To stay in the trust when the doubts comes.

To stay in the trust to the Lord when the doubts comes and the time getting closer to the date of my new job. To not doubt. To focus on positive and be thankful for what I have, got, the prayer-answers.

Daily life.

A walk with podcast in my ears to clear my thoights. I am so bored at home. I need friends. I need to get to know people. I need a life. Not just a job. To not have anyone to hang with, take a coffee with just chill is boring! But how to meet new people? If you don’t go out, like in the evening, how and where do I meet new people? I don’t. 😔. It feels like my life is so boring.

It’s Monday 11am, I’m in the city. Just don’t know what to do. Would love to start work this week but I have to wait… so what to do this week?

July in Norway isn’t the best month to chill with people becauce almost everyone have theire vaccation. As a singel christian lady I don’t go out in the evening, I haven’t even been on a date, which I had hoped for. My church only have service at 6pm on Sunday’s. …

My veiw right now 11.28am.

Watching people, trying to think on what to do today… It’s a cloudy day today. Just like my brain right now 🤪. But back to the title… to trust the Lord in all. To trust for a miracle, to not doubt when your search doesn’t give you anything of what you are looking for. To be able to encouraged others by standing in faith all the way, to not give up on the lord. To not fall for the doubts whatever happends.

Outside the swimminghall 😉, Stavanger.

I struggle to stay in focus in my faith to trust the Lord from day to day or even some day’s from hour to hour. I can be honnest on that. I ask the Lord as soon as it happend. I am human to doubt but I am also in need of the script & worship to not fall out. And Christian friends in my age to hang with. How many are we, singel Christians without kids that don’t want or can’t have kids? How often do you see or hear about ‘young adults without kids’ groups in your church? I haven’t in my church. Not even in my old church. Why? Well most churches has groups for young adults & students – an underline of “you might find your partner and we hope you become a family soon” is at least my feeling on what the church wants. How is it in your church?

When you don’t have a partner, life sucks!

Worship gives me peace and I get calm on the inside and in my soul. Right now the only thing, therefor I’ll stop writing and hope some of you out there will come with inspiration to me. How you do in your struggles and how you meet new people.

Overandout 12.22pm

Continueing…I got a new job.

Faith that holds us.

(Got home approxy 11.30, sat in the couch and they called me back 11.59am(!))

And the school had allready called my references and wanted me. I said yes, mostly cause I had no other work and cause I felt the Lord had open this door for me. This job is on a new level of age for me and activities both before and after school. A system they have here in Norway. I know about it but never worked with it, so it’s totally new for me. I feel like the Lord is challenging me to do something totally new! In the same time as I am curious about the tasks as I am exited about how I can teach younger students to be creative. I am quite tired on teenagers right now so a younger level in school might fit my brain for a year. This job is from 1st grade to 6th grade (age 6 to 12) literally nothing I have worked with before, maybe this is just what I need, maybe this is the age I should work with. I don’t have a clue so I guess we’ll just see how it will go. ^^haha^^.

But than, it comes to an other thing. I (we – me and my cat-boy) need to move again…. nothing I really looking forward to, but is neccesary cause the distance is to far to do everyday without a car! So in my head I want to find a place that is approxy fourtyfive minutes from Stavanger and fourtyfive minutes to work by local transport, which we have a good system on. The question is, should I live in the same county or just on the boarder to my work county?

And this is once again, how the Lord works in my life when he open up for a job cause He knows what I can do and how I can be challenge. It’s a praying answer. It’s a sign of having faith and trusting His ways not mine. And I know that He will open up the right door for the next home too. He knows whats best for me both in distance and what my finacially situation will look like.

A week after I got the job…

I recived an interview request on a job I actually applyed to (!) I had to decline it.

Which was so wired 🤪 , becauce I never been in that situation before, but I already had a job. 😊🙏✝️.

I had to share it with my nearest friends, before here.

The Lords way isn’t ours!

He showing us which way to walk if we trust Him.

My testimony is in my blog, how my rollercoaster Spring went from chaos to prayeranswers.

One after the other. How the Lord showed me love by trusting Him even the day’s when everything felt nothing but chaotic.

My testimony is real. It’s my life.

The Lord literally is a part of my life and Faith.

He challenges me to do things his way when some, non Christian some Christian, who don’t understand how I dare to just jump into something so unsure future.

It’s all about Faith.

You need to have faith and believe in what you doing even during the doubting!

An other prayer answer – the Lords way.

Just like the Lord open up a door to a job I didn’t apply for, has he now helped me to get in contact with a young family who renting out a bacement apartment not far away from where I start to work the 16th of August. 🤩.

They are even positive to give the option of split the depositum in half or more, becauce of what it will coast to move. 🤩.

It’s perfect size for me and my cat-boy, near to beaches, short distance to use bikecykle to work 🤩, short distance to the local bus Winter time, a good rent where it’s included electrocity which I want, good window place for my cat-boy to sit and watch 🤩.

I haven’t signed the contract yet but I will 🤩😊. And the place will be mine from August 1st. 🙏🤩.

This is my chaos rigth now;

Tomorrow, Thursday 8th of July, I will be able to throw away lots of things 🤩 with a friend. And on Friday, 9th, me and a girl-friend will drive away with the 2nd load to 2ndhand. 🤩🤩.

Efficion week 😊😊😊.

Through Norway by train to Sweden and back home.

The trip to Sweden through Norway in pictures.

I loved the Winter landscape the train went through. ❤❤❄❄.

The funeral was beautiful. And sad. I am thankful I went. Had a chance to meet people my Mom knew that I have not seen in approxy 15years.

The funeral, December 11th in Orsa, Sweden.

I had time to spend with my family. Maybe most with the “kids” which are two teenagers and one on eleven. But it is still quality time with them. 💜.

I brought some of Mom back home to my place. Some of mom’s clothes. 💜. My way to not just remember her but also let her be a part of my life. Continuing being with me. ❤❤.

This picture symbolizes mom becauce she often sat outdoors and drank her morning-coffee.

So many good memories from mom… drinking coffee together any time of the year. Outdoors or indoors. Building jigsaw puzzle at least 500 pieces, walk, our Summer house, go on our bicycles, cooking food, learn to wash (laundry) clothes when I was 6 or 7 years old, learn to cook as an 8years old kid, pikking berries with the mosquitos 😆, to have good routines and structuer at home, to love and appreciate the nature. ❤mom ❤, you will always be with me!

Back home, I have been and still are in quartine becauce of the trip to Sweden… But I have had Homeoffice, been produtive and efficion at work. And I have been knitting after work. 💜💜🧶🧶.

Christmas gifts.

I am now on day 8 og 10 in quartine. And can not wait until the 22nd and that it is after 3pm…when I finally can go to the stores I need to buy the very last things for Christmas to just like I want it!!!

Been able to finish up with my shelf-project 💜🖌😊.

It has so far been a really good December even if I want the ❄ to come and stay for a month.

In all the sad time I have had been both blessed with enough money for the trip and blessed with good energy. Blessed with good health no Corona in me. And good friends, family and colleages! And Peace. ✝️.

The Lord is both showing me love and giving me hints on what’s good og bad for me. ❤ ✝️.


Summer with Doubts & Peace.

I have been going through a summer full of different feelings. Issues to actually Trust the Lord about this situation. Learning it doesn’t help to try by myself. Only helps to Trust the Lord.

The front picture is my symbol for how narrow my space has felt. How narrow the Lord has been. How narrow my mind has been. Yet, I can only see Gods Love through this Summer for me.

3 hours of creativity the other Day this week. ❤

How the Lord has given me time to be creative to not think to much. Given me time with friends or to start at the gym, to not think to much.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for the peace in my weard situation. Only you know what I am going through. Only you can give me what I need. Only you know what’s coming. How my future look like. Only you know how to hlp me get through this. Thank you GOD for the peace, grace, patience, love you given me in this & for this. “

I use this picture to describes my longing for a man in my life. I stand on the road far away from the mountain which for me is a symbol of my future hubby/ husband.

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for helping me understand on the way. Thank you GOD for given me this.  Thank you GOD for your blessings. Guide my steps. Guide my future hubby. “

My doubts is there, not 24/7, but close. Is this the right time? Is this what you wants for me? How can I trust? Well GOD has given me peace lots of it every day I doubt. ❤ Every time I wonder the peace gets bigger and deeper. And his love! WOW!!

My prayers; ” Thank you GOD for this day, tmrw and the coming week and weeks. Thank you for taking care of me and my thoughts, prayers and life. ✝️ Guide him, guide me. Lead us. Bless us where we are and in what we are doing. Bless the times we will have together when that time comes.

My prayers; ” Surprice me by given me patince & knowlegde. “

And the Lord does!🙂😍❤✝️

God allowed me to try something I was sceptical to; Tinder. You have heard about it I know that. You can find all different types of websides or app’s to find love now day’s. So I ended up on Tinder. Where it’s a lot of weard people for sure! But it is also some, meaning few!, who are more interesting!

I’ve been chatting with few more interesting guys this Summer. I ended up with one (good!) And this guy is the one I have had doubts about. All this blog is about him and God... This guy have I prayed for since day one,and I believe God is with Him. He is still a bit of a mysterious person but GOD has given me peace about him. And I trust GOD about him. I don’t have a clue where this will go or lead but just the fact I have Peace for him and whatever happends is good enough for me. ✝️❤✝️

Our path is God’s path. He will LEAD US when WE trust Him.


Just some Summer pictures from Norway, Høvik.

Finally back at the gym 🏋️‍♀️😊 again. 1,5 years ago…😮 Here I am pushing legs, first time was 45kg, 53kg and 61kg. 😍😍 I still have it in me.
Today’s picture. July 17. On my way to the gym.
In my garden. 🤩
The path from the state church in Høvik.
Deichmanske library Oslo.
Moonsun Noodlebar #oslo
Sewing project, bikini top.
The Day after quiet much rain.
#høvik boat & beach area. July.2020.
🌡Outdoors vs indoors
Me on adventure.
4 days before my Summer Break from work.

Exploring Oslo’s beaches

Stilla squars / Stillatorvet.


Right now I enjoying both the temperature and a new area in Oslo where I haven’t been before.

Yesterday evening I went to Sollerud beach just by the fjord and 10min with the local bus from me.

Tomorrow I’m gonna explore an other place with a friend.

When it’s not to warm for me I love the summer!


Summer project – to sort out things.

My Summer Holiday started this last Friday after lunch. Finally. And Saturday was laundry day as normal with +29°C and wind. So all my cloths was hanging out in the wind and got dry fast. 🙃

Sunday (yesterday) I started to sort out some off my things in my wardrobe/storage room. Vacuum it cause my cat girl loves that room (which means it is a lot of cat hair there). I moved a furniture to get more space to walk on but also to be able to reach the other side off stuff to sort out.

This is my Summer project. To get rid of as much as possible (a.m.a.p.) of things I own and have inherited from someone back in time.. like a tableware with twelve mormal and small plates.. I have enough off that and I do not like what I inherited. But I want to know if they have any value.

(I had to take a break from this. So I went together with my land lady down to Oslo fjord for a swim. It was windy but +23°C in the water.) (Pic below.)

I got a tea pot and two cups on a birthday about ten years ago, which I never used.. which a friend of mine likes and will get. To give away.

I hate to have more things then I use and I have been like that since I was a kid (maybe because I have four older brothers). Every time I move I sort out. But I did not do that after we (me and two friends went to Sweden) two y.a. (to get my things who been standing in a storage for nine years.)

So now has that time come. To sort this (picture above) out. 😂😂😂


It’s soon holiday again.

It’s summer in the air and the wind is warm again.

It’s soon July and soon holiday.

Today has been okay with the weather and temperature even if I felt like I would melt away around lunchtime.. but we did have one week (last week) with 🌧🌫🌤 rain and lower temperature. Which for me was perfect!

I still have the motivation to apply for jobs. I will stop when I reasch my goal.

One and a half more week and then holiday!


Enjoy Life when you can!


Memories of 2017.

Pictures and memories of 2017.



Me stuck in a elevator, January.

February Sun.

A sign from PS:Hotell, Oslo.

Spring time…

One of the first trip outside for Sussi-P, March.

Haircut of April.

In May, I celebrated my Birthday with two close friends. Breakfast with Bobbi Jo and dinner with Athene. Had my first ice cream of the year and to do something different, took an x-ray on my back. (Below)

Summer monthes…

BBQ with friends in Torp. June.

Catch-Up time with Cheryl and her twin girls (above).

Couch Surfer from Germany, July. (Below)

Started to re-sew a blazer.

Started to re-sew a blazer.

Above flowers from August.

Below, September with it’s colourful nature.

I’ve tryed as hard as I can to go to the gym as often as I managed this year. I will try even harder next year. 🙂

Silver on adventure in the staircase. November.

I’m ending this with pictures from my christmas Holiday in Haltdalen.

with my family and a good Christmas with lots and lots of snow.

HapPy New Year to you all who are following me and my blog!!!

I wish you a Good 2018!!


Summer memories

Today the 11th of July isn’t the best day for me in the way I did something stupid yesterday and back locked it self… But hey I’m not sad for that I could if I didn’t know better. No, I’m quite happy anyway! I can write, read a book or nearly do anything. 🙂

I got happy news from dad on txt. Mom has been up & dressed and sitting in the sitting-room for 45 min today !! That’s big!! She mostly been laying bed since she got back from ER about 3 weeks ago. Dad also told me, when I talked to him yesterday, that mom just close her eyes but is awake and if someone sings for her she wants to sing along but can’t find the words. She is still with us, just in her own way. ❤

Music has been a part of her life many many years. She was a part of the church choir. She didn’t sing good but she sang because she liked it. She didn’t care what other people thought about her voice. Funny mom. 🙂 And I think it is very important for those who can’t talk as they get sick and old, that music or a pet should be more around them so they can feel and recognize something they have had around them so many years of life.

I googled “summer pictures” like those …

This is home for me.

sommar i norra sverige
It’s as normal in the summer as in the winter.


and thought why do I google it when I have my own summer pictures I can use? And what is a good summer picture for me? Is it memories with mom just because she is sick now? or is it because we had so many summers together alone without the rest of the family? Or because we did a lot of things together like berry-hunting or long walks or all those days we spend on “our” beach? Whatever it s, it is good memories with ❤ mom ❤ . I’ll find some of them! I just have to dig into my external-hard disc or maybe even into one of the boxes with photographic… But I will find them!

My own pic with Mom.

skylt v örträsk
This sign, is more home feeling then anything else..

Hilduinen, a sculpture of the man that came to our village in 1678.

And how many times hasn’t we been there, looked at this sculpture and talked about how he walked through Poland, up through the Baltic countries, Finland and in to Russland and back to Finland over the border to Sweden and to our small village. This man married a girl named Katarina from the area and I am the 5th girl after her that carries the middle-name Katarina. Isn’t that fascinating!

Both Moose and reindeer and brown bear is quite common where we have the cottage, where both me and my mother are born. We have respect for those animals. But I can’t say I am afraid of them. I’m summer grown up with wild animals in the forest, deer, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries but no apples because it’s to north up to survive the winter.

I could write so much more about this. Maybe an other time.

Happy and Thankful!

Since last blog I am Happy and Thankful for what happened during the meeting I had last Thursday. I went to this meeting at PS: Hotel to see and hear if I could start a work-experience there, and I will. I got all the information about how it work and what will be the plan for me when I start.


I will start the 1st of August. The first week will I be there – in the reception – hopefully from 0800am to 1200 (lunch) Monday to Friday. The second week I will be there also Monday to Friday 1400 to 1800. Those two weeks is all about learning as much as possible and after that I will start earlier and also work weekends.

But hey, right now I am just in the happiness-moon So Thankful I finally got a door open, have opportunity to get the opportunity to be in a Hotel reception and get the work-experience I need to get the dream-job.

This is what I have been waiting for, praying for and asked God for in my life to happened. God has been patience and given me so much patience the last year.

It is one year and one month since I was doing something where I had routines, things to do and had colleges. One more week of doing those things I have pushed a head of me… I have been to IKEA and other stores to get things I’ve needed for some time. I am going to the optician, my orthopedist those last days of this last week. And I manage to get the wrong date of my nieces Birthday. Big Ooooops! But it’s on its way in few hours.


Yea, since last blog I have actually been swimming three more times. Lovely to be in the water and swim some but the heat is not in a good combination with my body. I feel like I am a “siesta” person, that I am born in the wrong continent in the same time I know I would not survive to live in a warmer continent.


I love the winter, snow and when it is minus degrees.

In summer-time I love it when it is not more then around plus 22 degrees C, that’s perfect for my body and me! It is enough warm for me to live. Warmer and I do not live I just survive. And the different between “just survive” to actually “live” is big!


I am Happy and looking forward to start a new chapter in my life!

God is Good!


This lovely Summer-time….

I been thinking about what I’ve done for the last few month since I moved in here…It’s actually been quite much.

Since I moved in here I’ve met new people from an ecumenical Christians group, the 3rd of June I took my first swim in the Fjord, it was at least +20 C in the water. Lovely! (but I have not done it since…)

(The trip went the 18th of June with two male friends from my Church, I’ve been writing of this before so I skip it.) This week was also a creative week at home. I made some hanging baskets for my flowers, fixed some pants and made a home-made pizza.

The 11th of June had the ecumenical group a new gathering with this group. An evening in the team of “prophetic gives”. Very interesting!

The Monday after I had dinner with my friend (who been to Bible-school) and catch up time for the last year and shared with her a bit from the Saturday evening. Lovely time!

And how much that have been happening during this year in both her and my life! Good stuff!!

I went back to the same area the day after but to visit my friend with the twine’s. Great time to spend with them!!

A bit more then a moth ago now, got I a summer-haircut, a bit to short for my taste but hey my hair grows like grass. So now one and a half month later I have the length I like. 🙂

before and after.

Two days after the Sweden-trip a friend of mine came to visit me in this apartment. We had some good few hours just chatting and catching up what’s going on in each others life’s. It was nice!

I’ve been cooking both soup and dinner that now is in the freezer, I love it when I have the energy to do that and fill up my freezer.

I would love to have a bigger freezer but hey, I can’t have everything at once.

In the boxes (from Sweden) I have found so many things that I both didn’t know I was missing until I found them and off-course things I do have been missing. One of those thing was the mop-set to clean my apartment with the green soap.

I love that scent!

I found the cross-stitching box so I started to make something to a friend (I can’t write what because she hasn’t got it get).

In the end of June I had a friend (who lives in Seattle) staying in my home. Nice, cool and fun. She stayed four days. Lovely time to have! I have to get a job so I can go and stay in her home!

Bobbi Jo from Seattle.

About two weeks ago I realized I needed and wanted new shoes, some kind of boots that I could use during Spring-Summer-Autumn. A shoe I actually been looking for, for some time. So I went into a store just looking around to see if I could find something I liked. And I didn’t want something “normal” like brown or black. No I wanted something more colorful (because that’s me). But what did I buy? Brown boots. Haha moment! But I realized brown is good. They match my two brown purses I have perfectly.


I’ve been creative with fabric colors, screen print and shoe-pattern. I have not been sewing as much I’d hope for but hey I’ll do it later.

I’m on Instagram as well. By name; creativemiasimone.

new earrings for the moment.

I made pie of cherries from the garden and forest berries from the freezer yesterday. Yummy!

I’ve been to the island Bygdøy here in Oslo with a friend, to chill, talk and walk, I’ve been social with other friends on a movie (which I normally do twice a year).


I enjoy life!

So far has this summer showed us a mix of weather like thunder-storms, sun and rain still with summer-temperature between +13 C to +24 degrees C. Which I think is totally fine.

I’ve been reading books on the nights – just the thing I love to do during the summer!!! I gives me Summer-feeling maximum. A happy feeling.

I want to have a Holiday-feeling which I haven’t had since my last job…which is more then five years ago.. So maybe I’ll get some-kind of Holiday this Summer.
