Locked back and sciatica pain – unable to go to work.

Isn’t it tipical that when I finally find a job, a job as a substitute teacher and substitute learning assistant my back crash?! I spent time in both my bed and couch yesterday (Thursday 21st of September) and by time to go to bed it was nearly okay 🙂 but it was one thing I really needed to do. I needed to wash my hair, and that was painful!! And I kind of knew this would not benefit my back at all. But to wake up today day with even more pain… oh I get so tired of my back 😔😔🤐😡🤬 Have no words.

If it only was that I can’t go to work. But it isn’t is it? No! I need to pack, clean out things like cabinets, my fridge, bathroom cabinets etc… 🤬🤬🤬 (sorry for the emijos, but they describe how I feel.)

I am so annoyed on this life!! But I will not get depressed or think to much about it I will be thankful to life. I have what I need right now. A friend went to the grocery store for me yesterday so I have food 😊. I have a home 😊. I have a roof over my head. I have friends that care 😊❤. And a God that loves me. ✝️

To be grateful despite tiring when life doesn’t become what you hope for…

Online dating (annoying or not), part 7.

Suddely and I mean that. Have I started to talk to a guy. Not believer Christian. But it’s okay for me because of the deal I have with the Lord. He took the first propper contact 😊😊.

And as more we talk as more he acts and respect my thoughts and if I don’t want hom to send a picture or msg je doesn’t 😊and in my head he becomes more and more as a gentleman. He surprise me in many ways. He isn’t like most other guys I’ve talked to on the same age as him. And this is positive!

Is this to good to be true or not?

I wont give you details but can say he is Norwegian. It doesn’t become awkward or silent if I ask him something oh no he is better then that. 🙂. He ask as much as me 😊. Seems really interesed. Wants to meet on a date and two if the chemesrty is there, which I think it actually can be. But we just have to wait…

I can’t say ‘he is more mature becauce he has a kid’ because I’ve talked to other guys with kids not as mature as this one! Trust me.

In this dating app, you can choose to take a test that looks at personality, openness, personal traits, housekeeping and order, sloppiness etc. It’s a personality test to find out who.one fits best with, a type of algorithm.

Me and this guy, score pretty much the same on the 5 biggest areas that the dating app prioritises. …like, 84% on cohabitation (sex and cohabitation, equality, house order, exercise and health). 94% on interest (sport, culture, music, travel and nature). 88% on communication and 76% on personality.

I am impressed! Not just on this guy, no. How the Lord has been with me so far and still is, His way of guiding me steps! I haven’t really been looking looking for a match so far this year. My words to the Lord were ” I’ll put this “chasing” and need you to guide my steps or answer the guy who contact me”. And that is what happend here 😊.

When I put my trust into the Lord he provides!

…But it will not be any date with this guy anyway 😔, he has blocked me. As sudden as it felt good it feels like a “poof” of something good just went away. Can’t really put words on what I think or feel for something like this. I guess it was too good to be true 😔.

This happend approxy a year ago too…

Well well, I “keep searching fir mr right” even though I don’t search more looking.

Smooth start to get back to work after my tailbone (coccyx) injury.

January 23rd; I’ve been at work, if only for 3 hours and “only” to the school-sparetime-organisation-part (sfo). It was enough after one week home! A good smooth start.

I’ve been in contact with my GP without any answer 😔 (daytime). But I pray 🙏 and hope my wish will go through. That my GP will accept my wish to be on sick leave on 60% this week. Got an answer from my GP at 10:17pm 🤪🙂.

I hope I’ll be able to slowly get less % on my sick leave and be able to be back on my 80% soon. But I have to take slow. Don’t want to get more pain again and be back on 100% sick leave.

January 24th, I s5art work 11:45, need to leave home around 11… and I’ll work to 4pm 🙂.

The “Forest” at Bore school.

No pain no game

Outdoor time at work (around 1pm), foggy day.

Today has also been good 😊, I’ve managed to some of the tasks I have with one of the students with Autism 🙂. Always challenging but gives me a lot of motivation 😊.

Tmrw Wednesday 25th I am free 😊. And then I’ll be working Thursday and Friday.

Online dating (annoying or not), part 6.

The most annoying part of online dating is all those guys and yes I mean guys! Who just show interesst in me because I look young and have past 40. So tired of them! They only want one thing and still think woman also just want that 😔😔. Pls grow up! And pls understand not all woman wants that.

Or I end up chatting with some okay interesting man that lives far far away and can chat forever… or who has focus on how much you 2 need to have in comman… Sorry that’s not me. I know it takes time and effort to get to know an other person no matter if this person “just” will end becoming my friend or future boyfriend. But it seams like I am quite alone thinking that 🤪🤪

I don’t say I will give up. No I do believe “someone” is out there for me. So I just have to switch focus. In the meanwhile I am trying to get back to work after one week on sick leave and be thankful for those I do have around me.

2nd annoying r those who don’t understand the point of a profile txt!! Or those who just like “cute” pictures 🤪🤪🤬.

I have been on snap with a guy, he thought I was “the right girl” for him. He was convinst I were what he was lo8king for. 😆😆. I tryed to get him to understand that it’s a bit smart to be objective when you want to get to know an other person but he was only in his normal track. Wrong track for me. He “showed” some, for me important sides, but they didn’t last 😔. When he send me pictures I didn’t ask for & I asked him to respect me and what I didn’t want. He didn’t. So I ditched him. I just can’t stand a person who can’t respect me and my values.

Just because “we all” are out on some dating app dosen’t mean we all “just do whatever we want” and “give a shit” about values and not respecting others out there. I do know a lot of people do, give a shit, but I don’t!

Lay back straight down into the ground 🥴, January 16th. Part 1 of 2.

The school yard.

…walking to the swimming pool with a student in the 2nd grade, I went backwards to talk to the student. Had seen that there was a bicycle along the wall and knew that I had to turn before it, miscalculated the distance. While the bike was there and I tried to put my left foot in the right place so as not to trip, I tripped. I fell. Lay back straight down into the ground. Hit the coccyx and lower back and probably something more. I couldn’t get up on my own, but I told the student (who looked at me shocked) to catch up with the class, because we were far behind the class.

A colleague came, saw me lying on the ground, and asked if she should help me up. I just said I can’t do dey by myself. She helped me up and into the canteen. But before we went in, I had to call my department head, who was also a substitute swimming teacher that day. Let me know what just happened and that I can’t join. She called another environmental worker. My colleague and I entered the canteen, met the other environmental worker. My colleague who helped me spoke to the other woman. Then the school’s “receptionist and office lady” also came to find the other environmental worker.

At about 10:40am I was in the canteen. Tried sitting on the cushions in the window. But it just didn’t work. Slide down on your knees on the floor. It was the only thing that worked. Then came the migraine. The “office lady” asked if she could help me, so I explained where my bag was, with migraine medicine and what it looked like was. She went, I called my manager for sfo (sfo stands for school and leisure). Told her what just happend, the “office lady” came back with my backpacker. We went up together in the elevator, up to the stafs area. I eat, tryed to call my GP.

Around 12:50pm, after 20 min of que I got hold on the nurse of my GP and got an apointment for the nxt day.

A friend and colleague was informed and she was able to come and pick me up around 1pm at work 💜. I left work in huge pain. Not really able to walk. Werepicked up, managed to both get in and out of the car but it felt like I were 85 or something… nearly home we stopped by the nearest pharmacy 💜.

Got home approxy 1.30pm. The migraine came back while I were in the couch. Slept and it hlpd 🙂. I also managed, even if my pain were high, to make dinner 🙂. And I think I can say, I am thankful that I had a good night sleep.

What a blessing!

Last Friday (June 10th) I received my monthly salary, just with a smaller chock. I received less than half of what I normally receive. So yes a smaller chock. But, I thought about it, how I mostly tell myself to really trust the Lord when I don’t know how I am gonna live so I prayed for my situation. And asked the Lord for a miracle or a blessing. I asked for “I need enough for all the bills, food, medication and it would be nice to have some money left for my Vacation Lord”

On Monday I received an email from my last work county, saying they had tryed to send me my Vacation money (that’s how it works here in Norway. That you earned from last years work you get next summer). But they didn’t managed to send it cause I have change bank during the year.

Tuseday, things got sorted out and on Wednesday I received the blessed Vacation money. Much more than I thought I ever could earn through a partime job (on 70%) in the School.

Wednesday and Thursday I’ve used my time to transfer money to where it need to be and what to save for later. I feel so blessed! The Lord knows what and how much we need in different seasons!! I trusyed the Lord and he gave me more than I asked for 😊. I will now be able to pay all my bills, go on vaccation not thinking how much can I use?, maybe even go on a 24 hour trip to Denmark with one of my closest friends from Oslo. 🤩🤩🤩. And I will be able to save some 🤩🤩. Which is extra good, especially becauce I don’t know where I start a new job yet.

Which is the nxt in trust to the Lord, I have peace from the Lord that he knows. I just have to keep applying for jobs until he open up a door.

And one other thing that happend was, cause of the start of this week I didn’t see how I would be able to go to the work party June 17th. So some of my colleages talked during the week and told me on June 16th “we will make sure you can join the party, it shouldn’t be about money when you wont come back in the fall”, if you still want to come. So yesterday June 17th, I went, though with headache, and had fun 😊😊. Such a blessing from my colleages!! And I have to say, I have felt how this school was where the Lord wanted me to be this year. Extra blessing just with that.

It’s Sunday september 6th.

I have been up and awake since 08.11am today, Sunday. And already done the janitor task I was suppose to do yesterday evening, but yesterday I had headache and just couldn’t.

I just had my breakfast in the couch and gonna chill a bit, listen to podcasts and a preaching. Enjoy it’s Sunday.

I woke up from a cozy dream, being on a date. 😊 A very nice date. And I had a calm peace when I open up my eyes. Like I needed this dream or maybe this first date with this guy will end like the dream, I don’t know. And that is okay. So I ” will stay ” in this dream, in the way of knowing that: no matter how the real date goes I have recived a calm peace from the Lord about this, however this goes or ends. 😊

Calm peace just like this water is calm.

The Lord knows what He is doing and I just has to follow Him and I don’t need to be worried. Because I am his child and He will continue to guide my steps. ❤

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. We don’t always knows how or what the next puzzle piece look like and it can take a while until we find the one that fits. Life and love is the same.

Do not stress about things you can not fix, it’s no point. The Lord knows what’s He is doing. He would not let us go through things, emotions in life you/we can’t handle. 😉

My Daliy Life is a part of my Lord. And He giudes me and my steps. I ask for help for different things in life and He do answers. 😊 It may not always be the way I wish or thought. But He answers. ✝️

All my worries is in his hands.🤲 And knowing the worries stays there is a is a liberating thought. Knowing He take care of all of my worries is His way of showing me Love.

Heart- Cloud.


Looking up to the sky to the airplans.

Imagine u are standing on the ground, looking up to the sky to the airplans that are there. One of them you gonna be in,  in few minutes. You gonna jump out of the airplane.

Have this picture in your head.

I don’t know if you are afraid of  heights or not and that isn’t the point eighter. The point is to feel safe before on the ground and in the air.

To be thankful for those who have the knowlegde, experience and education about this jump.

To trust them in this moment.

Take this picture into your life. Are you standing on the ground with the trust feeling in your life, your situation or to jump out of ” your plane ” ? Can you trust The same type of person?

I got this picture from the Lord the other night I was praying for strenght, love, guidance and patience. To encourage you in your faith.


When the Lord is guideing you.

Every second Saturday I meet up on Zoom with my house church. Something I look forward every time it getting closer.

This Saturday May 23, the sharing was about ” to have faith and do what you believe “.

In Luke 6:46-49; ” you find the words about, how to build your house or Christian life on a good fundation so when the storm comes you wont fall or your house wont be destroyed.

Is it enough to ” just ” read the Bible or Worship? How do you Live, and how do you Do it in action, what the Lord telling you to do?

Many good veres was shared!

You can have Faith in your heart, but it’s not before your Faith in your heart and that you do something in Action that the Lord can act in you!

In Matthew 12:34; ” You brood of snakes! How could evil men like you speak what is good and right? For whatever is in your heart determines what you say “.

When the Lord guideing you, You need to listen to His voice and Walk in Faith.

In 2 Corinthians 9:10‭-‬11 it says;

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.

And it was when this was reading load for the group the Lord was talking to me. He asked me to get in contact with an other person of this group. And to ask if she needed something. When she answered she said, yes. And she explained her situation and that she had asked the Lord how to do in the situation. To have faith.

I listen to the Lord and I could bless her. Me who have been blessed in similar situations. The Lord knows us and what we need to do is to walk in faith and just do.

I have been struggling with my financial situation for many years, but the Lord knows how to bless me bless others ❤. HE has blessed me with a job I love and with money when I need it. I am SO Thankful for all the things that has started in this season. And knowing HE is still guideing my feets ❤❤❤. And he knows what and when things gonna happend. 😊

Have Faith.

Be encourage.

Walk with the Lord.


Focus. Challenge. Keep reading.

I have to say it isn’t as easy to stay on the reading track as I had hope it to be.

But I am not giving up I continue to challenge myself to read as soon as I am on a bus, tram or metro for more than just two stops.

Keep reading.

Challenge yourself.

Seek the good words.

Have faith.


Only you can change your habbit.

Only you know how to get on the right reading track!

I challenge myself and you to stay focus.

The water is from the Lord.

We need to drink and eat, we hear it often being preached. And it’s truth.

How are we living without food and water? Noone does. So how to survive without the food from the Word?

That is my question for myself when I haven’t read as I wanted.


Step by step with the Lord.

The interview went well on Friday the 9th. It was a positive interview. I felt the lord was with me all the time. ✝️ The Lord gave me peace for the job and the school. I can’t say I got it because they need to call my references. But it was like the Lord spoke to me in the evening “I will give you what you need”. And I have to trust my Lord on those words.

I waited on a answer for about four day’s. Got an textmsg with information of ” We can’t give you an answer until next week about who will get the job.”

This was a answer I needed. Because this ment I had to trust the Lord on my desition. I made up my pro – con list. Prayed. And made up my mind.

I said yes to the first job offer on 50%. And today the 25th I have been working in the Youth School for a week and I’m getting there. 🙂

I think this is the place for me this School year.

I still trusting the Lord when it comes to my financial cause I can’t see how I will be able to live and pay my bills. 😟

And I don’t know what or how I will be able to support the student but the Lord knows. 😊 And that’s where my faith is.


I have to let God have the focus of my Life. I need to trust in faith. To hear Him talk. To show me what He want me to do and where.

/Mia-Simone.Svenberg. 2019.

Inspired by other bloggers.

I have had a rough week with a locked back. I have not had this for a long time which is good. 😊

So I have been praying 🙏 for my back all week and it got better. 👍 And I got a request on Monday to help in Church tomorrow Sunday (the 9th), and the Day I was asked I felt “oh no I wont be able” but after reading few others blog about faith and listen to Daddy God, I will walk in faith to help out in Church tomorrow.

My thoughts today was to get inspired by other bloggers here on Word Press and I did. 💕 Thank you.

Your faith mean something for us all.

Your sharing of what’s going on in your daily life helps me reflect over my issues. 💗


Wait and see 4

Fighting Discouragement

The psalmist’s words became my personal prayer. Help me stay planted by the streams of Your water, God. Keep me from wickedness. Help me meditate on Your law day and night. Oh, how I longed to delight in God rather than wallow with Discouragement.

Every day started in His Word. Most days I didn’t understand what I read, but I believed in God’s faithfulness, and I noticed how Bible verses started to repeat in my head more than Discouragement’s voice.

Determined to stay refreshed by God’s Word, like a tree planted by streams of water, I started to keep a Bible always within arm’s reach: in the car, beside my bed, on the end table by the couch, in the kitchen.

At one point, I had verses taped on nearly every doorframe in my house. I’m not sharing this to make myself sound super spiritual. I’m sharing this to show how desperate I was to defeat Discouragement, Negativity, and Rejection.

My victory has taken years to realize. The battle has been slow, but every time I read and meditate on Scripture, I gain ground. Every now and then, Discouragement sets a trap; however, with God’s wisdom, I am able to avoid it. I shout my victory chant, “No weapon formed against me will prosper.” The bullies flee. I praise. Why don’t you shout the victory chant aloud right now? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

David dealt with criticism from his wife and negativity from his brothers, but he didn’t allow Discouragement to defeat him. He stayed close to God, and he cried out every time he needed help. We are blessed to be able to cry out to God for help and search His Word for inspiration.

Sometimes the totality and enormity of God’s Word can be overwhelming. Have you ever felt this way? You know encouragement will come from Scripture, but when you open the Bible, you don’t know how to find the encouragement that awaits. When I have this feeling, I create my own mini-Bible.

Using my Bible’s concordance, I look up a word that has something to do with my current state of mind and circumstances. For example, if I am feeling rejected, I find the word love and look up verses about God’s love. Then, in a small spiral-bound notebook, I record every verse that lifts my heart. This mini-Bible becomes my go-to place for quick encouragement.

God was faithful to David. God will be faithful to you and me as well.

This was better than I thought it would be when I started to read this. I have to say, I’ve learn something here.

To believe in Dad’s help for me, when I struggle to understand what I read. 🙏😊 AS what I wrote in the 2nd picture in this blog. I have to start and believe in that!

I hope this encourage you in your faith, life and relation with our heavenly Father.


Wait and see 3

The Next Thing

It sounds exciting to “do the next thing” when that next thing is interesting. But if we can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, we may scratch our head and wonder, How is this drawing me closer to the object of my wait? Instead, we should evaluate how the wait is drawing us closer to the Person of our faith.

Let’s be honest—if given the choice, we would all choose the shortest route to the object of our wait. Even though we know God wants to do a new thing, we prefer the fast track with the least resistance. But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.

“But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.”

We hesitate to embrace the next thing and move forward. God knows that. Even AS we’re surrendering, we vacillate with uncertanity. Can I really trust God? The what ifs become louder and louder. He knows our fears, doubts and hesitations.

He knows a longer route (our next thing) will provide opportunities to experience Him and resolve our moving-forward issues.

He uses our next thing to build a faith bank of trust.

My days of writing thank-you notes, coding bills, and caring for monthly givers ended almost twelve years after I accepted God’s invitation to move. Yes, my next thing lasted twele years. Sorry if that rains on your parade. Some seasons of waiting last longer than others.

My cubicle days were rich in character building. As I immersed myself in the study of God’s Word, I fell more in love with God and less in love with me. Greater value was placed on bringing glory to His name rather than fame to mine. The truth of Philippians 2:3 took root deep in the once-rocky soil of my heart: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

My next thing taught me that my purpose is not to stand at center stage, but to support the One who stands at center stage. His plan is always about His book, not mine. The picture finally became abundantly clear to me: it’s only about God.


Once again, really good reading. It’s gave me a new angle to think about this on. I hope it gives you something new too. 😊


When Dad speaks, you need to trust Him.

I met up with one of my close girl friends today. We had a catch-up after Christmas. And we both realised how much Dad has spoken to us this year, prepared us for what He has for us but we don’t know what. How imporant it is to trust him when he give us something.
There I was, waiting on the metro to get home, sitting on the top of a bench…

Reflecting over our talk.

Where we invited Dad right away. Where we want him to be included when we talked.

It’s naturally for us, in a coffee place in town as much as if we would meet in each’n’others home.

How often do you include Dad?
We shared ours experiences of how Dad has showen us different types of expanding our view and understanding.
Do you share what Dad telling you to someone close? If not, I will say it’s time for you to do that 😉