A week after I got the job…

I recived an interview request on a job I actually applyed to (!) I had to decline it.

Which was so wired 🤪 , becauce I never been in that situation before, but I already had a job. 😊🙏✝️.

I had to share it with my nearest friends, before here.

The Lords way isn’t ours!

He showing us which way to walk if we trust Him.

My testimony is in my blog, how my rollercoaster Spring went from chaos to prayeranswers.

One after the other. How the Lord showed me love by trusting Him even the day’s when everything felt nothing but chaotic.

My testimony is real. It’s my life.

The Lord literally is a part of my life and Faith.

He challenges me to do things his way when some, non Christian some Christian, who don’t understand how I dare to just jump into something so unsure future.

It’s all about Faith.

You need to have faith and believe in what you doing even during the doubting!

Cellphone, 2 books and family time 4 X-mas.

Before I catched the train I started my traveling with a good cup of americano from Esspresso House in Lysaker.  I’m in my way to Sør-Trøndelag for Christmas. First time ever and I’ve lived in Norway for a bit more then ten years.. funny how it can be. 

I took the train from Oslo to Hamar and shifted there to the next. I knew it would be a lot of people but it was like a surprise it was so many from Oslo that traveling the same way as me.

(I had to do something about my hair and this is the result)  But here I am. On the train. Only my cellphone and books with me. I will not be on Facebook at all for five days and I am looking forward that. To spend time with family or go for a walk in the snow. Tired as normal when I get on a train.. Normally I fell a sleep just after the ticked is checked but not this time. Maybe because I’m blogging.. but I could easy fall a sleep! Anyway.. after five and a half hours of traveling by train I’ll see my older brother which I have not seen for two years (!) Live in his home and enjoy whatever he is doing and also be with my second brother and his family when they are coming tomorrow the 22nd of December. 

We are all (exept my brother who lives there) traveling away from home to celebrate Christmas. It was two tears ago since last time (!) or maybe even three years (even wers!) Anyhow, I will enjoy spending time with my family. 

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!! And I hope you will have a good time off work, time of Joy with your family or close friends. And enjoy Christmas with all it comes with!

I will probably blog about Christmas in Haltdalen, Trøndelag so you also can see and made get your curiousity of traveling in Norway and Trøndelag. 


Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!


This lovely Summer-time….

I been thinking about what I’ve done for the last few month since I moved in here…It’s actually been quite much.

Since I moved in here I’ve met new people from an ecumenical Christians group, the 3rd of June I took my first swim in the Fjord, it was at least +20 C in the water. Lovely! (but I have not done it since…)

(The trip went the 18th of June with two male friends from my Church, I’ve been writing of this before so I skip it.) This week was also a creative week at home. I made some hanging baskets for my flowers, fixed some pants and made a home-made pizza.

The 11th of June had the ecumenical group a new gathering with this group. An evening in the team of “prophetic gives”. Very interesting!

The Monday after I had dinner with my friend (who been to Bible-school) and catch up time for the last year and shared with her a bit from the Saturday evening. Lovely time!

And how much that have been happening during this year in both her and my life! Good stuff!!

I went back to the same area the day after but to visit my friend with the twine’s. Great time to spend with them!!

A bit more then a moth ago now, got I a summer-haircut, a bit to short for my taste but hey my hair grows like grass. So now one and a half month later I have the length I like. 🙂

before and after.

Two days after the Sweden-trip a friend of mine came to visit me in this apartment. We had some good few hours just chatting and catching up what’s going on in each others life’s. It was nice!

I’ve been cooking both soup and dinner that now is in the freezer, I love it when I have the energy to do that and fill up my freezer.

I would love to have a bigger freezer but hey, I can’t have everything at once.

In the boxes (from Sweden) I have found so many things that I both didn’t know I was missing until I found them and off-course things I do have been missing. One of those thing was the mop-set to clean my apartment with the green soap.

I love that scent!

I found the cross-stitching box so I started to make something to a friend (I can’t write what because she hasn’t got it get).

In the end of June I had a friend (who lives in Seattle) staying in my home. Nice, cool and fun. She stayed four days. Lovely time to have! I have to get a job so I can go and stay in her home!

Bobbi Jo from Seattle.

About two weeks ago I realized I needed and wanted new shoes, some kind of boots that I could use during Spring-Summer-Autumn. A shoe I actually been looking for, for some time. So I went into a store just looking around to see if I could find something I liked. And I didn’t want something “normal” like brown or black. No I wanted something more colorful (because that’s me). But what did I buy? Brown boots. Haha moment! But I realized brown is good. They match my two brown purses I have perfectly.


I’ve been creative with fabric colors, screen print and shoe-pattern. I have not been sewing as much I’d hope for but hey I’ll do it later.

I’m on Instagram as well. By name; creativemiasimone.

new earrings for the moment.

I made pie of cherries from the garden and forest berries from the freezer yesterday. Yummy!

I’ve been to the island Bygdøy here in Oslo with a friend, to chill, talk and walk, I’ve been social with other friends on a movie (which I normally do twice a year).


I enjoy life!

So far has this summer showed us a mix of weather like thunder-storms, sun and rain still with summer-temperature between +13 C to +24 degrees C. Which I think is totally fine.

I’ve been reading books on the nights – just the thing I love to do during the summer!!! I gives me Summer-feeling maximum. A happy feeling.

I want to have a Holiday-feeling which I haven’t had since my last job…which is more then five years ago.. So maybe I’ll get some-kind of Holiday this Summer.


March updates and Easter.

But now it is almost Easter I will have a perfect time for a blog with updates because I will try to have a Non Media Easter as much as possible.
I just have been in my packing mode... and still am.

This is how I feel.


So, what have I’ve done since last blog… well that is a good question! I have been sewing a lot for customers, for myself and I’ve been packing more then less every day and I have been going to the gym twice a week.

Re-sewed tiny baggypants to really baggypants.

what I’ve sewed in February.


Re-sewed 2ndhand cloths.

to the left, “when you only need one pocket” & a mini toilette bag.

In January I started this «non media fasting» because I got challenge to do that. February was not a month where I was «away» from media as in a week or not even seven days in a row. But I was not checking Facebook or Instagram every day which is in the right direction I want. I don’t have the need to post new things and I don’t have a need to check what’s happening on Facebook every day, which is the most often places I visit. And to realize that I don’t have a «need» is so relaxing! But I will try my best to not be on media this Easter, which I wrote in the beginning of this blog-post.


relaxing cup of tea.

Ten years back I was a very social person. I just had to be social with friends, later-on I was «hooked» on Facebook which isn’t good either. Now I just enjoy to be home take it easy, sew when I feel for it or read a good book. I don’t «hang» with friends more often then twice a month and those times are most likely a movie night during the dark part of the year or a rainy summer-day. I meet friends from Church every week except when it’s Easter or and other Holiday because I have a House Church I’ll join. (House Church is a smaller group of people that meets from Church once a week in someone’s home, we share the last week with each other, praying for each other and sometimes we also sing.)

smile  little things

March came and is nearly gone… and I can’t really say what I have done more then I’ve got in to a good rhythm with going to the gym… I was a part of a Christian Conference for Woman that is called Jesus Woman (Jesus Kvinner Nordisk 2016) in Oslo, Norway 


and then few days later my back «crashed» because I was overdoing what my back could handle a pertinently… But I am doing fine now and trying to walk a bit more now when the snow and ice is gone.

It is for real Springtime outside. I love it even if I have some problems with the pollen.. And the rest of this month, I’ll actually pack the rest of the boxes and all that’s left to pack because I’m moving next weekend. I’m not moving far, but I upgrade from the basement apartment (on 25sqm) where I live now to the loft apartment and 15sqm bigger. 🙂 where I will be able to have a room just for my creativity! 🙂 and I will also go to Sweden and get a cat from my bonus baby-sister. And I haven’t had a cat in 19 years (!) but it will be nice to come home to something I’ll get feedback from when I say something.

My tower of boxes…

Cat-carrier and Silver I receive during Easter.

Summer holiday is the time for books.

sommer og boker

For me has summer holiday as long as I can remember been to enjoy reading a good book when it is a rainy day.

Me and my mom was small teasing about whom of us who would lie of the kitchen couch and read when we where in the cabin. My mom has been a teacher whole my life, so for her it was a mix of read a book to relax and get away from work except for those books she really needed to read for work. So every summer brought she at least 20 books of reading and there I were with maybe 5 books to read for the whole summer holiday..

It sometimes felt like I was competing with her, because I have learned from home that as more you read as bigger vocabulary you get. So I wanted to read as much as I could. As older I got as more books I brought with me to our summer cabin. But it was also here, where I started to write.

hembygdsgårn örträsk (heritage center -hembygdsgården Örträsk)

Summer holiday for me is contacted with our summer cabin in the northern part of Sweden in Västerbotten. A good size of a house. Not so big kitchen but with a iron stove, a small bedroom inside the kitchen. A good size of living-room with both a couch-corner and a big dinner table and a play area and the loft where we slept. But still big enough for us. Those days when we just didn’t want to anything and it didn’t rain, we went out on our veranda or where lying in the grass in the sun and read a book.

From day to day, life was easy going but we had always something to do and we still have when we comes there.. But the point is, I don’t understand this “haste” about traveling to see as much possible during the summer. I have never understood that part. Maybe I am “to much of an northerner” and just that thing that I went to the cabin and where there all summer. I don’t say I don’t like to travel. But for me summer is the time of the year when I relax, don’t want to so much. Catch up with friends over a coffee or a dinner or BBQ that’s okay and fun.

But read and write is relaxing. And summer should be just like that.

Like the picture below. I wish you will be inspired of the picture and do something you like to do when you have summer holiday!


bench in the grden

A new year is here !

Happy New Year everyone !!




The last year went past fast and a new year heading us with thing we may know but also a new adventure. I see this year in Positivity terms with a lot of new things I just gonna ENJOY. I am trying to just LIVE LIFE and ENJOY everything that comes along.


For me, this year started with a good feeling and as the days goes I feel it more and more. 🙂 So far has the missing creativity coming back more and more and that I have decided to do some changes in my life has only been a positive effect.


Yesterday was the end of the week at the course I take and my body was tired but when a friend of mine text me ask me if I wanted to go to the Prayer of Oslo I felt this is hat I am lacking right now. And it was just hat I needed. I needed just to come and be and listen to what was saying and listen to the music. Out of this has I now got more energy and inspiration to be more creative in all different ways. One of the things I am gonna fix or I am gonna end a project I’ve started in… September maybe.. I am also gonna see what I need to do about the vintage dress I bought in last August. I have always ideas in my head what to do or fix and that’s who I am. For me that’s normal, but what’s not normal is to not have any creativity.

This year I am gonna try to end my projects I start, to have my own deadline on things. I am also wishing for a good job soon, and that I will be able to go visit my mum who is sick with Alzheimer… I wish that this year will be a year with lots of adventures in my life in a good way and in different directions.

With this comes also that I will try to write here more often than last year and that who ever who reads this will get inspiration of what is happening in my life or out of what I am doing.

/Mia-Simone 😉