Cat on trial… for about 3 days.’

As you know, I have been checking around to see if I could find an other cat to mine. And since Thursday April 20th we have a catboy on trial. I have been hoping since he came that they will accept each other. In total of the small steps they show signs on it. But in between they fight 😦 And my right hand is sore…

We are now on Day 2,5 And silver got his walk around 09:30am and Pusur (Garfield) was locked in at the bathroom, just because he wants to go out because he is used to be able…and if he stays he will become a indoor cat and later learning to walk in leash. Which also means I need to take measure on him to sew a harness in colors that suit him…maybe I go for a dark color because he is orange.

Here are som pictures of them…

A week after I got the job…

I recived an interview request on a job I actually applyed to (!) I had to decline it.

Which was so wired 🤪 , becauce I never been in that situation before, but I already had a job. 😊🙏✝️.

I had to share it with my nearest friends, before here.

The Lords way isn’t ours!

He showing us which way to walk if we trust Him.

My testimony is in my blog, how my rollercoaster Spring went from chaos to prayeranswers.

One after the other. How the Lord showed me love by trusting Him even the day’s when everything felt nothing but chaotic.

My testimony is real. It’s my life.

The Lord literally is a part of my life and Faith.

He challenges me to do things his way when some, non Christian some Christian, who don’t understand how I dare to just jump into something so unsure future.

It’s all about Faith.

You need to have faith and believe in what you doing even during the doubting!

Interesting greeting, panic, all my thoughts?,where is my faith? doubting, grace…

It’s interesting how the Lord works! Ten years ago before I moved back to Oslo area the Lord gave me some hints about why I needed to move to Oslo area. What I needed to wait for, when living there, before being able to move back to the west coast.

Sunday April 18th, I went through some online preaching I haven’t listen to just “added” to my list to “some day I will start to listen to them”. And in one of the podcast’s they had questions in the end. One of the question where “what are you waiting on?” And I thought, this is perfect to this blog! What are you waiting on,haven’t the Lord answered your question or is it something else you waiting on? You who following my blog.

Two of my closest girl friends needed to get married and become pregnet or even have a child before I could move. An interesting sentence   from the Lord to recive. What about me? Should I wait even longer before I met “my hubby”???

An other thing was that the Lord needed to work within me and with me. Which He has. As one of the things ” a hubby “. When I was 19 y.o. I told everyone who asked me about life that I didn’t wanna have my own kids, which probably was a bit wierd to most people,sadly most of them were Christians. ” it will past ” they said. Like it was a cold or something… 😔. But I haven’t ever had a feeling of “need to become pregnet” becauce I would rather have fosterkids or helping families who needs it with their kids when the time comrs for that. I just wanted ” a hubby “.

It was a new journey a head of me. And I have to say a lot of things has happend with me, my faith and my friends those years.

We are all waiting on something.

A short story from those last ten years…

In 2011 I had to find something to do…

In 2012 I took an other course becauce I could not go back and work in kindergarten after November 2010, when I injured my back.

2013 I had a knee surgery and eleven months of physiotherapy. I had to learn to walk again.

In 2014, still no work, still a bad back. New longer course. But it didn’t leed to a job…

2015 – 2017, different types of administration and Hotel. BUT in 2015 I asked the Lord about moving and the thing I recived was “wait”. And in 2017 one of my closest friends got married. Was this an other sign?

2018 the year of many changes! My first job I kind of liked for 5 months. In May I started the fifth course (during those last seven years) which actually was of interest!!   May 18th, the other close friend got married 😍😍. Now I knew time would not be to far away for ” the move back to the west coast ” In August I got my foot in to my first propper work in years 😊🤩😊. The first school job, was this the job I had “been looking for all those years of waiting ?” It was a open door from the Lord. But it wasn’t ” the job “. I also knew other things needed to get in place…

2019 came, I got a new job, where I am now. And I know the Lord wanted me here.

In 2020 came Corona and my contract was extended until 2021. 🤩. I moved from Oslo community to Bærum community. A start on getting out of Oslo, the City I never liked but stayed there becauce the Lord wanted to use me there. In March I started as a janitor beside my orginal job. The first girl friend got pregnet (YAY the move getting even more closer).

This last fall (Autumn-20) I knew that I wouldn’t stay in Bærum community longer then next summer (which is now). I also recived a new sentence.

Those two girl friends are now married 🤩. And I have been applying for jobs in Rogaland community since february 🤪 still no job. And now have I started to get panic!! Where will I move? Where will I work?? Gaaaa! The whole point of all this becauce I want and need to work more than 70%. I have so much panic and start to think “was I so wrong understanding the greetings?” Was it just me, who wants to move back to the only place I ever felt like home in Norway? am I moving back to Rogaland community? Or not?

I need to move out where I am living now July 31st!! It’s not to late to get a job theoreticly but I am starting to doubt on the whole thing…😔 the panic is getting bigger. God give me one interview with a job-offer!! Or give me a hint on what I am doing wrong!!

I don’t know what to do more than apply.

But, is the Lord on my side in this?? I’m panicking and have started to doubt. I just want to cry!! is the Lord guiding me steps? I have been trusting the Lord so far but now?

I am missing to have a propper housechurch and meet & pray with, if not in person at least online. I have this last year lost some part of my faith becauce of where I live and the Corona. 😔😔😔. I miss the Church IMI in Stavanger, Rogaland. It feels like I have lost myself a bit to… I don’t know where to go, look, do…

On the other hand has GOD used me and blessed me a lot this last year…

Like the fog can be thick, is my faith strong.

… if it’s time or just life I don’t know, but something has hit me. (Not so hard thankfully.)

It’s like the fog on the picture above, it’s something beautiful and scarry in the same time.

I have, since I moved back to Oslo area ten years ago (2011) this month, been missing the West coast of Norway.

I moved to Stavanger in september 2010, after the Lord open up a job in a kindergarten. I felt how the Lord was talking to me and how He led me. But I did not stay as long as planned…

I lived there for 6,5months. The plan was a year, I thought. The years here on the East side have had the purpose and the Lord has worked within me and with me. And I would not be who I am if I had not moved back!

And the Lord gave me the reason why I needed to moved back to Oslo area, so I did not just move just becauce I did not like the job in Stavanger. Oh no, it was deeper than that.

But now, ten years later things are different again. And once again I have peace from the Lord about moving. Where? Well I do not now. 🤪.

So I apply for the jobs I have enough knowledge for and trusting the Lord in this too. 🙏 ✝️.



We all wait on something. It can be the bus or the train, it can be the mail or a interview, or kids after a school day. You got the picture.

But how do you wait? Do you feel you do not have enough patience for your waiting? Do you think someone else should be the one that should be the waiting person? Do you just sit ” up-side-down “and do nothing else while you’re waiting? Or do you use the time to something else?

I am waiting. Waiting to know when the next step comes. Waiting on to be able to meet “the guy “. Waiting with excitment on what will happend after we met. Waiting could be exhausting but the Lord is giving me so much patience that I am overwelmed.

The patience does not end, no it’s continuing every day. And I have to say that most people had probably already given up by now. And here I am still waiting on what the Lord wants with this. I still don’t have a clue what the Lord will bring me, of this journey.

But I know, and have learned the long way, that if I stick to this, God will not just bless me on the way but also the whole way! ❤✝️

To stay on the sea with the Lord. Be in the boat.

I went for a walk with the Lord yesterday, Saturday, down to the fjord. The marina, a place where I feel comfortable to just be, breath, think and talk to the Lord. Asking the Lord about this waiting. And thanking Him for all the patience He is giving me.

Lights far away.

To be the light in an other persons life without really knowing that person or not really knowing that persons life just few pieces. To be able to pray for that persons life every day. 💜 That is a Joy I haven’t thought much about before yesterday. ✝️ How my prayers can bless is one thing. But how the prayers for an other person can give me a new level of patience and calmness. That is what I recive. A new level of fresh air from the Lord.

To stand in the waiting and trusting the Lord, who knows how it will end. What a blessing!! To do something different and where I normally would have given up if I just went on my own thoughts and feelings. But how the Lord is showing me how He is guideing me through this when I am putting this in His hands. ✝️

Things on distance.

To have focus on what the Lord wants for me.

My situation with this guy is on distance, which could make it even harder and more frustrarted. Which is where I have been but instead of putting energy on something negative and thinking it could be difficult then I choose to think of it as something exciting and it gives me positive energy.😉😊

Positive energy like all the lovely colours we have around us in this season. 😊

I went to Church for the first time in months today. I can’t say that the preaching hit me with anything but the worship!❤ To just stand there listening a bit and sing along on the songs I knew. 😊 To be filled like no other place can give me then in the Church room with the acoustics, rhythm from the drums and guitar 😊😊 that harmony… in my own waiting gave me a calm peace I hardly can explain with words. But very Thankful for the moment I got!!

Which reminds me to play worship at home. Right now. To turn off the radio and turn ON the Channel to the sky and Lord. ❤

Don’t be desperate in your waiting!just becauce you wants something. Let the Lord guide you. Let it take time.


HaPPy New Year – Walk in Faith.

I want to share this. And experence I’ve just had. How the Lord answering when I trust Him and when I walk in faith.

I just have to use this picture again.

I was contacted by friends to me about the place they renting right now. It’s a bit outside on the West side of Oslo but still closer to my work. Before I had resinged my rented place. (!)

They told me they gonna move into the house they bought two years ago. Which means that the place they renting will be emtpy and they thought about me.

It’s a good two room with kitchen and livingroom and a space outdoors, which could fit me and my cat 🐈.

It made me think a bit more on “what does the Lord want for me ” rather than “what do I want”.

Since I moved back to Oslo 8 years ago I always wanted to move out of Oslo cause I am not a City girl!


I talked with the Lord a lot(!) in a short week.

“Is this the right place?”, “is this a part of what God put on my heart about twenty years ago?”, “Am I ready?”

I have had friends with me in prayer if this was what God wants for me.

It is an apartment next to a Mission center so it comes with some tasks. It didn’t make me unsure. It actually made me more sure that if the Lord opened up this door He knew and knows why.

So, this Tuesday I went there for a interview-chat. I met two older men in theirs 70’s and they did interviewed me! Than they asked me to go next door – to my friends “for a visit” and check the house propper and ask them questions.

After the interview they told me they gonna talk to the rest of the Mission center board.

On Thursday January 9, one of men texted me “We have decided to offer you the caretaker possion & the caretaker’s recidence”.

= that’s our prayeranswer!

P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happends.

To trust Him & Believe.

To put my life in His hands was the key.

He has a path for me and if I don’t trust Him to open up or close doors he can’t use me.

F.R.O.G. – Fully Rely On God.



Do you trust Him or do you rather making your decitions?

Do you dare to always trust Him?


How aware are we of what we saying?

Sustainable Life: Relationships

The tongue has power over death and life.

We need to think of how and what we saying in the meeting with friends, new people, Church and family. We need to think what is coming out is it positive or negative?

Presence of positive moments.

Make sure you make positive moments with whomever you meet.

We must take care to replenish with positive words in the day, do not use negative words. Be conscious of what I said.

Why fails to stumble? What is it that makes me repeat things, words, situations without thinking about what was done?

Do they (I) mean everything they (I) say or do they (I) just say something to have something to say?

How aware are we of WHAT we say when we speak?


If we want a change we must GO to the source!

What the heart is full of what the mouth is talking about.

I hope this is as inspiring for you as it is for me. We always need to be reminded of this! To be able to live close to the Lord we need to open up our mind.


Step by step with the Lord.

The interview went well on Friday the 9th. It was a positive interview. I felt the lord was with me all the time. ✝️ The Lord gave me peace for the job and the school. I can’t say I got it because they need to call my references. But it was like the Lord spoke to me in the evening “I will give you what you need”. And I have to trust my Lord on those words.

I waited on a answer for about four day’s. Got an textmsg with information of ” We can’t give you an answer until next week about who will get the job.”

This was a answer I needed. Because this ment I had to trust the Lord on my desition. I made up my pro – con list. Prayed. And made up my mind.

I said yes to the first job offer on 50%. And today the 25th I have been working in the Youth School for a week and I’m getting there. 🙂

I think this is the place for me this School year.

I still trusting the Lord when it comes to my financial cause I can’t see how I will be able to live and pay my bills. 😟

And I don’t know what or how I will be able to support the student but the Lord knows. 😊 And that’s where my faith is.


I have to let God have the focus of my Life. I need to trust in faith. To hear Him talk. To show me what He want me to do and where.

/Mia-Simone.Svenberg. 2019.

Good News 🤩🤩🤩

God has given me lots of patience over the last 8 years!

In 2011 I had to stop working because of a accident where I was working (kindergarten). I had a bad felt backwards with my back to the ground, the “forest floor”. I hurt my back badly.
I could not work for about 2 years. 😢
In 2013, February had I mine knee surgery. I had to learn to walk from scrach. Had rehab for 11month!
In September 2014, I started a coures to further educate me within Office and administration. I had a desire to use the knowledge I carried with me in this profession. Despite having two years of practice i this profession, I never got into a job…☹️
In August 2016, was the year I started to have internship/work-experience. The first lasted a year and led to another internship in a Hotel(in back office) which didn’t lead anywhere but it led to an other internship (also office). Forth time of internship, which is the one I have had until today the 28th of February.
And tomorrow 1 of March I start working, first time in 8 years!!

Woop woop. 🤩🤩🤩

I have worked hard and tried to find a Job I thought was in the right field but God showed me what He wanted for me last May (2018).
Most people and friends I know, don’t understand how I could live in this situation/ have this life. I only trusted my heavenly Father to lead my steps.
I have asked myself “what do I want to work with?” Many times in life and the answer has always ended in “I want to work with youth”.
Now I will. 💖
From internship at the School (college) to job 😊 at the same School.


Wait and see 3

The Next Thing

It sounds exciting to “do the next thing” when that next thing is interesting. But if we can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, we may scratch our head and wonder, How is this drawing me closer to the object of my wait? Instead, we should evaluate how the wait is drawing us closer to the Person of our faith.

Let’s be honest—if given the choice, we would all choose the shortest route to the object of our wait. Even though we know God wants to do a new thing, we prefer the fast track with the least resistance. But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.

“But God, knowing our weaknesses and vulnerability, often chooses to lead us via longer route so we can learn to trust Him more.”

We hesitate to embrace the next thing and move forward. God knows that. Even AS we’re surrendering, we vacillate with uncertanity. Can I really trust God? The what ifs become louder and louder. He knows our fears, doubts and hesitations.

He knows a longer route (our next thing) will provide opportunities to experience Him and resolve our moving-forward issues.

He uses our next thing to build a faith bank of trust.

My days of writing thank-you notes, coding bills, and caring for monthly givers ended almost twelve years after I accepted God’s invitation to move. Yes, my next thing lasted twele years. Sorry if that rains on your parade. Some seasons of waiting last longer than others.

My cubicle days were rich in character building. As I immersed myself in the study of God’s Word, I fell more in love with God and less in love with me. Greater value was placed on bringing glory to His name rather than fame to mine. The truth of Philippians 2:3 took root deep in the once-rocky soil of my heart: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.”

My next thing taught me that my purpose is not to stand at center stage, but to support the One who stands at center stage. His plan is always about His book, not mine. The picture finally became abundantly clear to me: it’s only about God.


Once again, really good reading. It’s gave me a new angle to think about this on. I hope it gives you something new too. 😊
