this school, it was like I just knew whatever I said in there I wouldn’t say yes. At the interview I answered as good as I could. I guess it went fine. I really tryed to point out that I like myself in the middle age of the Norwegian School. And that I’ve only worked one year in the after school club. With not so good experience, which I told them about. (Norwegian School system 1st to 4th grade = lower part, 5th to 7th grade = middle part, 8th to 10th grade = high school)

Talked a bit more to the Lord on my way home, realizing I don’t want this job at all. Sent a snap to a close Christian friend, who asked my why I didn’t want it. My answer was easy. It’s the wrong age. And I know, that it is the wrong age.

I have sent an email to the school, letting them know I am not interesting. And I have Peace. Trusting the Lord in this. Walking in faith. Yet, I don’t know how much I will be working this fall, but I know the Lord will guide my steps to what he wants for me.

#hundvåg #memmories
#roaldsøy #stavanger
#bjørnøy #stavanger

The Prace from the Lord is what I lean to. Knowing I am doing the right thing 😊 .

Yet I don’t have a clue what the Lord has for me in the future and that is okay. Becauce I am walking in faith this fall.

Locked back and sciatica pain – unable to go to work.

Isn’t it tipical that when I finally find a job, a job as a substitute teacher and substitute learning assistant my back crash?! I spent time in both my bed and couch yesterday (Thursday 21st of September) and by time to go to bed it was nearly okay 🙂 but it was one thing I really needed to do. I needed to wash my hair, and that was painful!! And I kind of knew this would not benefit my back at all. But to wake up today day with even more pain… oh I get so tired of my back 😔😔🤐😡🤬 Have no words.

If it only was that I can’t go to work. But it isn’t is it? No! I need to pack, clean out things like cabinets, my fridge, bathroom cabinets etc… 🤬🤬🤬 (sorry for the emijos, but they describe how I feel.)

I am so annoyed on this life!! But I will not get depressed or think to much about it I will be thankful to life. I have what I need right now. A friend went to the grocery store for me yesterday so I have food 😊. I have a home 😊. I have a roof over my head. I have friends that care 😊❤. And a God that loves me. ✝️

To be grateful despite tiring when life doesn’t become what you hope for…

Interveiew day.

Went well. I felt like jome there speaking English 😊. I’ve done my part and now it’s “just the waiting” to see if the Lord open or close this door. I have no expectations just becauce I am now so used to get a deny. But if the Lord open up this opportunity for me I will enjoy working with those students/pulpils with special needs and in an English speaking enviroment!

If I don’t get the job I think I will have enough to do by being a subtitute teacher in the 5(!) Schools that wants me!! 😊 So now it’s up to the Lord 😉.

And I have enough things to do before the move in the end of September to even “think to much” about this interview.

Exploring my county, July 19th.

Left home 09:40am, bus 09:52am towards Sandnes bus & train hub. To catch a new bus at 10:13am.

Today I’ve been exploring 😊, walked in residential areas I never been b4. I’ve taken busses I just seen in Sandnes or Stavanger bushub. Seen where, e.g. Forus Arena is located (where most major concerts for Stavanger and nearby municipalities take place). And I haven’t been stressed just smiling.

Sola municipality, 10.30am.

The rain or wind wasn’t a bad thing. If I weren’t on a bus I found shelter 😉

On a bus between Sola and Randaberg.

I did all this both becauce I have been wanting this since I moved back but also becauce I found cheap books online (via a website here in Norway where you can buy used things, a common website for the whole of Norway) for my upcoming studies which start in mid-August.

Randaberg square, not much here. 12.30 to 13pm.

When I got off the bus I knew I had to eat b4 I headed home-over.


PizzaBakeren (the pizza chain that started here in Rogaland) is my favorite and today it was a pizza with a thin crust.

I catched an other bus back in to Stavanger train station (13:05pm) waited maybe 20 min at the train station (13:20ish pm) and sat on the train home to Ganddal. On the train it was raining but my walk home were not 😊.

So I’ve got to see and explore and buy non-fiction / subject literature during 4.5 hours 😊😊😊 .

Learning by misstakes, part 2.

So I went to my candycstore – selfmade – and bought what I needed and asked about the pattern. How to understand it and how it actually is gonna look, how to cut it right and then what kind of fabric I need under.

A lady helped me with all my questions 😊😊

And when I got home I started to cut new pieces and for one piece I had sew two together a seam you only notice when you know it’s there 😊

And I’ve overlocked all the pieces tonight.

Tomorrow comes the big challenge to sew all pieces together 🤪 a challenge I am both looking forward to and are totally scarred for.

But here are tonight’s picture after the folding the fabric right, cutting of new pieces, overlocking.

Folding the fabric right.
The edges fit each other 😊
Finished overlocking.


From cat on trial to perment staying – Aslan.

So we had Aslan (Gardfiled) on trial for 3 day’s in April. After those 3 day’s he stayed. Silver and Aslan (becuase he is orange and walks like a lion) become friends. they have there moments where Aslan is trying to show Silver he wants to be in charge but Silver answers with a small fight and winning by Aslan laying down on the floor “I give up for now”.

Time flies by and Aslan has now been with us for almost 4 months (!) He has becoming an indoor cat and accepting it, he were more of an outdoor cat before we got him. He will be able to learn to walk in leach just like Silver does, but his first issue was to let me put a “neckless” on him that he wouldn’t take off as fast as it got on ^^haha^^. He has been learning a lot this time here and he is young (only 3 years old) so he will be able to learn even more.

The nxt thing for him was to learn is to not eat up all the food, cause Silver also need food! He or both get less food now, I do have one bowl with dry food out all day but more important is it’s always water.

They are friends most the time but in the between they fight, Aslan still trying to set Silver to not be the oldest, the boss etc. But Aslan is the younger will always be more playful, have more energy, talk more because it’s his personality. Silver trying his best to adapt too, he was the only cat for 4 years, it’s not easy for him neither.

We all do our best to adapt ❤ the life we have. I couldn’t leave Aslan to not be able to live a life with us therefor I let him stay. He was probobly a Corona-Cat, left to himself to survive. He has his issues, but overall he is a very cozy cat. Loves to sleep in my bed, next to my back. He wakes me up in the morning, if he can decide 05am… But yet he has managed to go to bed my time approxy 11pm, and that I do pull down the blinds for the night (first of all for Silver so he wouldn’t start to play around 03am and wake me up) but also now with 2 cat’s.

A lot to learn but he is young our Aslan.